Stop obeying the compulsory territorial monopolist of ultimate decision-making and of taxation known as the state.
Stop obeying the compulsory territorial monopolist of ultimate decision-making and of taxation known as the state
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Yeah, ok.
Yeah, good luck with that.
stop denying my god given right to the commons
stop allowing and promoting the land monopoly.
Landlords function exactly like the state and should be removed
Stop violating the social contract faggot
Ok :(
i can't i'll go to jail.
On it. We've told Spain, