Femanon here

Femanon here.

I consider myself to be a White nationalist and conservative and support Trump's presidency with all my heart.

Yet somehow there are posters on here who seem to think that all women are whores cucking their hubby with some black hunks. Some go so far as to say women should not be allowed to vote and other gruesome stuff.

Are those just shitposters from r9k or do you really believe that women should not have the same rights as men?

Other urls found in this thread:


You know the rules.

Post tits with timestamp or fuck off.

>German woman
>White nationalist
>Not cucking her hubby with some black hunk

You can't fool us germany, we know you're a man.

Gonna need dose tiddies frst, darling.

Women as a whole vote overwhelmingly on single issues and for massive immigration and welfare. This is true everywhere and is something genetic not cultural. Women also mature much quicker than men but men mature more. Even though I can vote now. I would be in favor of raising the age requirements for voting to 25. Even if it means i can't vote anymore. You have even proved us right by wanting these "rights" for yourself instead of doing what is best for society.

Fits or gtfo.

Obviously larping. There are no right wing chicks in Germany.
Post titts with timestamp or get out

tits or gtfo Greta

>german women

youre proving our point hun

To be fair. She married that dude because she desperately tries to be American

>white nationalist
reported to BND

You just had to do it, didn't you? You couldn't help yourself. You don't trust that your ideas or opinions will stand on their own merit, so you had to highlight them by claiming woman points.

Your post would be the exact same, and the idea behind it the exact same if you had only left off your first line. Nobody would care if you are male or female. Here, only your ideas and words matter. Unlike the rest of the world, /pol is an antithesis to feminists who insist that vagina is a job qualification, and here you actually ARE equalized due to your anonymity. Here, your ideas and words must survive on merit alone. But into this blissfully anonymous world of equality of ideas, you threw your vagina on the table. You want us to look at it, and acknowledge it, and answer back as if your vagina is more important than your brain. A screeching halt to the equalized flow of ideas that is /pol.
Do you see how that works? Your ideas WERE equal... until you demanded woman points.

Well honey, if you're going to play that game, then I win. I win because I have way more women points than you ever will. Mother, grandmother, ex-military, retired cop, small business woman, business degree, two languages. And I cook and crochet and do laundry and take care of my family. And I resent, strongly resent, the disruption to merit-based anonymity where we really are equal. Until you throw your vagina on the table and demand it be looked at.

Real equality is letting your ideas speak for themselves and wanting to be judged on them alone. Be honest, you don't want the SAME rights as men, or you WOULDN'T HAVE MADE ANY REFERENCE AT ALL ABOUT YOUR VAGINA.

From NOW ON, see if your idea/post/words can stand on their own without propping them up with your vagina.

All those things generally stand true, you're just waifu material

Roastie detected

You're ok, just have white children


Nice novel

just as an aside...also femanon ( need just a wee bit of attention ktnx, as get most from hubby) "moist hole" is probably the worst, most autistic, maybe even homo thing i have ever heard

>femanon here
That's where you went wrong. Delete this and repost without announcing yourself as a woman if you actually want to discuss this topic.

Also, why do you care what a bunch of losers think about women?

You know the rules.

Tits or gtfo.

>the same rights as men
That's an interesting way of putting it, personally I'd substitute "expectations" for "rights". There is a difference between treating people fairly, and pretending men and women are the same, when that isn't true in reality.

This times 1000

There's a reason we demand tits, OP.

who cares? the world is shit either way.

They're mostly shitposters and autists from /r9k/. Men and women are different and can never be equal, but they're both still of the same species and each have their own strengths. Men are naturally better at some things, women are naturally better at others. If we can create a society where women are as good at tending emotionally to others as they are working the fields, and where men are as strong as they are empathetic without turning society into a tumblrina-infested shithole, that'd be the most ideal society imo.

Generally, both sides need more empathy and understanding towards the opposite. Jews push for men vs women, but we should be uniting our white men and white women together and not tolerate sexism from either side. Respect and dignity and honor is key.

