Quick rundown: >We're a mafia state ran by an interest group Factions: >SNS (ruling party) and their zombie supporters (pensioners and gubmint parasites). Supposedly pro-EU >(((college students))) aka delusional liberal sell outs, LGBT activists, hipsters and others, probably Soros Our guys: >none
Second night of anti-government protests expected tonight
So you are trying to tell me that Ljuba Zemunac was a based dude?
Robert Hughes
Thomas Butler
Vucic is what Serbia needed, hes not perfect but all things considered he will do more good
Nathaniel Reed
Ovde bi nekima i Orvel pozavideo :^)
Noah Taylor
>>none and it will stay that way until we change the protests course against the entire political elite and independent organisations. Nobody who is serious about a revolution will side with the current protest. This is Oct.5 v2, but it just needs a gentle push by somebody who is pure to redirect the anger toward Vucic to the entire political elite. Only then we can get the job done
Liam Thomas
Diaspora doesn't get a right to speak faggot.
Levi Cooper
Jebo bi obe dbi
Zachary Smith
obe pojebat nesto kontam bas bi bio sevap
Blake Barnes
And who is pure in your opinion?
Hudson Wright
The only thing is happening is that asses of opposition and leftists scum are on fire because of so much butthurting and being rekt in the same.
Owen Barnes
Carter Clark
Question, are there people here RIGHT NOW who unironically support Vucic, or do they just hate these pseudo-intellectual college students more?
Looked forward to more clumsily translated idioms, shitflinging and near-schizophrenic just-connect-the-dots-maaaan conjecture.
And also while everybody may be smarter than everybody else here, you're not as smart as I am.
Cooper Hughes
Odjebi Nebojša
Adrian Morris
You are dumb, I'm the smartest. Prove me wrong >protip: you can't
Xavier Reed
We don't chimp out like you do in the US, burger. The police crackdowns in the Balkans are hardcore, they won't just sit there and watch you devastate the city, they'll straight up infiltrate the protest with undercover agents and stir shit up in order to give a reason for the armed forces (police, gendarmes, special forces) to intervene.
They don't fuck around, hence why most of the massive protests will be peaceful as fuck - because most people realize what the police are doing every single time, resulting in the protesters self-policing themselves in order to not give a reason for police intervention.
Also, police here will straight up beat you with glass bottles that are wrapped in towels (this results in internal bleeding, with no outside marks to attest the beating). As I've said, they don't fuck around with protesters.
Also, be glad you are being ruled by the "supposedly" pro-EU government. I unironically praise the recently elected socialist government in Romania, even thought I'm a hardcore right-winger. Why? The opposition - liberals - are literally SJW democrats that would welcome refugees with open arms the moment they take power.
As you might have noticed, the socialists in the Balkans are running on a nationalistic-traditionalist platform. Hell, the socialists in Romania recently amended the Constitution in order to stipulate that a nuclear family is composed out of a man and a woman, essentially destroying any pro-gay rights movement.
I'd take that a million times over these shitty liberal, multicultural, EU-loving pieces of shit.
Jaxson Ramirez
He's a big govt Obama lite shill. He doubled the public debt, while gdp per capita actually went down.
Which is an amazing achievement if you think about it, since government spending is a part of the GDP.
What will happen next is, interest rates will continue to decline, inflation is going to go up and there will be hyperinflation and an economic crisis either towards the end of his term, or just after he leaves office.
Buy Swiss Francs and gold and screencap this.
Connor Anderson
Mnogo prdim kad pijem surutku. Jel to normalno? Poceo sam da je pijem da bih nabacio malo misicne mase
Blake Long
First for re-establishment of the >Waffen-Gebirgsjäger Regiment der SS 60 (serbische nr.1)
>pic related: Serbian Partisan-Hunters of the 24. SS
Also >inb4 Serbian Tito-fanboys
Oliver Walker
Until you all learn to work and support yourselves you need our money so stfu
Connor Walker
second option, bro. Same thing happened in Romania, socialists won and the pseudo-intellectual SJW college students went out to protest, even thought they didn't even vote.
