Which is the superior personality type and why is it ENTP?
Also, post your types and explain how you see the world.
Which is the superior personality type and why is it ENTP?
Also, post your types and explain how you see the world.
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Oh, and which is the shit-tier personality type?
How I see the world - MBTI personalities are a small core of good ideas (the basic personality axes themselves), surrounded by a huge pile of made-up elaboration, confirmation bias, and the equivalent of cold reading designed to tell you a feel-good story about yourself that has no basis in reality.
We had a three our lecture on this in my engineering class this morning. The lecturer insisted the test to be a way to understand each other and consider each personality type and how best to cooperate and approach it. I argued that setting boundaries on a personality is a certain way to limit one's expression and that we should encourage boundary elimination to encourage free thinking creativity.
She responded by berating me for not accepting other personalities and accusing me of having a bias towards my own type to protests from other classmembers.
It made me think of how placing people into categories is probably a good tactic for molding people into cogs of a process.
your do realize that these shitty tests exist to measure you up for marketing, right?
Whatever the motivation, it's literally all made up.
Look at physics for example. In physics it's easy to see how there are actual right answers to things that correspond to reality, and there are also tons of cranks who make up elaborate theories that sound totally convincing to them, but don't correspond to anything real because they are never tested against reality with the attitude of "in what way might this idea be wrong?"
If someone tells you a complex story like "this is your personality, and here are all the complex traits it has" but has no evidence for their claims, 99% odds it's just made up. Making up shit like this is a hugely popular avademic pastime.
IIRC there is actual evidence for the MBTI personality axes themselves as something that really exists in a statistical sense. The rest is literally astrology without the stargazing.
Daily reminder that this classification is a made up shit by a lithuanian jewess
Wanna grab the world by its balls. Once I get my degree finished its gonna be cocaine and whores all the way. Also I want a trophy wife that can spit out some children.
These things are stupid and I can never get consistent results on these tests. Each one calls me something different.
INFP. You can be the most intelligent person in the world, but if you're unable to be sensitive to other people's energies, they're not going to be receptive to what you have to say.
Not overly-sensitive in the SJW sort of way, but sensitive enough to empathize and make other people feel like their presence is also being received by you.
how fucked am I
>I feel so much that I actually feel for other people
Faggot we ENTPs might have best ideas but we're not able to sell or implement them, we just make them for lols but we're fucked.
That would be because a proper test isnt going to be found on a free website, and if it had enough questions to give you a fairly accurate answer, it would be far too long for the attention span of free website users
I don't like surprises, every situation is a game of chess. I'm constantly thinking through scenarios and readjusting as new information comes in.
So do you agree that this thread is pointless?
Australia not willing to pay money.
Tell me something I don't know.
>paying for the internet to tell you your intellectual starsign
You aren't worth the bandwidth it would take to upload a reaction image.
MBTI is reddit tier cancer
It's basically a horoscope for pseudo intelectuals
>Implying I can't afford to waste my hard earned money.
Go back to the dingo farm and buy some more beer.
>hahahaha I enjoy eating shit so fuck you
why are you guys so fucking beta honestly
its because you are a fucking kid who is all over the place and lies to himself, and is answering properly
Mbti is a useful tool for babby's first personality psychology, but people are far more malleable than the boundaries set up by it.
Make your own observations with an ever critical eye
>t. Intp
INTJ because it allows the wealthy to crowdsource political campaign strategy without paying anyone a dime.
E or I NTJ
>lies to himself, and is answering properly
Am I retarded if this doesn't add up?
>tfw to intelligent for meme-profiling
anything that starts with i needs to be removed from the gene pool honestly
Sup Forums is 80% INFP
>She responded by berating me for not accepting other personalities and accusing me of having a bias towards my own type to protests from other classmembers.
that is fucking retarded and literally the opposite of what you said
Gee too bad natural selection gives zero fucks about your opinion
jesus christ i obviously meant is not
I got this for my personality.
Just wish I did not have so much anxiety.
introversion isnt sexually attractive on a man so idk what the FUCK ur point is 2bh
INTP Master Race reporting in. We are always thinking and problem solving. Tiresome, but beneficial.
but i'm also on the autism spectrum which is much more significant
I think that I am answering as close to properly as is possible. The trouble is that the answers to these questions are never broad enough. They too regularly go into issues which have more to them than yes/no.
Lamarck was right and you are right. Your opinions transfer to your children in an extremely loose sense.
>what kind of a car do you like?
>Your results are out: You like BMWs
>"WOOOOOOOOOOOW dude like DUUUUUDE this is so fucking truuuuuu wooooooow"
>master race
the real corporate world works on teams mate. hate to break it to you but introversion is a red flag that the human resource girls like to pick on.