Pure women don't post on Sup Forums. Fuck off degenerate

Women absolutely should not have ever been given the vote.

Femanon here, why do so many white guys think us white girls like black men?

For one thing, I've never seen an attractive black guy in my entire life. And I don't actually know any white girls that like black guys, or have been with black guys. It's a general consensus with all the girls I've known that black guys are completely unattractive.

They have ugly, primate-like facial features, with those fat ugly noses and elongated skulls. Their skin tone is extremely unattractive, and their skin tends to be oily with a bad smell. Their hair is fucking disgusting, that ugly sheep hair, and the way their body hair pills up has legit almost made me puke before. They sound HORRIBLE. The way they talk is such a massive turnoff I can't even explain. That ghetto, lazy, retarded way of talking makes my pussy shut like a steel trap. The music they listen to is garbage and a turnoff, if I'm ever with a guy and he starts playing some retarded mainstream rap I'm just giving up on the guy altogether. Their personality and the way they act, dress and carry themselves just baffles me, I honestly don't understand why people accept it, they're literal savage barbarians with ugly skin and shitty clothes.

Listen, dumbfucks - we don't like black guys, stop pretending we're just going to them in droves. I don't know if you guys have a fetish for black men "stealin' yo wemens" or if you're legitimately attracted to black guys and imagine yourselves as white girls, then project that degenerate fetish onto us real white girls, but you need to stop. I live in a pretty big city, and I RARELY see a black guy with a white girl, and the ONLY times I do see it is when the chick is either extremely trashy, extremely unattractive, or both. Fuck black guys, and not the way you want us to.

Because the population reflects real life. A bunch of betas, some wanna be alphas, and some true alphas.

Women have been controlled by men for centuries. It is in their DNA. Just like when they scare mice with blue lights that when shown to their grandparents would shock them. The mice who aren't getting shocked and never have been still get a fright. Where as mice from completely different gene pools don't give a shit about the blue light. Women lose control when they are given independence. They don't know how to handle it and go full on crazy eyes.


Single issue voting kids, the death of civilization.

To clarify what I mean by sexism, I mean anything from "lol men are so fragile" to beating a woman for not having dinner on the table when you get home. Male and female genital mutilation, gender pay gap (which doesn't currently exist in America at least), and giving both parents equal time off from work to care for their newborn. A lot of people don't realize that fathers play a vital role in raising a newborn, and a child in general.

Also, not hiring one gender for diversity quotas. Sexism is hiring women just for being women, men for just being men. If 99% of sewage workers are men, that's not sexism. Nothing has to be changed. If 99% of therapists are women, that's not sexism either, and nothing has to be changed.

shill thread. no tits. sage

Shut up whore

>Some go so far as to say women should not be allowed to vote and other gruesome stuff.
I dont believe that you're a female... But women should be allowed to vote during peace-time. Not during a crisis.

Women need forced responsibility

The fault for the lack of that lies upon weak men and bad/absent fathers

Angry (((nigger)))

>1 post
but no I dont think all women are bad
but they still shouldnt vote.

I've only ever met 3 black guys out of the thousands who I actually like and respect as human beings, and one of them is Woolie from Two Best Friends Play. Other two are close friends. Know 2 female blacks who I like as well, but that's also out of the thousands I've wanted to punch.

I'm married to a white man, have never cheated on any partners, he took my virginity, and will never cheat on him. Not all white girls are sluts. Just the Stacys and double digit IQ retards.

>Listen, dumbfucks - we don't like black guys
random browsing tubes, i ran into a vid of a german lady complaining about some random shit - her son's name was Tyrone.


>Femanon here

Post feet.

Titten oder mach dich den Fick raus.

>t. white knight cuck

Do you think OP will take your virginity if you defend ""her""?

>Femanon here
You know the rules.


western culture is about freedom
people are free to fuck up their life or to sort themselves out and make something of themselves
your choice

lol shut up sven you cuck. I've already spread my spanish seed in your whores

If you were really a white nationalist you would be against women's suffrage too. Too bad you can't put aside your pride for the greater good, or maybe you actually would be a woman worth considering an equal

>Femanon here.
Stopped reading.

If I saw women acting the way you speak publicly; actually living your words, I'd agree with what you're saying, but I'd bet 10 bucks if I saw you out on any Thursday night, your actions would betray every fucking word you just said.

Assuming you aren't a trap, I guess you're 35 and doing a sort-of roll over into the wall.

If the gash fits...

oh angela

You're such an asshole.

>1 in 5
It's less than that...thankfully. At least where I live, I've never met that kind of feminist. I've met women who call themselves feminists but have no idea how cancerous feminism is and they're basically no different from those who reject feminism.

I believe women should be allowed to vote. You'll notice that women were much stronger from before the 1950s, and even in that era still strong in their own ways. But those who fought for the right to vote weren't man hating retards like modern feminists. They were dignified. I think women are just more susceptible to Jew brainwashing. They can lead and make statements and do it well, but sadly today's Jew-infused society demands they act like whores.

There was a project started by an African woman of all people, where she made this device that women could wear that'd sound an extremely loud alarm if they felt threatened. There were two versions; one they put on their wrist that'd monitor their heartbeat, and another they'd wear inside of them, like that anti-rape condom thing that had spikes on it. The one on their wrist, they'd have to lick the top of it to turn it off.

You can imagine how feminists reacted.

Instead of supporting the idea, which would help protect African women from the rampant rape rates at least a little, they called it sexism and muh soggy knees and shut down the project.

Obviously a gun or knife that they carry on them would be more effective but you know, in addition to that. If the rapist got their hands on the victim's gun or knife then it'd at least let nearby people know that the lady is in trouble and needs help.

>there are people who unironically identity themselves as white nationalists

that shit is so cringeworthy desu

Filthy shitskin

>But those who fought for the right to vote weren't man hating retards like modern feminists. They were dignified.
Might want to investigate that a little further.
They were borderline terrorists.

at what age did you meet your husband

>white countries for white people

When will Americans Argentinians and Australians return to Europe?

Dont tell me Australia or America is a white country.

/r9k/ strays

I'm not seeing any tits.

Only reason people say that women shouldn't be allowed to vote is because when you were given that right you exercised it by inviting millions of barbarian men who would cut your clit off and lock you up in the kitchen. It's literally because people think you are too retarded to care for your own or the western civilizations safety.

I personally think that female voters have been used my mass media to (((feel))) and vote a certain way for decades. (((((They))))) have now overplayed that hand. A day will come when women realize they've just been used and they get mass red pilled. Lets hope. However now there's another voter block they can manipulate, one that breeds like rabbits and will surpass indigenous population in half a century.


t. Hassan H. Mohammed Hala Madrid

And yet you'd cheer on a black nationalist, wouldn't you Ahmed?

>femanon here
We think this because all you have to offer is apparently your pussy, or you would have made a good thread instead of begging for attention

Indeed, You must be protected from men's burden. Fully embracing your feminity will makes you feel fullfilled, trying to act like men will only make you feel unhappy, frustrated and bitter. Accept the bliss that is man's protection for a woman.

A pretty comon name in germany.


Where do you even get that shit from? No one in germany is named tyrone. We name our niggers Kevin.

This right here. I don't have a single female friend or family member who would even date non-white men. I live in a town with a sizable immigrant population and I practically never see a white woman with a shitskin/nigger. It's been a well-known fact that the women who do fuck them are absolute trash deserving of nothing but ridicule and HIV. The women I've seen with non-white men have exclusively been trashy single mothers or teenagers (single mothers to-be).

Shitskins are subhuman. White countries for white people. The jews are pushing for white genocide. Why is it so hard to imagine that women, even if we are fewer in numbers, can also share your views? Conservative women receive a lot of hate, that's why you don't see more of us speaking openly.

I'm 26 y/o, white, married to a white man I've known for 9 years, we have two kids. I never drank, smoked, fucked around or cheated. We even met playing a fucking online game. We are out there, you need to lurk moar.

here you go op
I really doubt this is a meme.
They want to make us second class citizens, think our careers are cancer for us, and want us in the home, period.