I unironically support the socialist government, as a right-winger, against these pieces of shit.
They can protest after they find a job and move out of their parents house.
Charles Perez
A sta ces reci otome sta Rusia hoce da napravi gasovod po balanku koji be enormno pomogao balkanskim drzavama, a EU/NATO/US ne daju to?
Adrian Gomez
I wish that foreignfags could understand the most redpilled speech in history.
i don't support vucic. I voted against. I fucking hate these leftist shills.
Daniel Richardson
I find it pretty cool Serbs know two different alphabets. Very rare in the modern world. I think only some Indians and Mongolians do the same. I'm guessing Cyrillic is only used in government, media and education, while you reserve Latin alphabet for talking online with Westerners and or reading? Which one do you like better?
Aaron Murphy
Please protect Transylvania from SJWs
>pic related
Cooper Bailey
Jel zivis u 2007-oj ili tako nesto? Taj projekat je davno otkazan. Plus Ruski gas najskuplje placamo heh
Logan Mitchell
I am actually buying the suggested currency. Don't have much but in few years I know they will worth much more.
John Morris
English! I can't learn about Serbian Politics if you speak Serbian.
Ich spreche auch kein deutsch
Jackson Sanders
I have found a new kind of respect for him, despite the fact that he's shit. The butthurt of libtard city-dwellers is just so enjoyable.
Carson Gomez
Ovdje palacmo EU energetiku najvise. Skupjle placamo energetiku nego sta placaju u evropi a standard nam je ko Botswana.
Aiden Jenkins
You got it right. I think people like cyrilic more but it doesn't really matter, some newspapers use latin and some cyrilic, I usually don't even pay attention to that.
Michael Reyes
Holy fuck, thanks for that pic germanbro, will read it as soon as I can get my hands on it.
Also, Transylvania is doing just fine, the SJW's are concentrated in Wallachia, mainly in the degenerate cesspool called Bucharest.
t. Bucharest dweller
Fun-fact: out of all of my friends, relatives and circles of known people, I only know 2 people that would have voted for Trump in the US elections. That pretty much tells you everything about Wallachia (also known as the extension of US SJW Democratic values in Romania)
Jacob Gutierrez
You can't speak German? wtf?
Skuplja nam je cena Ruskih energenata nego Americkih. Proveri pa ces se uveriti druze.
Henry Campbell
desu back in 2008 when we still had something representing political discourse and a two party system, I was the only one of my group of friends that voted for SRS while everybody else was busy getting drunk and celebrating DS victory. On one hand, SRS was cucked and their supporters showed their true colors, on the other, DS literally pardoned that fat fuck Dacic and his communist supporters.
I really don't know who I hate more, the young supporters of DS or SNS. Both groups are drug using degenerates desu and should be glassed.
Grayson Sullivan
Russian "south pipeline" route got canceled in 2007 and we are paying the gas quite expensive.
Sorry those are rural suburban Vucic voters, city people voted for Vucic.
Cameron Jones
Taj post od Dveri na tviteru je zajebancija zatk sto su njih spustili za jedan glas
Christopher Lee
Both alphabets can be used in government, but we prefer more Latin because the rest of the world use it more than Cyrillic one.
Lucas Gray
Why is serbia so cucked right now? What happened?
Aiden Johnson
Did a provjerim druze, Makedonija ima samo statistike o tome koliko su jadni stanovi pojeftinili i koliko su kipova izgradzeni.
Carson Brown
>Quick rundown: >>We're a mafia state ran by an interest group >Factions: >>SNS (ruling party) and their zombie supporters (pensioners and gubmint parasites). Supposedly pro-EU >>(((college students))) aka delusional liberal sell outs, LGBT activists, hipsters and others, probably Soros >Our guys: >>none
You have the answer literally in the first god damn post.
