I don't know, sounds kinda like bad news, no?
OMG, Brits, 100,000 - is that a lot?
A recent report from the accountants Ernst & Young echoed those comments, but additionally claimed that losing the business could have “a significant domino effect on jobs and revenue”, hitting up to 232,000 workers throughout the UK.
London’s dominance in the sector has long been a source of contention within the EU, with the French government being particularly aggressive in attempts to get in on the trades.
Britain fought a four-year battle in the courts to block an attempt in 2011 by the European Central Bank to require clearing houses with significant euro-denominated business to be based in the eurozone.
Weber’s comments now make it more likely that the bank will mount a fresh challenge by re-establishing a controversial “location policy” for the euro or by changing regulations.
Would hit the GDP really hard and low interest loans would go out the window probably but the finance sector doesn't really produce anything of value anyways. If anything, there are strong arguments that focusing on finance leads to a weaker economy overall.
A building of overlapping, even numbered stars.
>bumping your own shit bread
Many such cases. Sad!
EU dictates they leave, so its their fault, not Brexit
They can also say "we understand you need those jobs to feed and provide for your family so well make a deal with Britains for our citizens" rather then "we will sacrifice 100000 people on the altar of the EU and blame Brexit"
Maybe other countries should've stepped their game up, London was chosen because it is the best location
1. those jobs were on the way out anyway because of france bitching about euro clearing being done outside the eurozone.
2. it's very unlikely that that many jobs would be lost. you can't just up and move all that expertise that's already established in london. a lot of the work will still be done here and signed off in amsterdam or whatever.
>>bumping your own shit bread
Sorry, but you do know you cannot self-bump on Sup Forums, right?
I was merely posting text I forgot to copy into the OP.
>London was chosen because it is the best location
London was chosen because it is the largest English speaking city in Europe.
>you can't just up and move all that expertise that's already established in london
Actually, you can. 1/4th of the Euroclearing is done in the Eurozone, so the know how is there. You just need to build up more capacity on top of the existing capacity. Essentially it means that very few people actually move from London to say Paris or Frankfurt, but that those jobs will lose their jobs and French people and German people will be hired to junior positions in Paris and Frankfurt to build up the clearing services there.
>You just need to build up more capacity on top of the existing capacity.
you realise we're going to be out in 2-5 years? how are you going to manage to train up 100,000 highly skilled traders in that time to build on your "existing capacity"?
100,000 jobs is indeed a lot. Stay strong Britbros
>you realise we're going to be out in 2-5 years? how are you going to manage to train up 100,000 highly skilled traders
Less than 5% of the 100,000 jobs are "highly skilled" and for clearing purposes, NONE are traders. We are talking risk management, IT, administerial, management etc. positions in clearing houses.
Clearstream and Euroclear both have large clearing house activities in Germany and France with tens of thousands of employees.
The point is that LCH.Clearnet is in London and contracts out lots of activities to English firms. This will stop. Either LCH moves all its euro relevant activities over to the Eurozone, or its competitors take over the activity.
The bankers that gambled on the UK remaining and sent the pound falling?
The bankers that caused the 2008 credit crunch.
I hope they lose more then there jobs.
>Less than 5% of the 100,000 jobs are "highly skilled"
>up to
What does this mean, in what way are they at risk?
>at risk
Again what does this mean? How are they at risk?
so we're losing actually just 5000 skilled jobs and 95,000 jobs that can be done but most morons with a degree and a couple of years experience?
well, london is making that many new jobs every year that get filled with EU immigrants anyway so it's hardly even a noticeable. why are you getting so worked up about a net change of 0?
OMG, GERMANS 1,1 million, is that a lot? I don't know, sounds kinda like bad news, no?
I'm sure it's nothing to worry about, Finbro.
Did you cry under the shower after brexit?
What was the meme again?
Or was it less?
I think the original meme was
The eternal kraut really outdid himself.
That is nothing to worry about, we can manage it.
t.angela merkel
yes, he cried under a refugee golden shower
krauts are a fucking menace. god damn we need to have another war with you subhuman europhile fucks
The UK is finished
All hail the queen in the north
this man needs to trim his nasal hair
I dont think thats true
This this poster is correct Fuck brexit and Fuck white people
Every time I see anti British thread I go buy bottle British gin .
England has lost Scotland has won again
Scotland is being fast tracked into the EU as we speak. The business of London will relocate to Edinburgh making it the financial capital of the world. We're going to build a wall and we will make the English pay for it
>scucks actually believe this
Wasn't the number 4 million last year? Now they're claiming 100k.
>caring what senile ex-politicians think
Good lad
>100.000 jobs at risk
>non-british population of 13 milions
The solution is easy.
Well we might lose 100k banking jobs but we'll get many times that in sweeping roads and picking apples when all the poles and romanians go back.
a building of overlapping swastikas
fucking kek be praised.
well done
fucking L quints are speaking for themselves
We gotta DEUS VULT soon
KEK speaks! Let Them In!
More like euro cleansing
thanks anglo!
