>"in 2016 he interned for Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign."
There it is
>"in 2016 he interned for Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign."
There it is
>"in 2016 he interned for Donald Trump’s presidential campaign."
What school would accept him?
10 bucks he's taking the piss
He probably had high enough test scores to qualify for automatic admission, but you still have to send out the completed application.
I had the same thing happen, but I just chose to write N/A on all the essays and got in fine.
Of course Sup Forums wouldn't know anything about applying to universities because you're all inbred, uneducated losers.
Man what the fuck
>4.7 GPA
>Presidentual scholar candidate
>1520/1600 SAT
>Shit tons of research
>Straight white male
>Rejected from UCLA, Yale, Harvard
I was waitlisted to Cornell, accepted at other top schools but fuck college admissions
pick one
have fun being a shill to a school and being in eternal debt
When you're accepted you'll be paying 5x the shitskins too.
I think even the most moronic activist could see this just cheapens these institutions.
>Monique Judge
How does this make you feel?
/1600 SAT
You mean 1520/2400. Which is a crummy score. Unless you are submitting SAT's you took over a decade ago.
As a congressman said to Obama - You lie!
enjoying your white privilege goy?
by the way you have german heritage so you owe 6 gorillion shekels for Holocaust reparations
It's out of 1600 again
Man, the university system in America is so mind boggling. Pretty sure the only thing universities here look at are your grades unless you can prove some sort of special circumstance that should give you special consideration. And if you're native, but they're usually too drunk to bother leaving the reserves.
Actually paid off my debt after a single year of work. Have fun living in your mom's place or renting your entire life because you'll never afford a house flipping burgers, dumbass.
wew lad i hate america
Then leave.
So to go to a university in the US you have to write a bunch of essays to them?
Literally none
What's your point?
Here you need an essay, most schools require at least 2 teacher recommendations, almost all want a counselor recommendation
Some schools want multiple essays, UCLA wants 4, the ivy leagues want usually 3 essays and multiple supplement questions
Don't get me started on U of Chicago
>inbred uneducated losers
sorry I'm not muslim or a nigger or a muslinigger
>not saying you identify as Hispanic on the application because you're 12.5% Spanish
foolish goyim
Stanford doesn't have automatic acceptance. It's not a shitty state school.
How much time do you spend with counsellors? How can they possibly give an informed recommendation for every student that would request one?
They're you're counselor for four years
Whenever you schedule your classes you meet with them, if something happens you need to talk about you go to the counselor
You meet with them multiple times a year
Usually recommendations are just "So and so is a determined student, blah blah blah"
Teacher recommendations is where all the red meat is
Liberty University?
University of South Carolina?
Right. Hence the colonial looking home and pool in the background and his nice blazer.
Schools in the south
What's the point of even going to that kind of school? I guess if you have the money it's fine but otherwise you're just falling for Jew tricks.
Clown school
BBC worship academy
Russian mail order bride workshop of New Jersey
Have him study abroad in Sweden
>Actually paid off my debt after a single year of work.
Statistically speaking, you're a drug dealer or a liar.
But muh institutional racism theory says this is impossible.
>automativ admission
Nigger please, white people with 4.0 gpas and nearly perfect SATs/ACTs get turned away on a routine basis.
>Not white
>Unapologetic mudslime
>Supports BLM
>Soft corner for mudslime nigs
Get fucked Yanks. This is your future.
-sent from designated shitting street
The Wharton School
>Automatic acceptance
This is bait, but you're still retarded. Try harder next time.
Private University: The only qualification for entry that cannot be waved away is the tuition.
Your visas are gone now. Enjoy waiting for that dream of 2020 superpower, it'll never come. Your caste will still be telling stories of the vengeful loo witch in 20 years.
Also if your a international student with a shitload of money, That's how a lot of chinks get through.
>Interned for Her
And he's still standing out in the fucking rain.
Trump University
Dude this is performance art.
we will never be a superpower. this country will always be a poohole. But fun watching you go down the shitter. Your universities are the source of all SJW cancer which is spreading all over the world. I'd nuke you burgers in a heartbeat.
As long as those burgers are of the vegan variety.
Is there any reason to NOT lie about your race and "gender" to get easier acceptance into Ivy Leagues?
Well soon you'll be able to indentify as anything since genetics are a cispatriarchal tool of opression, it's already done for race and gender in various contexts so it will be normal.
>1520 SAT
pleb. Try 2350, on the real fucking SAT not the 2/3 bitch version.