Dominic Ross
Знaм, aли њихoвa гyзoбoљa oкo измишљeних кpaђa cвaки пyт кaд изгyбe јe пpeвишe oткaчeнa дa јe нe yкљyчим y cликy.
Thomas Hughes
Post qt srpkinje pls My pimpek gets hard for srpkinje with nice tits
Zachary Turner
what exactly is going on in Serbia right now? Could someone give a better explanation for the protests?
I'd ask my family in Serbia but they're pretty biased leftists.
Placamo ruski gas po evropskoj tarifi, a ne po snizenoj ceni koju placa recimo Belorusija. S tim sto jos imamo neke Bajatoviceve ortake kao posrednike pa nam i oni deru kozu sa ledja.
Carter Adams
Perfect recap. Couldn't done it better.
Cameron Hernandez
No, i said "I also don't speak german" meaning "Please don't speak serbian because i also don't speak german"
"Ich kann kein deutsch sprechen" would be "I can't speak german"
Danke! This is BS, if the Russians can provide lots of gas to Serbia, they should be able to do so, i wonder who meddled in this deal so it got cancelled
Wyatt Lewis
imas par stranica na fejsu posvecenih njegovom liku i delu
Justin Allen
Here's a basic gestalt: >Vučić is basically Merkel with nationalist rhetoric >Janković is basically a non-corrupt Hillary >Serbs are politically retarded, we vote for people instead of policy >Vučić uses nationalist rhetoric to pander to patriotic voters >Janković uses libshit rhetoric to pander to city-dwelling faggots >in reality, political positions of Vučić and Janković are essentially the same >Vučić wins in a landslide because there are more patriots than libshits
Gavin Taylor
>i wonder who meddled in this deal so it got cancelled
We meddled ourselves, you can't sit firmly on two dicks at the same time.
Lucas Wood
What you on about? Serbia is nowhere near hyperinflation, it has an actual positive real interest rate right now, better than here in Aus
Joshua Peterson
I asked what happened, not how the situation is now, dumb gypsie.
Kevin Jones
What we're seeing is a massive degradation of society and all aspects of it. The PM who is also the current president elect has consolidated power, by any definition he is a full blown dictator now. His policies are rabidly neo-liberal and we're a step away from recognizing Kosovo independence. Corruption is on levels never before imaginable.
Tyler Brooks
As you can see we are getting gas from
Jayden Nelson
>be a puppet state of merkel and putin, depending on which resource needs draining >students stage a protest against government >naturally in such a diverse crowd there are right wingers, ayn randists, anarcho retards, hipsters hunting for cock/pussy, few soros shills but all united against living in a state where nepotism is end-all-be-all policy
>government sees this >hey, look! that guy is for soros! that one reads ayn rand! this one is an alt-righter, that one believes in chemtrails and those are faggots over there!
>Sup Forums serb (aka mediocrity overwhelming) well fuck that, everything is better than marching along those not sharing the exact same worldview, your brother can use my natural resources as much as he likes mr prime president!
hopeless situation.
Jonathan Flores
Avaj crni bilderu pa ti ni ne znas Svarcenegerov patenat.
Utakni cev u flasu sa surutkom a drugi kraj znas i sam gde, pa popi soda surutku, moras da apsorbujes proteinski prdez nazad u organizam pre no sto se raspline da ne izgubis na masi.
Nathan Perry
>vucic got elected president
Hunter Foster
>Country of autists who could not unite for 700 years re-establishing anything
Fuck off,if we are re-establishing something it is Grenz infantry.Uncle Dolfy was an based Austrian too.
Parker Cook
I could literally replace Vucic with Dragnea and Jankovic with Nicusor Dan and you would get the Romanian Parliamentary Elections - November 2016.
Dragnea - head of the socialist party, ran on a heavily nationalistic-traditionalist platform Nicusor Dan - head of the newly formed liberal party, ran on a SJW platform that nobody with a brain understood (literally Pro-EU, pro-federalization etc).
Balkan politics are literally the same, everything revolves around corruption and money.
Jacob Russell
this all these people talking about revolution and change, and they can't even fucking compromise with some of the people on their side of the autism spectrum...
William Morgan
steta sto vucko nije sloba pa nema muda da pusti miliciju da vam omeksa bubrege
Isaiah Thomas
But why did they cancel the south pipeline? It looks logical to build it!
Ayden Robinson
This. I am going tonight, there might at least be some high school drunk girls
Joshua Garcia
I think it is in our best combined interest to just let the Kosovo issue go.
It's been literally years now, it ain't coming back and if there was an actual valid way to reclaim and assimilate it legally - there would still be no one dumb enough to migrate and inhabitate it, leaving it again to kebab for picking.
Someone else fought that battle and did it quite poorly, gotta live with it now.
Brandon Nelson
Adrian Edwards
>comparing a former seseljoid with a man that actually has some sort of education
i don't think jankovic is anything but a smokescreen for the currently out of favor crew around him but you're beyond retarded. there is corruption and there is driving your own citizens around in ice trucks.
Easton Perez
Because we get gass from EU.
The moore gass goes thourh EU the more gass stays in EU.
You get % of gass as a tariff payment.
We are getting our gass from neighbor EU countries.
Levi Miller
Most prefer Latin these days due to keyboard layouts.
Adrian Cook
It's building kept getting rescheduled. Then came EU sanctions and it was no longer as profitable.
Nathan Martinez
Kad bi izasla policija tek onda bi nastalo sranje. Dok je ovako mirno blejanje nema od ovoga nista. Nema od studentarije inace nista, dok ne izadje ona najgora sirotinja koja nema sta da izgubi.
Grayson Sanchez
nobody bloody cares 'bout orthodox croats sage
Ethan Jackson
Ma ta najgora sirotinja glasa za Vucica. Pa moja baba kupuje televizor na 24 mesecne rate, a opet izlazi da ga podrzi. Tuzna zemlja, jako tuzna.
Jace Rodriguez
Poljubi svoju baku i reci joj hvala.
Gabriel Sanders
Znam. Jbg
Mnogo depresivna situacija
Tyler Miller
>Šešeljoid >driving your own citizens around in ice trucks >muh education Kys, you libshit subhuman. I hope Vučić bring out tanks on you retards.
Michael Sullivan
Why dont we assemble an army and claim a small country as our own
Dylan Flores
You do realize nothing will change with these protests, right? They will die out in less than a week or two, and the people will get back at being "ok" with the ruling government, despite the rampant corruption and blatant disregard of any actual positive change.
We had 250.000 people going out against the Socialist government - right-wingers, left-wingers, centrists - you name them and I can probably point them out in the massive crowds that gathered in front of the Government.
Protests nowadays are just a hip way of showing that you "care" for your country, whilst posting on Facebook and virtual signaling to others that you are a patriot, by taking selfies in a massive crowd. After a week of doing this, it gets boring, hence you go back to your normal day, completely disregarding the possibility of change.
Nobody fucking wants change, not even the SJW liberals that protest. Most of them do it for the pussy or for the online recognition, and that basically tells you everything you want to know about patriotism nowadays in the Balkan area (i'm not referring only to Serbia, ofc)
>You talk of revolution and change while gently stroking your Iphone 7, desperately trying to refresh your Facebook page in order to see how many likes you received on that picture you took while at the protest
Fuck 'em all, these liberal SJW's need to fucking taste the steel.
Matthew Torres
Sebastian Harris
desu Serbian society is fucked because all of these politicians share a common denominator which is a morally corrupt population. All things considered, we're a very inclusive society, which means in your circle of friends you'll get all types, and the party activists, drug users, anti-patriots, whores etc will never really feel ostracized. Thus there will be no real accountability.
tl;dr tell your scumbag friends you won't tolerate their degenerate behaviour anymore. Shame them into taking responsibility for their lives.
