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top kek



bump for friendship and horsefucking

What happened, I went to bed and didn't see the end of /mlpol/. Did some mod accidentally ban himself?



did the horsefuckers cleanse this board? what did i miss


>inb4 infinitereaper compiles all these shitposts into one massive turd and gets 300+ pinkies on funnyjunk.

For one day the bots got broken and shills got no replies because reddit wasn't here to reply to them. It was... amazing.

>he missed april fools day


Uninstall that gay game before it imprints too hard and you swing back the wrong way


We had more OC in 1 day than Sup Forums has made in a year. I can't post most of it because of rules but some of it should be safe.

What's wrong with reddit?

>Using chrome
get off my board loser


I wasted over 2,000 hours on that game already m9 ur kinda too late.




This pic sums it up nicely. I truly don't care about some horses if it makes the shills go away


How the fuck can you get 2000 hours in a single-player game?
Did you at least main Zero like a white man?

I dont like the image im posting because it implies we were ever friends with reddit, but you get the idea

>Did you at least main Zero like a white man?
>not krieg
>nor technowiafu

nah I actually played all those hours co-op and got about 9 characters to OP 8, I only have about 400 hours solo on my First character I got to OP8 which was Gaige, I have 1,600 hours on TF2 as well.

Man, the eternal shill really galvanized us. 5 years ago, such a merger would not have had the same outcome.

But exposing the global Jewry is too important to be detailed by the relative tameness of jerking it to sexualized cartoon ponies on the internet



I miss /mlpol/. Horsepussy is disgusting, but not as disgusting as all the shills and redditfags

my sides

>batshit man
>le ebin techy girl
>not maining *teleports behind you and writes a haiku in blood on your back*

The board still exists you know.


pls unfreeze /mlpol/ now

Fuck I wish the merge had happened with /e/ or /d/ or something, then Sup Forums could have had an alliance with less cringey allies and Sup Forums could finally get over it's hate of porn and realize weebs are their greatest allies. Weebs hate western degeneracy.

>someone posted my cap
I'm touched.

Batshit man is the strongest character by far tho.

Except the siren, but only fags play her. I get cancer every time I try to duel a siren, they use their shit ability once and it downs you in one shot with no counter.


Can't we just make /mlpol/ an official board?
Or like combine them every now and again.

Imagine a world without shareblue, reddit, shills, and slide threads.

The cost was filtering out horse pussy.

>How the fuck can you get 2000 hours in a single-player game?
Play a game with good single player, or is open ended? Preferably both?

Say it to the mods pal.



>it's a "Sup Forums pretends the rest of Sup Forums thinks Sup Forums is any better than /mlp/" episode

This thread is fucking cancer, how the fuck were horsefuckers good in anyway for the board this is shill slide tactics stop replying and sage.

Shut the fuck up you disgusting leaf



120 votes? it's decided guys. somebody email moot this shit. we need to get go back cause 120 voted on a board that made over a 100k posts within 15 hours. this is the definitive proof that it's the best choice everybody


>all the other horse fucker threads get deleted
>have to hide your shit in a memeball thread
>talking to yourself and getting nowhere

For too much voted for punyfags, few redditfags apparently didnt leave


This whole thread has done nothing but admit that we are hated. Read before you post, retard.

Fucking reddit is fucking Cancer, you people are killing this board more then it already is.

Delete this. ;_;

Really? I could access it but yesterday were unable to post, and it seemed others werent able either. At least imnoone did apparently

>t. leafnigger

if GR 15 were to be dropped our horsefucker allies would be able to chase out reddit.

shareblue wouldn't cease being a problem because it's all bot driven. no reddit retards being triggered by everything that tickles their id, no shareblue.

Exactly these are fucking shills pushing something else and the genuine responses are fucking REDDIT, LEAVE NOW REEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

Gas all the ponyfuckers too, how is that in anyway better.

Fukken saved

>nu-Sup Forums

God I fucking hate nu-Sup Forums so much.

Fucking election refugees need to fucking leave already.

there was another strawpoll with over 1000 votes asking to keep /mlpol/ but I don't have that one

And regardless of sample size, it goes to show how hated the_donald faggots like you are. I bet you cry when people post anime too.

>Redditors think /mlpol/ is a globalist psyop to kill Sup Forums

you're right. Please go. Anyone who gets triggered by a fucking cartoon horse clearly hasn't spent much time on this site and has certainly never been outside of Sup Forums

>we had an online poll so it's proof
>nobody actually just clicked pony as a joke
>nobody voted multiple times
>i don't even have proof of it either
>trust me


fuck, gore, loli and scat should be allowed for a week

Is cancer

/mlpol/ has colonized /qa/ for the time being

stay mad, redditfag.

lawl. There's always Sup Forums. Either way, this entire place, not just this board, has got something for someone.

Did you even read the image I was replying too you literate burger. I was agreeing with the image.

Go shart in a fucking mart spastic.

We might as well make a 64^(1/2)chan for it once shit gets running. gook moot can eat me

>the pie chart looks like a hoof

That image is glorious user

This. For one a Swede who knows what's up.

I would be a-okay with gore/guro, loli and scat porn being on Sup Forums if it made reddit and nu-Sup Forums fuck off for good.

I can't fucking stand election refugees the fuckers are drowning the board in their blue pilled shit. It's sad to see Sup Forums go like this.

>you literate burger

Looked like you were calling the image nu-Sup Forums to me. Use better vocabulary next time.

Is there a dbz fusion image yet?

>whole group you subhuman have been shilling 24/7 and haven't gotten shit done
>have to hide in a wordless memeball thread because you get btfo so hard otherwise
>everybody who isn't hanging out in your discord is telling you fuck off
>i'm mad

damn I have been awake way to many hours straight for this

Excuse me misters

Nice try, reddit.

>if i say reddit enough maybe it'll work
keep trying little lad

What's this a picture off? Largest immigrant population? Looks like it but there is no way USA has more chinks than spics and no way Leafs have more burgers than chinks.

I am starting to think that Sup Forums has transformed from a containment board to a collective hivemind capable of weaponising ideas and thoughts that worms its way into the psyche of the masses like a parasite.

Have a (You), faggot.

We are the CIA now
But we have Kek on our side

>I get triggered by cartoon horses but everyone else is the issue here!
Yeh. You mad. Go to some other boards for a bit. Soak up all Sup Forums has to offer, then come back to Sup Forums
You can't just go from reddit to Sup Forums and expect everyone else to accept you. It ain't a young republican's club, boyo. It's a small part of a large website.

>import ponies
>bots, shills, and reddit leaves
>have no ponies
>they come back
Really privatizes my neural police force

>wuts wrong with reddit
Its not what they say so much as what they do. Like bump bot threads (1post by this ID) or being extra thirsty for bait, nor keeping good threads bumped, not lurking, and tipping their fedoras everywhere.

I think it is which country each gets the most imports from.

No you dildos it's which country thinks which country is the biggest threat to world peace

And? It's better this way. Stop pretending to hate Reddit so much. It won't do any good.

>He wants bots, shills and reddit instead of comfy ponies
Get the fuck out.
