Only countries that haven't being attacked by the religion of peace can post in this thread.Italy reporting
Best counter terrorism
I guess we're doing something right.
but the West are the real terrorists
Italy literally dindu nuffin. We aren't even in the coalition against Assad. All we're doing right now is supplying the Lybian government with training and ammo
your god damn right
>supplying the Lybian government with training and ammo
>the Lybian government
the what?
get out faggot, you have been zergrushed by them
>All we're doing right now is supplying the Lybian government with training and ammo
It will backfire in some ways.
What about countries who have stopped terror attacks as they bappen?
also we fucked the german xmas market peasmaker...
really kekeles my shekels
>tfw we could be the best country in europe if we had decent politicians
We're too small for islamists to care.
hi friend
>Seat of their sworn religious enemy that they menace in every propaganda piece they put out.
>To small to care.
What if we never got attacked by terrorists because we DO have decent politicians?
>African muslim destroys thousands of years worth of religious heritage in one day
Sure thing Vincenzo.
No we are.
I don't know why you didn't have any terrorist attack yet.
Maybe because Pope Francis washed their feet and they felt, like they can't do it...
C..can I post?
Terrorists can't escape the Minniti
I think they leave us alone because if something happens here we'll close the borders and they won't be able to get in the EU. There are ISIS training camps in Bosnia, and the border between Bosnia and Croatia is shit.
Also, nobody cares about Croatia. Not even the refugees want to stay here.
Murica will export it's freedom in 2022.
From what i can se he just chimped out like a normal nigger.
Knock on wood
Don't forget the 2x6 millions, goy
in russia we have the same tradition btw
When an ambulance or an hearse pass usually we touch iron, but wood can be fine.
When somebody says something ill-omened we touch our balls.
Are you retarded or just censored?
Theres was a terrorist attack plot u guys prevented from happening like a week ago.
but it didn't happened, because our counter- terrorism actually works, not like in France or Germany. That's the point.
Wasn't a third of Italy conquered by Muslims for centuries?
we have the least muslims :^)
>mexico is a shit hole
enjoy more negroes and mudshits :^)
Well grats on that. Hopefully it stays that way.
There is always someone smaller and more insignificant than you
That's Spain m8.
That's Spain you spaz.
Why would terrorist attack their own country?
isis is scared of your cartels, fucking aztec genes
>40M ppl country
>most racist
>least multicultural
>most antisemitic
feels really, really good
asalsamu alaikum brah.
lol we've already absorbed all your nigger spawn into our country Paco we couldn't possibly enjoy it anymore
there's no niggers or mudslims on mexico tho, you have to absorb 3 kind of niggers, niggers niggers, sand niggers, bean niggers, gotta love your liberals
the reality is cartels don't try to create terror, they don't give two fucks about creating COD-Tier videos to scare people, they just do it on a daily basis
Mexico it's a shithole anyway, even our citizens are leaving the fuck out to burgerland
they have to come back
And these guys NEVER EVER EVER are named in the annual day of remembrance for terrorism victims. NEVER. 40 dead and they never existed.
And, probably this:
yes helo
>literally last century
we are safe and sound only because, once the terrorists arrives in italy, they literally didn't found nothing to destroy....
Reporting in.
>Italian women take Moorish cock for centuries
>somehow still think they're the whitest and least muzzie place in Europe
Oh you spicy little meatball.
>lives in the USA
>Viva Mexico, ese
>La raza, compa
Fuck those hypocrites
Wait what? Italy was never under any Caliphate.
Reporting in
That's Spain, you double nigger.
>Tfw all the money stolen by our politicians is actually used for counter-terrorism.
They took over Sicily from the 800s until just before Hastings. Also got a hand on some southern cities and were dispersed through the population. I'm sorry you were not aware that Mario is a little gnocchi gnigger.
This guy doesn't know how history works.
>a leftist is our most based politician
And Sicily, and a swath of southern Italy.
It's okay. The natural wop oiliness helps tame the mooncricket frizz.
>american education
Ireland reporting
No kebab attacks here
Sicily was under Arab control for almost a century but that's about it.
>not annexing them
Nobody knows how come that their fatty ass is almost every summer in our cities.
It's OK you little tryhard mulignan, the EU loves the children of rape and especially loves the descendants of the oppressed PoC. Stand tall in your glorious African heritage.
This is explain why Sicily is a fucking shithole.
>trying to black out 200 years of your ancestors taking that fine Moorish cock
It's OK. We'll figure out a nice chicken cutlet with watermelon sauce to make you feel at home Tyrone.
t. angry mongol here.
Italy is not only Sicily idiot.
Ehh, you're still a little pastanigger.
You have to go back to your bbq now or the burger gets burnt
Which nationality were your ancestors of?
Oh don't get upset and throw boring stereotypes because your grandmother spread her hairy wop cunt while your papa Guiseppi prepped that Moorish bull.
Not a group of Moorish cumdumpsters. Though it does explain your general dindu attitudes, shitty hair, complexion, and love of fat (real) white bitches.
I bet: 10% Italian 40 % german and 50% irish
You didn't answer moron.
fuck off, theyre just not reporting on the attacks, but surely enough its happening every week.
Who fucks dagos? Seriously, no one touches your filthiness. Greasy, grimy little protoporchmonkeys.
Fuck. I was relying on the inability for the average Italian male to read or use tools to let me slink by on that one. Illiteracy is to your males like Moor cock craving was to your females you sad quadroon excuses attempting to be productive whites.
Should be so depressing and annoying to live in a house surrounded by NOTHING and fat people instead of beautiful monuments and centuries of history.
Not in this century you haven't
You learned your lesson from the African moors
top kek kys faggot, our anti terrorism works. They literally make up excuses to ban people from the country and they admit it
arent you getting 10,000 migrants a day from Africa Italy?
They can't even cross the border North so they get sent back
plus you have really low birth rates
Yes, niggers are renowned for collecting trash in their back yard and talking shit about what they used to do while being lazy.
I'm glad your real granddad left you that genetic heritage.
Reporting in
Question still not answered.
It's time to go i don't want to loose too much time with you, bye.
Ello mate. Won't be for long though
>doesnt know i responded to someone
looks like they should fund more on your education than your immigration policies
Oh they can, there are 180000 "refugees" here, the others go to north.
You must be an illiterate red neck who lives for hunt, shit food and guns all day. I bet you can't even find more than the 50% of the Europe country capitals. Kek, country burgers.
Italians and Arabs have such big noses they can't tell each other apart and you're not gonna suicide bomb someone you think is your own. Duh.
Don't lie. You don't have a job, and you're just slightly over the bar where Colored People Time will excuse you from your tardiness.
Why am I surprised that a criminal, lazy, ugly group of kinked haired greaseballs cannot choke the basic facts of their niggerdom down? Oh, it's because their mother's throats are capable of swallowing anything.
He's a Euro mutt who gets angry at people for not being as mixed as he is
>getting attacked by mudslimes
i seriously hope you don't do this cuck shit.
>arent you getting 10,000 migrants a day from Africa Italy?
That's probably he main reason there aren't terrorist attacks desu.
Terrorists come here and go blow themselves up in other countries.
They are afraid that if they try spreading peace and love here we might actually start sending them back to their country.
Sicilia was occupied by the moors for literally hundreds of years.