Joshua Hall
There is one thing that needs to be mentioned and that goes against this "poor Serbs are politically retarded" spiel that I see propagated here:
Prime President won the election despite AVOIDING televised duel with at least one (1) candidate of the opposition. He completely ran away from spotlight. And Serbs voted for this person.
This does not point to retardation, I don't think there is a nation in Europe that has such high percentage of scum. Imagine if Trump ran away from debating Hillary. I think 90 percent of Sup Forums, even would turn against him. Serbs simply vote for chump change, they would take few ruppees now even if you told them they will be homeless in the near future.
Ryder Gomez
Gabriel Adams
>Why is serbia so cucked right now? What happened? >Germany >Calling anyone cucked
Gavin Clark
They don't. They think like "muh Vučić is corrupt, but this libshit guy with half the former government behind him won't be corrupt".
Chase Watson
I can see that's your fantasy but I fear that all fuel has been spent on buses that drove you around.
Protests may have no direction, but there is a real possibility of retaking Belgrade next year.
Adrian Ortiz
tl;dr tell your scumbag friends you won't tolerate their degenerate behaviour anymore. Shame them into taking responsibility for their lives.
this. God damn hippies.
Noah Wright
>I think it is in our best combined interest to just let the Kosovo issue go.
Nigger, don't be stupid. Kosovo is not only about Serbia, it will have massive repercussions in all of Europe. Why do you think Romania still does not recognizes Kosovo as a country? The moment we do so, the szekler minority in our country will demand the same autonomous recognition, triggering a domino effect that will affect countries such as Romania, the UK, Spain and so forth.
There's a good reason Kosovo should not be recognized.
Connor Sullivan
Jos jedan desnicar-nacionalista koji mrzi vucica, ali mu je drago da je pobedio da bi mogao da gleda levicarske suze. Indoktriniran do srzi.
Benjamin Reed
Exactly. Half the fucking population didn't even vote, meaning half the population doesn't even give a fuck. What you are left with is the fact that 25% of people choose the winning side.
Which leaves 25% that are butthurt and demand change. Nigger you are a minority and nobody fucking cares. I
Caleb Edwards
>indoktriniran Not an argument, nigger.
Ryder Roberts
Don't worry western europe is pretty good at being hypocritical, and explaining why your minorities should get their own country but theirs shouldn't
Like Spain for example.
Jordan Thompson
You're talking nonsense. Separatist movements in Britain and Spain are far older and far more violent than anything that happened in Kosovo except for a few months in 99. Nothing would change, it's just a convenient status quo for everyone at the moment, especially Russians who hope to stage another proxy war if EU really disintegrates.
Josiah King
I am not disagreeing with you. The issue is that nobody here thinks that way, people are harboring illusions of grandeur of reclaiming it via military.
Ethan Parker
>postuje mem sliku >odgovara memom Decko tebi fali nesto.
Luis Powell
>half the population
This is where you're wrong, there is no way that the official number of voters is anywhere close to what is being proclaimed. If the opposition (the real one, if it exists) took note of this they could have incorporated it into their campaign. I believe the turnout was at least 65% if the real number of elegible voters existed.
Ayden Thompson
Cry more, loser.
Brandon Adams
Studenti ce kao i uvek pobediti. A ove ostrascene budale koje ne vide stvarni svet van Sup Forums-a ce biti ti koji ce plakati.
Nathaniel Jones
>I find it pretty cool Serbs know two different alphabets It would be cool if cyrilic wasnt dying out, if you go outside like 90% of stuff is latin, and a lot of people see cyrilic users as some dumb balkan nigger stuck in 18th century, their logic is that all progressive western countries use exclusively latin so we should use it too. I blame it on post ww2 (((goverment)))