>100k jobs
>100k less employees in German outlets
Oh the tragedy. Let's just worry about the business with people literally threating us if we won't do it on their rules.
>Less EU middle management fags in your country
>money will no longer be going to useless beaurocrats
I don't see the problem
What's worse, losing 100,000 jobs or taking 1 million rapist migrants?
Tell us Germany. Tell us now.
What's up with the aggression against brits.
We should now, more than ever, be concerned with building a good and stable partnership with them.
Who cares? Kick out the fucking pakis brits.
Good. No jobs here now so you can all fuck off home.
Germans are fine, they are always decent people whenever I meet them. I want pakis, blacks, poles, and any other shit coloured people or white niggers from eastern europe to fuck off.
I remember 600k. That picture with the boat?
Oh look. Isn't that what everyone promised to prevent happening? Germany being superpower again? Looks like Germany has to get BTFO'd as previously agreed by the anglosphere.
Why Kek? What do you mean by these incredible digits?
>mostly bankers and traders
why do leftists suddenly care about these people
Germany kekked again
''''german'''' ''''''''americans'''''''' weren't send to europe
Third gherkin is best gherkin
same reason they're suddenly happy to hear from tony blair, osbourne, city bankers, and even the clegglet: they consider the unwashed masses to have interfered with their elitist lifestyle through their vote and will be pleased with anyone and anything involving in a negative consequence of it..
these are people that consider themseles europeans and to whom "englishness" is a dirty word so it's doubly bad because the unwashed masses that made this decision are english.
I really don't give a shit about the economy
Because you are unemployed, like most trump/brexitcucks?
This is a silly statement. It's akin to saying "I don't care if we run out of water"
The unemployed have more reason to worry about the economy than anyone. They'd be the first to starve if it collapsed.
Are you butthurt Bernie stole your money?
Bernie has never had a real job in his life.
merkel and the eu are corrupt as fuck. how can they possibly foresee a future having the UK not leave after all of these threats etc. even if they stayed the relationship now is tainted as fuck.
fucking nazi bitch
>so we're losing actually just 5000 skilled jobs and 95,000 jobs that can be done but most morons with a degree and a couple of years experience?
Yes, and those 95,000 jobs are the ones we all want in the age of automation. Those are the 8 to 5 jobs the stupid university educated masses can do.
The 5,000 jobs may look cool, but they are actually not the jobs a country wants. A country wants jobs for 95,000 paying 30k to 70k, not 5,000 jobs paying 500k on average. I am not even kidding - countries only survive if the masses have jobs.
>OMG, GERMANS 1,1 million, is that a lot? I don't know, sounds kinda like bad news, no?
It is a lot, but hey, what can we do? Greece screwed us over.
Unlike Brits, we actually acknowledge we made a grave mistake that will haunt us for ages.
>Every time I see anti British thread I go buy bottle British gin .
That is because you are a Turkroach and not a German.
All German patriots hate Anglos. Have you checked out how our cities looked before the Anglos bombed them? Do you think they ever apologized for bombing our beautiful cities?
.000 jobs at risk
>>non-british population of 13 milions
>The solution is easy.
Yeah, just that the Brits only deported 3,000 in the last 5 years. Brits hate deportations. Immigration (net) was 1.5 million in the same 5 years.
KEK is telling Brits that Brexit was a mistake and that they should take all the refugees off of Germany's hands.
Thanks Kek, I hope Brits see reason.
>What's worse, losing 100,000 jobs or taking 1 million rapist migrants?
>Tell us Germany. Tell us now.
1 million illegal migrants by far.
Last I checked you were an island and didn't get 1 million illegal migrants... rather you let in 1 million Pakis and Indians and Nigerians LEGALLY.
Pic related, it's Brexit in a nutshell
Wait, does that mean UK jobs who happen to be employing """""Europeans""""" or are they jobs that explicitly rely on EU membership to exist?
P-Pure coincidence goyim!
I was going to post this but the truth is that I didn't vote based on the economy one way or the other, there are some things more important than money.
>Wait, does that mean UK jobs
It means UK jobs currently done by Brits, Pakis and Poo in the Loos.
>Brits, Pakis and Poo in the Loos.
What's the difference at this point.
>>Pic related, it's Brexit in a nutshell
>>Nigel's accident
what?? survive then go on to successfully cause Brexit.
You Germans aren't very smart are you?!.
Reminder that Hegel was a racialist
>he was publicly humiliated and utterly rekt
>"a-at least he survived!!"
>>he was publicly humiliated and utterly rekt
When??. All see is a bitch German crying how his shitty Euro-scam is failing and how he's gonna be left holding the bill once the dust settles.
Try & hide behind how ever much ironic humor as you like! you are still a cuck
Ma'am, your vagina has no power here.
Need a tampon? :^)
what the hell is a racialist
>bohoo muh bankers
Fuck them. I never met a banker that isnt a superleft fuck living in a high class community while screaming for more nignogs for the workers to deal with
>I never met a banker that isnt a superleft fuck
You should meet Trump's cabinet :^)