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>it's nothing.
>There is not gonna be a war when we Leave the EU. That's just a bunch of fear mongering, don't worry.
Literally like two days after they left they left the EU.
i hope they go to war over that fucking rock, we need more happenings and anglo uprisings
This. It'll be the first step in retaking our world.
Maybe EU should annex UK so we can be one again.
lol if Germany or Spain attacks Gibraltor the USA will fight for the UKdue to NATO and its likely that most of europe will as well because they wont want to try to fight the US.
There is no chance of Spain doing more than talking.
Kek has spoken, it is nothing.
The monkeys on Gibraltar is still alive, so Gibraltar belongs to the UK.
USA won't join as they've been hesitant to helping UK with operations like this. There's literally no way U.K can lose regardless.
It's your tabloids hyping this shit , I haven't read a single article about this Gibraltar shit here. Nobody really cares
It is time
kek good luck with that
Do you think the USA cares about the british inbreeds? of course not.
USA will never attack europe, not as long as russia is in our side.
If England starts shit, there will be war and England will lose.
Can't wait to colonize sunny Greater Gibraltar.
Gonna buy land while it's cheapest, right after the invasion.
charge your fucking phone. lithium-ion batteries weren't made to run low
>There's literally no way U.K can lose regardless.
You got to be fucking joking , the spanish armada will anilihate those british faggots at anytime without a problem.
>UK vs Spain
Do you really think I'd support Sadiqibritstan over based 93% white and christian Spain?
I want London nuked, and I want to see May's head on a spike.
Fake news
How about you kill yourself faggot
Gibraltar is Spain
lol no. They're already trying to make spain look like the good guy here.
Why is Spain so butthurt over a fucking rock?
Why would russia be pro-eu?
>the spanish armada will anilihate those british faggots
In which timeline are you living in?
Does Spain even have a military? Spaniards are too busy getting sodomized by bulls.
britain was the driving force between allied victories for both of the world wars, also their entire military is way stronger than yours. spain is a shithole with no chance.
if we're talking about a full blown war between two countries U.K has the potential to nuke Madrid and send the whole country into turmoil
De Engelsman is dan ook de slechterik. Onze eeuwige vijand
Back to the cuck shed with you
Are you joking? The driving force? More like the mascot.
Nah, 80 Year War II when?
If the british pigs try anything morocco will join in battle and we will rape those british cucks harder than they were raped in Rotherham .
James bonds movies arent real life. Our army could destroy theirs in no time.
Wow spaniards really aren't white after all
Why don't you try annexing your own country back from those mongrels and barbarians you brought in first.
im assuming this is bait, with US history of taking superfluous credit for allied victory
>Starting a huge war over a rock
Is this the most European event ever?
T. cuck
U.S. didn't join against Argentina because it would have jeopardized our regional alliances in South America. Also, we knew dad didn't need the help, and weren't going to embarrass him by holding his hand. Spics aren't Germans, an Anglo country doesn't need help handling a Hispanic country.
Don't let these honorary Africans steal grain of sand from Gibraltar. The US and Trump have our back.
Good luck with that mohammed
Pedro mohammed go to sleep. Your troops wouldnt even come on our shores and we could nuke your shithole and free catalonia in a day if we wanted to
nice flag
Spain this isnt the 1800's :)
Oh come on, dont act like we wouldnt leap for the chance to join SPECIAL RELATIONSHIP in battle
The US single-handedly beat the Japs, financed Russia who we used as meatbags to catch bullets, and drove Hitler out of Africa and Western Europe. All you eurofags did was bend over and hand over your countries.
Fucking Morocco?
You're delusional if you think that's true.
> forgets United States is a thing
>T. cuck
>a swede
Britain nukes Spain and move on. This will just be a waste of time for them.
Wow, all the military power of Morocco. So horrifying.
>YFW the rock becomes the new Cote 304
your army cant even protect your shitty island from getting overrun by muslims. What makes you think it can stop the country that once conquered half of the world?
Go ahead and try it you sloppy cunt I fuckin dare ye
because they are anti american
this is pathetic
>The colonies get the draft to fight over some gay rock.
