Leftist strike again

HA! Can't make this shit up.

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I wouldn't want to look at American schoolgirls either.

Why not just sort yourself out?

Ignoring the problem won't make it go away and mirrors are really fucking useful.

How are you suppose to clean yourself after sports and stuff?

I fucking hate my country

Then I remember it's just California being California and I love it again

Calxit when? I want to see it collapse.

Hahahahahahahaha How The Fuck Is Your Fat Fuck Body/Face Real Hahahaha Nigga Just Walk Away From The Mirror Like Nigga Close Your Eyes Haha

Stay the fuck out there until you lose some weight

Nothing to see here folks.

Not soon enough that's for sure

I can't believe we've reached a point where we're encouraged to ignore our problems and improving one's self is a negative thing.

>When the girls at your school are so ugly they have to remove all the mirrors or they'll start killing themselves
Jeez, what happened to California? Used to have hot chicks everywhere

>Jeez, what happened to California?

>less landwhale swamp donkeys
>implying it's a bad thing

What is this supposed to accomplish? You go to the restroom to take care of your business and freshen up. Can't make sure you got that bugar if you can't check the mirror.

Meanwhile every girl continues to carry a mirror on her person.

>ignore the food stuck between your teeth you are beautiful

Are mirrors real?

Depends where you go
Near the beaches that's where they now gather

If our eyes aren't real

Anybody familiar with the Sartre play, "No Exit"?

And front facing camera in the smartphone.

>Calxit when?

Not soon enough Jew.


Don't SJW's hate when they're told to smile?

Occupied Jefferson needs to step up and overthrow the Californians already.

Once again trying to help people ignore reality and substitute it with something artificial. You feel bad for how you look because you want to look better. They are only hurting people.

We really are past the point of this all ending well.

this picture was taken at the very moment when she snapped her cankle


Jefferson when?

not soon enough

Only the girl's bathroom though, right?

Really makes me think.

Y'know, about all the girls with penises who have to go to the boys room but are now oppressed because they're forced to look at themselves in the mirror thus triggering their body dysphoria and this is really a transphobic initiative and we should start a hashtag campaign to get the principal fired for hating trannies. #translivesmatter

From a /fit/ thread I know Kennedy is a meme but he was bang on about physical fitness and the issues it causes when a whole nation neglects it.

>Actually think it's Obama and not some fake parody account.

Must suck to be so weak you need a pep talk every time you need to piss

But women are totally emotionally stable guys

Of course its for girls. We live in a time where women can be fat and ugly, but guys must be 10/10s.

>Be woman
>Always check myself out in the mirror when I wash my hands so I can fix my hair in the few seconds I have
>In this school I'd have to take my mirror out of my purse and find some place to set it
>Typically I don't take my purse with me to the bathroom, so at least once I'd have to come back to class without feeling 100% about my appearance

Thanks for filling me with self-doubt and frustration! Go school!

As an user living in California, I can confirm that it's true that SJWs infest every surface. At my high school, which is located in a suburb of Los Angeles, at least a quarter of the population are delusional "non-binaries". There are a few of us with some rationality rather than emotions, but granted, we're in the minority.


they want girls to be ugly so americans wont breed and need rapugees

LOL if you're in school you're a girl, not a woman, and why don't you just take your purse with you in the first place?

Also stop caring what people think about how you look- I'm not saying this in the same way as the girls who removed these mirrors, I'm saying just stop caring it will objectively make you happier, more red-pilled and more attractive to the boys around you.

Don't worry about reality, just feeeeeeeel good.


Why California, all states, became such a magnet for leftists? Does it have something to do with the climate?

Scary to see the direction the world would be going in with Hillary winning
We'd have no more mirrors in the world a complete ban on reflective surfaces and illegal to shoot a photo without a license

How can mirrors be real if our eyes aren't real?

Christos mois you fucking gringos start ugly and stay ugly

I think that's actually pretty great for the male species. We will continue to out-evolve, outclass, and outperform our female counterparts in the future due to this while they stagnate.

Forget females taking over the world any time soon. They are regressing themselves as quickly as they won themselves the right to vote.

Men win again (as usual).


That is a fatastic word

>all the retarded attention whore phenotypes + psychopaths from across america swarmed to california over the previous several decades due to hollywood gold rush and now there is nothing that can save it from itself

>tell gf her eyeshadow is smeared
>she goes to bathroom to fix it
>No mirrors
>Mfw the PC Police make my 3dpd waifu look like a raccoon

Floridas flag is pretty shit and In need of a redesign desu

The problem with this policy is that mirrors are used to help you make yourself look BETTER.

Big mirrors are much more useful than compact ones that all the girls probably have already.

The insanity of the white Liberal mind is starting to trip over its own feet and that is a beautiful thing.


That's basically how we got strong black people in America
All the weak slaves died off the one with the stronger genes went off to make them all fit now they're fucking these landwhales ruining their own athletic genes


Him and Will also made their own math.


