Never trust a jew
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Trump would have caused much more butthurt if Ivanka didn't do this.
>Implying she's in any way a real Jew
Ehh i think right-wing parties should also pick up the wage gap bullshit. Nothing to lose really since it's all made up anyway.
>Equal pay for equal work
She said nothing wrong
SJWs will still insist the Trump family is sexist though
I'm 100% on the trump train but this woman there just along that other woman that was with Cruz before, are the poison
The Ivanka Heresy
Married a goyim.She willingly converted
how tf don't you know this
your right wing parties already have.Let us not make the same mistake
Never have niggers on your team either.
>Implying this society lasts until the 23rd century.
Nice meme
The "wage gap" does not exist. There is literally no evidence of it. What are they even "fighting" for? What do they do? "Raising awareness" does nothing.
>The gender gap is real
the stench of bullshit is coming from it not being real.It's just like the rape culture meme.
in the west, if a firm is proven guilty of not paying its workers equally based on gender,the firm will be punished.period.
Holy fuck this so much. When will these fuckwits understand. If you are being paid less it's because of 2 reasons. Your employer is a fucking cheap cunt and is breaking the law or you willingly agreed to it in your contract.
How fucking hard is it to check some payslips or a group certificate and work out that you are being under paid ffs
>Nothing to lose really since it's all made up anyway.
True that.
>Manipulate the statistics one way
>Oh noes, a huge wage gap, we must fight this!
>Gain votes
>Do nothing about "wage gap"
>Manipulate the statistics a different way, months later
>Look! The gap has become narrower due to our tireless efforts!
>Gain political capital
The thigh gap is the only gap I care about desu.
trumps a kike you stupid fucks
wake up fags
Daily reminder that NO PRESIDENT has EVER been as Jewy as Donald Trump, prove me wrong fags
alright niggers we already know this! focus on the real issue.
>jewish agenda
trump is failing us.He did the moment he gave Kushner a job.And it's showing now lmao
It's like the Equal Pay Act of 1963 doesn't exist in their minds. If they're not paid the same for the same work they can sue, but they never will, because they are paid the same for the same work.
>T-t-this time the president is fighting for US!!!
Step one: Reel in the idiots with your successful daughter
Step two: daughter keeps them busy while you do important stuff
Step three: Succeed in doing what you want.
> Alternative stormfaggot version
Ivanka is literally there to cater to the dumbass liberal leaning women, it's what she does.
You should see how pissed they get when she post pictures actually being a good mother. Little Theo is adorable.
some of the biggest fucking kike contributors are converts you faggot. they'll have a male child and a female child and the male will hook up with a regular female for the offspring etc
Shes the first lady she has to manipulate americans into liking her to make her position better for her. Ivanka doesnt give a single shit about american women.
is this the ultimate form?
Hope/suspect it is this.
But god fucking damn it would be nice to have a politician stand up and tell the truth about the "wage gap."
what triggers me is the fact they say there is a pay gap but how many females do you see that are ready to work hard in the high vis jobs on oil platforms, gas plants and mines? not a whole lot
Wow I Neva new dat.
Those people exist, but they are all on the fringe for the exact same reason. It's why I suspect most of the stormfaggots and jewbaiters are actually leftist shills.
everything about this screencap is awful
Well, what don't you like about it?
Here's another one.. maybe you'll like this one.
"wtf I hate the pay equality now"
Why are liberals so bad at meming?
>All those filthy jews
Jesus, can't escape them.
People seem to forget Trump is pretty damn moderate on a lot of issues. Ivanka talking about equal pay for equal work will only draw more of the center left to Trump's side.
Appealing (and having your family appeal) to only one side of the country is fucking stupid.
>equal work
That's the key.
>audi virtue signalling
>intentionally misinterpreting the tweet in order to create a loaded question to attack audi
>audi walking on eggshells in their reply
what's not to like?
Women are stupid as fuck
If you lose a job out to them it's your own fault
I don't like Ivanka and I wish she would just be a mom.
Damn you faggots who *like* having liberals in the Trump circle.
Civil War 2.0 isn't supposed to break out because Trump failed to be conservative when we needed it.
>equal pay for equal work
The alleged wage gap is caused by women not working equally.
That's not a matter of hiring diversity, that's a matter of women choosing not to do the hard work.
They'd fuck it up anyway. Lovely.
> half of the country
Not half of the country, but only to them. It's all about me, me, me.
Now that never works, as you correctly point out, but what gets me every time is that the exact same people do not have the capability to see why nobody cares about their message. Instead they latch onto people who want something similar and pull them down along with them.
>women are actually paid less than males at audi
>but at audi, the only reason is because women do less work
>whereas in general society, it's because women do equal work to men, but patriarchy keeps them from succeeding.
Sorry, thought you were talking about the other pic. Didn't realize you were just a retard.
nvm, think I misunderstood what you meant by "awful."
What pisses me off is that people like who want Trump's regime to be a "muh Stormfront, no liberals allowed" panderfest forget what caused the Democrats to implode in the first place.
When the Dems stopped being a mainstream party and began to obsess over framing the Right Wing in the worst possible light(not to mention embracing SJWisms), the party eroded and they began to fracture into the Corporatists and Progressives. The people who want Trump to be a nonstop Conservative ride will end up fucking over the Republican party similar to the Democrats' fate. And after recent treachery/incompetence from within the Republican Party against Trump, it's completely reasonable he'd want to build allies across the aisle----which includes promoting notably non conservative legislation.
Literally all jews mixed with converts from their host countries.