>> forgets United States is a thing
>implying Ameridumb will enter a war again in Europe
Drumpf is your president
please try it.
We have some fascinating new missiles to try out and the tusken raiders simply arent putting up any opportunitys to use them.
Why not just not do anything at all?
the japs were close to surrender, you just wanted to test your H-bombs. You did nothing to drive hitler out of europe and africa lmao, you came very late into both wars and for your own personal reasons. U.S wasn't needed to actually win the war, just to build a martial image and increase humanitarian efforts.
>Fighting over an island they have fuckall rights to against the Spanish for no reason other than a last ditch effort to save what little pride they have left
This is ridiculous and you need to stop
It's not like the Falklands where you're the only ones who have lived on it and still live on it, just stop before you embarrass yourselves
>> forgets United States is a thing
And you forget that the moment that USA attacks any european country, WW3 starts.
Would you like to fight against the whole Europe over a fucking rock? Russia could nuke you at anytime.
I think they might just be baiting, nobody can be that delusional
>over a rock
>and it's not even in a cube
Who's coming with us to fight the Spaniards?
Pick your sides lads.
if the kikes actually manage to pull off some kind of war over this unbelievable bullshit...
...honestly i would be pretty impressed.
> Drumpf
Hi ShareBlue
No Brit is going to have the motivation to fight for this country when we have a PM who nobody actually likes. The union left hate her, the Traditionalist hate her, the nationalists hate her, the SJW's hate her, and the commies hate her. Well I wouldn't go as far as ''hate'' but in shorter terms, nobody fucking likes her, and has no passionate support over her. She's a globalist who triggers the ''right'' and she's a neo-liberal right winger to anyone on the ''left''. She's also EXTREMELY FUCKING BORING. Most of her own parties back benches (actual Conservatives) don't even like her. She also embraces Pisslam and Feminism.
So why the fuck would any brit, right now, give a shit about taking their own lives over some fucking rock surrounded by Moors while our own blood splatters for Mrs Cat lady of 0% Charisma? Especially a rock that wants to stay in the EU.
>the USA will fight for the UKdue
No we won't
Trump doesn't give a shit about anyone but America, and he sure as hell isn't going to start a fight with Europe just because the Bongs can't keep their hands to themselves like a good little boy
Do I really have a choice
An uneducated american what a surprise, we have held it for 300 years and will continue too, if we use your logic you should give us back our islands you took in ww2
This is what nationalism looks like.
More in fighting.
Daily reminder that the average Spainard looks like an Arab.
Who would you rather support, the based Anglo or the smelly Arab?
America don't know but we can bomb them
See this little island? It's a French terrority
From here, we can bomb the shit of USA :^))))))
You're right, things were going so well before America entered the war. We should have let you be so England could be a German speaking country now.
Just stop it, alright.
You don goofed
why dont you fight for your own fucking country and kick out the muslim invaders raping your women and breeding like rats instead of fighting over a bloody rock?
it's like you're trying to trigger Catalans and Basques.
How is Spain declaring war an emergency? To whom?
It's our rock
With the help of the Spanish Foreign Gaygion?
>Sup Forums and Bongistan posters underestimated Spain
kek learn history
>not as long as russia is in our side.
You seriously overestimate Russiastan anin
We aren't afraid if them and never have been, and they aren't going to do shit either
Not to were though, we aren't going to interfere Because we don't give a fuck if anything Trump will tell that white May to fuck off and leave you alone
You'll have the Aussies, and the Canadians and Kiwis will provide moral support. The US, as we always seem to do, will sell you tanks and fighter jets until the Queen is blue in the face.
alright dad
i dont even blame you for your posts, just your sub-par education system
Remember what happened last time dagos tried to steal British clay?
Does Gibraltar have something valuable? Why does Spain want it so much?
More like Umayyad, amirite?
If Germany gets mallorca i approve this.
Al-yemanya is with you my brother. Death to the eternal anglo!
Didn't happen with the Falklands
A reminder that in a UK/EU war, Italy will be neutral because fuck you all
>the US single-handedly beat the Japs
you what cunt?
Why don't you just talk to him in Spanish, your native language as an American?