INTP here. INTJs are so cringey it's embarrassing. They think they're these affable/charismatic and highly intelligent guys when in actuality they come across as being full on fedora tippers.
At least INTPs know they're autistic and just look high all of the time.
INTP and ISTP, varies depending on the test.
Good combination though imo.
INTP here. INTJs are so cringey it's embarrassing. They think they're these affable/charismatic and highly intelligent guys when in actuality they come across as being full on fedora tippers.
At least INTPs know they're autistic and just look high all of the time.
ISTJ master race reporting in.
I'm entj and one day I will lead you wretches in battle.
Also I'm a bit of a social butterfly so let's get drunk
post ur fuckin picture dick head
looks like this :
Any male that describes himself as a "social butterfly" should go ahead and shoot them self in the face.
>working for someone else
middle of the road here, I guess
gl doing corporate without a team you fucking idiot
INFJ with extreme intuition. I can make insanely accurate assumptions and appear to know multitudes more than I really do after receiving basic knowledge on a topic, however I never opine on things I have not properly researched and I form opinions over a long period of time. I follow no ethical or logical code because it's silly to think you have figured things out yet, I plan to spend a few more years rapidly changing my worldview until I have personally experienced enough opinions and perspectives to build the nietzchean ubermensch mindset.
I am trying to use linguistics as little as possible in thinking and to instead think through images and associations, something which I am already good at which leads to an extraordinarily deep level of understanding which cannot be logically explained as it is rooted in magical/associative thinking. I see connections in everything (the source of human creativity is perceiving connections) which is very useful for learning about the world.
Sensor-types get out
tldr lol
I have taken like 10 of these tests I always get the same, except once I got some other ent - something but I consider that a fluke
Don't be so insecure my man
INTP, which means less of a douchebag than an ENTP
I bet you came after writing that post
>introversion isnt sexually attractive on a man so idk what the FUCK ur point is 2bh
I guess my point is that if what you're saying means anything, I*** personality types will slowly dwindle and go extinct in their own due time. And if you're wrong, they will persist as they have for thousands of years.
Same bro
Im ready for war
That shit is so true!
ENTJ master race.
INFP master race
That's all very pretentious.
If you used an online test to type yourself, be aware that your result is most likely inaccurate.
If you want to be typed effectively, read up on the 8 cognitive functions and how the function stack works. This is the only way you'll understand mbti and use it to gain insight into who you are.
> so many people think they are ENTJs
I've met one or two people in my entire life that I couldn't shit on. Fuck off pretenders.
INTJ and ENTJ are the only good ones.
what the fuck i just redid it and now i am a girl
Hello fellow vagina
ahaha you are a shit version of me
suck my dick
> sucking cock
A very Ozzie trait.
Is this what autism looks like?
>why are you guys so beta
>41% "feeling"
where are ur 100 percents at mate
its called being balanced u fuckin autist
see your own answer you retarded abo
I'm "balanced".
Said no Alpha in history.
INTP master race here
can u fucking read graphs mate i got 2 100% lad
I'm borderline I/ENTP-A.
ESTP Male and INFP (or ENFP) Female is best relationship.
who else /INFP/ here
I want to confirm my hypothesis that all INFPs like power metal
Adventurer. Interested in culture and art. Pretty balanced down the line exfept I am quite extroverted
>Personality types
>what is superior
Why does it make you're a sociopath either way, so am I, so is everyone here. You don't PICK a personality, it's innate.
You're moody like a high strogen beta.
Nah, I stick with classic rock.
I hate power metal. I'm into chillwave, old school country, and 90's pop.
I'd really like a discussion with you off from here I like your take but I have my own tweaks on your thoughts,
but I somewhat appreciate your mental efforts thus far as presented as well as you seeming mindset
The second INFJ should be INFP
>Never have fun
>Bizarrely organized
nigger fuck right off ENTJ's are either full autismo like that description or they are very charismatic natural born leaders.
nah its called being a normal human being with a normal human physiological response to external stimuli, instead of being a brain dead meth head or autist 2bh
INTJ is the last redpill
I joke about my autistic super power (sharpening blades) but, no, sadly I'm just an INTJ.
>running shit
lol what the bottom 6 are corporate the top 6 is never getting employed tier
I'm turbo N too, but you just sound autistic.
I don't agree with the whole ''superior'' shit, but your personality type can change. Depends what you do with your lifestyle.
INTJ. Life is suffering. If you aren't super cool guy contributing shit to society then you are a shut-in NEET with 0(Zero) social life, usually pitied or reviled by your own family. There's no in-between. We are the autism.