No I always put "jewish" on those things and say that I'm a Hungarian jew to everyone.
I've got 2 internships in big American multinational companies and graduated with 10k in my bank account and no debt. Which is really good considering my flag.
what the fuck do you even research in HS anyway? You sound like a scummy upper middle class WASP t b h.
Freedom breeds degeneracy..
No country that doesn't embrace freedom can rise above the poo.
>Source, article, domain name and publisher name not in screenshot
>People still believe him
why even doubt shit like this anymore?
Do they check it at all?
No, nobody ever asked me about it.
I do have a slightly larger nose proportional to my face though.
Great, I have a rather large nose as well, I might use this.
Why don't you just shoot all the people too retarded to use a toilet?
Doubting things is healthy.
Doubt CNN.
Doubt Fox.
Doubt MSNBC.
Doubt the Internet.
You know it used to be out 1600 and went back to 1600 again right?
>believing that a 4.7 student with his credentials can get a 1520/2400 on SAT
lol. You should just not believe what he says before making that conclusion
>mfw my sister did one of those DNA tests and came back with 5% Iberian Peninsula
>mfw I put "hispanic" on all applications with a straight face now
As a self-identified Hispanic man (12.5% Spanish) this misuse of our identity disgusts me. I should be the only white man stealing the diversity bux.
Tell me why? At the west everything is done only for profit, where is there any profit for Stanford?
You're not getting into stanford on test scores alone kiddo
Oompa Loompa Ivy
Cornell is a bumfuck middle-of-nowhere garbage-tier 'school.' Ivy lmao
>most important things about this little faggot are that he's Muslim and a leftist shill.
minstrelsy by any other name.
>>Shit tons of research
Do you mean you were applying for graduate school at these places and the research is from college? Cause I've never heard of any high school research.
University of Phoenix or DeVry
The major universities receive government funding (grants for research) as well as donations from alumni. Some endowments have been well invested and sit in the billions.
Undergraduate education is just one piece of what universities do.
I wonder why that would be
Maybe he built a clock also.
No, I was involved in out of school climate research with some Indian kids
It was nothing big but we had a paper published
(Different ID same person)
What a fucking joke of a country
I thought poos hated mudslimes?
Trump University
Liberty University
Some random Christian University
In Canada only Waterloo and U of T ask for supplemental applications. unless it's a specialized program. most of the time you pay the $140 and apply to 3 universities on OUAC and wait to get accepted if you have high enough grades
>not saying you're part Mexican or part Jewish in order to get in
What a dumb goy you are Matthew
Full of Chinks, niggers, and worst of all, hippies
Man that's bull shit I'm over here busting my ass working and going to college(trying to transfer and I'm also taking care of my little sister ) ....ahh Fuck it I'll just kill myself in 5 years if shit doesn't come threw
>Muhammad Ali shirt
It was such a great day when that nigger died.
His funeral services being at the KFC Yum Center was some funny fucking shit
>KFC Yum Center
>It's real
This leaf tells the truth.
Truth be told: only way to graduate and have life goals is to graduate from these 5 unis:
Queen's (anything)
McGill (anything)
UFT (hard sciences and eng)
UBC (hard sciences and eng)
Waterloo (math and eng)
If you didn't go to those schools and didn't take the programs in brackets, you're SOL.
Guys, we should start a Sup Forums University.
What courses would we teach?
>REEE at normies 101
>Holocaust and other modern tales
>Introduction to memeology
>Advanced memeology
>Traps and heterosexuality
>Digit prediction
>asst. dean
Man, Sup Forums used to be really bluepilled.
So glad it got over its libertarian phase.
Why did you repost it?
already exists. welcome to Sup Forums.
I'm a sick little faggot
We need to make a massively updated version of this.
So many stale memes we haven't used or referenced in years.
>be a white male
>major in chemistry
>get zero handouts
>get zero curves
>women professors never give me any help
>Indian and black girl students seem to get As just for showing up to class
>constantly getting their grades changed for whining
>finally get my BA in chemistry
>sjw professor gives me an F and drops my final gpa into the 2.0 range
I wish I just learned a trade, academia was a trap. Those fuckers nearly made me flunk out.
Your sister probably has a different dad though.
fucking trap shit
fuck you fags
i'm a fag now i guess
I seriously don't get the love everyone had for a guy who's career was just him talking shit and chimping out.
Probably just practical STEM and philosophy. We'd have to adopt liberal arts to get accredited though.