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Yup he's 100% anti-civil liberties. He will sign bills reauthorizing the Patriot Act, NDAA, FISA, and take us into even more bullshit wars.

>Sup Forums will defend this
>on a fucking website based around anonymity

>implying companies weren't already buying your internet history

Because those ads we just really fucking good at guessing what you looked up on Amazon 5 minutes ago

>not using ublock origin

You've got to look at (((who))) is behind this.

Here's a hint: It's not Trump

Trump is a business wizard, not an internet one, he is probably being advised on online security matters by (((them))) who know that they can't push it through the democrats so they'll use the republicans instead. They just tell Trump "Oh yeah online anonymity is bad we need to get the data on everyone to catch the terrorist right wi-errr I mean islamists"

Some of Trump's advisers had a vindictive and evil agenda and are using his ignorance on internet privacy matters to fuck over the American people.

Mark my words, this will eventually become a weapon that radical leftists use to harm political enemies.

Someone needs to redpill Trump about this shit, the mans got America's best interests at heart and evil (((people))) are taking advantage of it

guaranteed governments will start introducing bans on adblocks. Liberals and the US government are retarded enough to do it at least

they can try

>It's not Trump

Oh course not, he's got Dementia


So he's Obama part 2 aka Bush part 3 aka Clinton part 4 aka ...

haha that is a nice picutre :P lol xD i get it its cuz his ugly hair is all messed up and his hands are tiny so his penis is tiny too xD lol

Just give up at this point

A fucking Gulf shithole.

cuck tears for being quadricucked


not an argument

>literally isis whos posting this
Go back to raping and beheading kids you n00blet

I for one want a president who'll research shit before he signs it.

>UK flag
Sure thing, Mehmet.


>More members of ISIS came from UK than the UAE

Fellow Emarati, dude Where do u live ?

I currently live at Dubai, Al Qusais 3.

>more members of ISIS came from UK than the UAE

I live by Dubai Too, So U are An U.A.E Citizen ?

Yes, i am, i've been a citizen since 23 years (1995)

well i immigrated back in 2008, So U Red-pilled ?




The only people mad about this are ones that don't know the existing privacy laws and think that a company can explicitly buy YOUR data as they need and have you identified with the data.




Say what you want about Trump, at least he's seen balloons before

Privacy laws are a joke tbqh.

>Yup he's 100% anti-civil liberties
This has nothing to do with civil liberties - choose an ISP that won't sell your data

swendglen :]
surely optimum online is one of these isp's, heh!...

You are such a good little goy

pls mr government save us from the evil corporations!!!!

How many slaves do you own?

what about him wanting hate speech laws like the ones in the UK?

move countries?

I'm obviously against that and hadn't heard of it. source?

>the footage of him holding theresas hands to help him down those tiny stairs

give me a second to find it, they discussed trump in parliament and its messing up my Google searches.

he talked about both doing that and "opening up" libel laws to sue media.

>DEFEDE: Again you’ve brought up the press. In the past you have talked about wanting to amend laws to and rework things to make it easier to sue do you think there is too much protection allowed in the first amendment?

>TRUMP: Well in England they have a system where you can actually sue if someone says something wrong. Our press is allowed to say whatever they want and get away with it. And i think we should go to a system where if they do something wrong… I’m a big believer tremendous believer of the freedom of the press. Nobody believes it stronger than me but if they make terrible, terrible mistakes and those mistakes are made on purpose to injure people. I’m not just talking about me I’m talking anybody else then yes, i think you should have the ability to sue them.

>DEFEDE: So you’d like the laws to be closer to what they have in England?

>TRUMP: Well, in England you have a good chance of winning. And deals are made and apologies are made. Over here they don’t have to apologize. They can say anything they want about you or me and there doesn’t have to be any apology. England has a system where if they are wrong things happen.

bonus meme tweets I found on an article, its hilarious

>t...the market will regulate everything!

What fucking country do you actually live in?

so we should let the jews continue to run lie factories
got it


This is a regulation that the Obama administration came up with 6 months ago in order for websites to write the headlines they do and people like you to have the reactions you do right now. It never even went into effect, was supposed to at the end of the year. Absolutely nothing changes to how things have been before this year.

Republicans specifically have problems with the FCC being given power to handle these issues instead of the FTC. So my guess is that the whole thing is some political power play.

This doesn't mention hate speech laws and isn't advocating criminal charges for libel