>>No mirrors mirrors on the wall

>>No bloody mary 3 times

I have to disagree with this post OP. Little girls dont need to worry about their looks until they reach puberty. Knowing from way back in junior high school, girls were dressed way too slutty for their ages

Win win for us whites

>Using public objects, ever.
This wouldn't be a problem in an AnCapt society.

actually yes. Liberals tend to make major lifestyle choices based on things like weather, proximity to beaches, night life... also they are engrossed in the hollywood and celebrity scenes and think that is what real life is all about. to them, raising kids in a nice place with fresh air that has seasons and no beaches is hell.


Hey fuck you jerk we're equal you dumb boys.

>That outta stop my reflection from oppressing me!

>now i cant tell if i have food all over my face for eating like a slob during lunch

i see this creating more problems then solving them



I'm all for personal choice, but parents can be retarded and ruin a program for everyone with complaints. I remember when I was in 4th grade, year 1999, the school banned tag because it was aggressive.

Low and behold, the obesity epidemic started and now even less kids are moving around.

>anaconda hunting



on a serious note: the fuck has happened to our orange farms?

going to disney you used to see DOZENS OF ORANGE GROVES EVERYWHERE now you see just a couple.

was the freeze years ago really that fucking bad?


It's Los Angeles. Think of it as a virus. Ask any Californian, they will tell you this virus started in Los Angeles, and in some respects San Francisco. At first it started out as fringe, then they started getting sleeper cells into power such as Jerry Brown, who became governor twice. He is literally a radical marxist who comes off as a nice moderate guy tough on crime, when the reality is, he is just the opposite. We should've followed the warning signs when he fucking endorsed Jim Jones in the 70s. San Diego mayor Rodger Hedgecock even ran in the 80's campaigning on the platform against what he called "LAfication". Holy fuck was he right. 30 years later they captured the city and it will never be the same again.

Anyone up for a raid on some leftist mother fuckers?

Woah are we gonna send them naughty words on Twitter I better ask my mum if I can stay up that late. It's my 34th birthday tomorrow she said she is throwing a big party.

Largofag here. Just checked Publix bathroom. No Cobra.

One of the more interesting insights into reality you can take away from this comes from asking the question "why is it always male refugees; why not female refugees to get white men to reproduce with them?" The answer leads to the truth that the public is being misinformed on, but many here already know.

The insiders know there aren't enough attractive female refugees to go around and thus there is minimal risk-reward for their efforts since men will generally require an attractive female to reproduce with. On the other hand, women require only strength, domination, and exoticism, and are also more easily swayed by cultural narratives to mix.

The end result is flood society with male refugees, exploit women's cognitive malleability, and let nature take its course. Most people resisting this don't realize they are fighting against the exploitation of biology itself. It's like fighting against a math equation.

But you aren't alone. The one people here call "Kek" is an alien life form that feeds on the sanity of civilizations and eventually the flesh of the insane as well before leaving to go to new worlds. It was called to this planet roughly 10 years ago where it began to nest, most likely in Antarctica, and it began to "whisper" to civilization, driving people insane. Some organisms for whatever reason have a resistance to Kek's call and they become its priests amplifying its message. You aren't alone in your resistance and you and everyone here are aware of this on some level; as are those whose plans "Kek" is currently disrupting.

I graduated HS in '09. Is it really that bad?

I mean, I wasn't exactly Sup Forums back then, but I didn't notice too much modern SJW faggotry.


Those tiles look absolutely disgusting.

This would be so annoying. You need the mirror. It has a practical use.

Leafposters are making a comeback with the bantz. Please take this (you).

that's not very fucking practical though is it?

>unconditional compliments
Why are lefties like this? When everyone's beautiful and you don't even need to see them to adamantly declare it so, what value is there in that assessment? It ceases to be a compliment if it applies to fucking everybody and you don't even need any basis.

As a guy who had never been comfortable with my looks. I still needed to look in a mirror to squeeze out any pimples and black heads and comb my hair.

removing mirrors has nothing to do with pimples or bad hair. It's to deny the reality that they aren't 10/10 chicks.

Tech industry, Hollywood, and LOLMUHWEATHER

All /calpol/ has a civic duty to vote exit fit the good of America.

>gets something in the eye
>gets nosebleed
>get shit on your hair/face
>go to bathroom to clean up
>no mirror
>You keep your shit in your hair/blood on your face/can't see shit because you could see
>but AT LEAST you didn't trigger yourself

Fucking fragiles.

>women put up a sign telling girls to smile
>empowering and good
>man tells a girl to smile
>sexist male pig harassing women and asking for castration
I'm confused

If you were an emotional, issufferable virtue-signaling cunt who surrounded yourself with others exactly like you and had a perpetual social metagame of "who is the most progressive saint and why is it me and me alone?"dominate every aspect of your waking life, you'd probably be starved for any kind of positive reinforcement too.

>where can I find this mirror? I'm tired of being ugly


All the Jews migrated to there from the commie side of Germany before they got gassed. Sad!

probably just too jewy to buy windex


Did they ever consider that mirrors have a real and necessary function?

Just let them go, take the bases and nukes and tell them to fuck off.

never tbqh senpai. It was uncovered calexit was started by russian oligarcs to split and weaken the weast.

That is so thoughtful of the lefties.

It still has many hotties, but the fems are out of control here.


Never. It started as a joke and now rural and suburban retards support it.