You hate gay people, user?!
Well, you must be closeted, poopsie.
You hate gay people, user?!
Well, you must be closeted, poopsie.
why are gay people so intolerant of those with differing opinions than them?
You hate straight people? Well you must be a closeted straight person
eyyyyy toni bomboni just listen to his macedonian asmr
tho jokes aside there is nothing wrong with gay people i just don't like gay parades.
People always make stupid comments on rare flags, but that is kinda rare. Rarest one I have seen is isle of mann.
my rarest one is saudi arabia only saw it once
There are two responses, either the factual
>just checked the american psychiatric association diagnostic and statistical manual (sdm-5) and nope, homophobia still doesn't exist, it's just a made up buzzword to shame opponents of gay anything
or the logical
>then i suppose all gays are secretly closet christians
Either way, you'll cause butthurt. A few years ago at lunch, a gay coworker was going on and on about some commiefornia bill and labeled everyone he disagrees with as homophobes, I used the first of the two arguments and ended up getting called into human resources. The cunt HR manager wanted to give me a write-up for creating a hostile environment and I refused to sign saying that someone made a derogatory statement about heterosexual people, I pointed out the findings of the APA and passed no personal judgement. She tried giving me a verbal warning which I also refused to sign off on. 5 years later, still work there, cunt still doesn't bother me, faggot left to work somewhere else a few years ago because gays don't get along with anyone and eventually get butthurt and leave.
tldr; be abrasive on Sup Forums, kill them with kindness in the real world.
I don't know where this sterotype that gays hate conservatives formed?
I'm gay (haha fag) and I am strongly to the right.
So is my boyfriend.
And our fuckbuddies.
Yes, gays have alot of sex, but we're not all faggots. Most gays think with common sense and aren't brainwashed.
People need to leave gay affairs alone.
It has nothing to do with politics.
Sick dude.
>human being
Pick one.
You are a birth defect and a reproductive dead end.
"Homophobe"? No one is afraid of you, we are disgusted by you.
You are similar to dog shit on the bottom of a shoe. No one is afraid of that, but they are naturally disgusted by it.
And the reason why your suicide rate is so high? Because deep down inside, you know there is something wrong with you.
they'll just turn on you anyways, like they do with any gays. If you're not pure, you don't matter. On that note, have fun with that whole turning away all potential allies, like you did BasedStickMan, Aryan wannabes. I hope terrorists kill you fucks.
>You hate heroin, user?!
>Well, you must be a closeted junkie
I never understood how not hating something means you must in reality love it.
>I don't know where this sterotype that gays hate conservatives formed
Because homosexualism is a anathema for conservatives. They're mutually exclusive
That's like saying "I don't know where this stereotype that whites hate niggere formed"
Are you scared of Pence?
why are any people so intolerant of those with different opinions than them?
I'm starting to like it when people post gay threads. Gives me more chances to share redpills.
>The Sodomite Agenda vs. Reality
Be faithful to your man, harlot.
Antifas are closeted nazis.
It comes from the behaviour that some gays exhibit when they're closeted and around homophobes.
They overdo their own homophobia to make sure that no one ever accuses them of being gay.
You are not hetero, user?!
Well, you must be mentally ill, poopsie.
I don't care about normally behaving homosexuals, I don't hate you faggots since you're not relevant enough to be hated, but I don't like faggots who think their inferiority(homosexuality) make them somewhat special or desired, it's a kind of pity, not hate.
true, but considering how worthless females are, they almost make me want to be gay. Almost
Sup Forums looking for anything to be outraged about.
i honestly don't give a shit
May i ask which ethnicity this person is?
Depends. Sometimes that logic works. Just think about Frat bro's that shout about pussy all day and then suck each other's dicks
Nobody gives a fuck what you do in the bedroom. Its the fact that you take your sexuality outside of the bedroom that people are sick of. Its the propoganda, the constant in our face shit in all forms of media from news, magazines, movies and tv shows. Its the fact for a lot of the gay "community" your whole life revolves around you being gay, and have absolutely no personality outside of it. Its the fact that a massively disproportionate amount of pedophiles are homosexual. The fact that you and your hollywood overlords have run so rampant that even disagreeing with anything gays say or do is labeled as "phobic". Its your double standard arguments, false equivalence to nature, and increasingly hostile attitude towards people who dont want their children to see a massive group of assless chap wearing attention whores parading down the street. If two dudes want to be a dick sucking ouroboros, than go ahead, but stop fucking telling me about it.
True but gay ppl are cunty about it
>the argument that if you hate something you are secretly part of it
things that exist in reality are on tv, big deal, do you get upset when there's violence on tv too?
I don't hate gay people. I think sodomy is sinful and degenerate. There's a difference.
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all sodomy? even pegging or doing it to a girl?
Let me break this down and give you guys the basic gestalt here.
>"The Truth about the Sodomites (Homosexuals)" Hard Preaching by Pastor Anderson
No, because violence is normal fag.
never said it wasn't, just that people are gay so why wouldn't characters be?
That was never the argument. What i was saying was is everytime you look any type of media there is more fag propaganda each day. And any time its called out you are immediately labled as phobic.
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everyone is cunty about you cunt.
anyway the actual scientific reason you hate people who are different from you is that tribal mentality favors competition between outgroups and in modern society tribes do not exist so we ascribe to other groups in their place and fight "wars" against the idiots on the other side, when really this only increases diversity and lack of resolution on any arguenment.
I like this guy, I'm about 50 minutes in.
>everyone who hates x must secretly love x
powerful, and really makes you think
what's the point in calling it out? why does it matter?
i don't really watch tv, i think it's all mostly boring, but i don't see why it matters that it's there