Honestly I am more concerned about their murder the degenerates thing than this issue, there are some (stupid, from a scientific pov) reasons that having us vote is not good, but I'd say the same thing about any demographic.

They are shotposters who are mad they are virgins

Another femanon w.n. here. Stay strong and promote femininity and the traditional family unit.

where you from OP?

>state your buisness
jesus what a newfag
the proper answer on the last image is "thanks, now get the fuck out"
Pol is so fucking new I swear to god

The purpose for controls on women is that they can only get pregnant by one man in a year while a man can pregnate infinite women in a year thus we men protect the ones who replenish our numbers and give birth to us, men die fighting women replenish men.

Women haters are degrnerates.


> 1 post by this id

>muh illegal sex
not saying that law would be a bad idea but the thread I took that Sup Forumsl in was specifically asking people about if we should be able to vote or not.

1 tits or gtfo

2 mgtow are just feminists with benis. Aka fags.

> 1 post by this id
> no this
le bait

Nice divide and conquer tactic.

t. Share Blue

Why would that harm you?
Women should be involved in fsmily and children not in politics which is for men of competition and ugliness, I am for separate roles not hatred or evil done to women, women's happiness is best and I believe their happiness comes from giving birth to life the rest is for us who are disposable.

How are you actually equalized due to anonymity when everyone here assumes that each poster is male rather than a genderless anonymous user?

Muslims are already talking about implementing sex slaves. Once the west is fully under sharia law white women will be enslaved to the Muslim conquerors.

Funny thing is white women caused this. It's like a pesky little sheep that insists on getting out of its pen. At one point you just have to give up and let the little fucker get eaten by the wolves. Being satisfying that it's idiotic genes have been removed and your genepool is strong once again.

The therapist point is wrong. I think there should be an equal amount of men and women as therapists because men would be better at treating men and vice versa with women to women.

>1 post by this ID
you all fell for it


Yes the smell hahah, my husband and I always agree about the smell of black people, I could never imagine embracing or kissing one, I know that's terrible.

I nannied for a little half black baby and her mom made me do all of these complicated procedures every night to take care of her hair and skin- including rubbing her down with cocoa butter which made her so oily. I don't get why they want that, their genes are so confusing to me.

I can't be the only white girl who got uncomfortable whenever the teacher paired you up with a black kid or made you hold their hand during an outside game or something.

Are you OK?54% of American White women voted for Trump,while 48% of White American males voted for Trump.

The people with the USA flag who shit on white women are actually mongrels who want to BLEACH their skin and have Bloondie fewer but don't want to fuck Leftist dykes and get BTFO by the rest of White women.

Pic related,are the the people who shit on White women.Some of these cucks also start shilling for Asian women.

>someone else wants to take away my rights
>I'm the one who is dividing
yeah no. also you don't get to take away my rights then complain about this.

>women's happiness is best and I believe their happiness comes from giving birth to life the rest is for us who are disposable.
I already told you what issue I think is more important, but as for why would that harm me? are you serious? you do realize any actual law that would keep us out of politics would not only harm us by denying us our ability to vote for our own interests, but also would oust us from almost all successful positions since politics is so important at any point above being a wage slave cuck. example; scientist positions would mean that we would be far far less prefered than men because you want people who can vote and spend money for the financial insterests of scientists in politics. Almost every industry that exists is about this, from farming to others.

as for hatred or evil done to us, that is going to be what you consider evil or hatred, not what we do. Essentially you are telling us you know better than us and we should be docile, meek, and let you think for us. Note I am not saying you can't believe that is true, but please stop trying to white wash your position and own it.

to learn more about why not voting would be against our interests watch this video.
it is time stamped if you do not want to watch the whole thing

>54% of American White women voted for Trump,while 48% of White American males voted for Trump.
Lol. No.
White men

White men made up 34 percent of voters
63 percent of them voted Trump
31 percent voted Clinton
White women

White women made up 37 percent of voters
53 percent of them voted Trump
43 percent voted Clinton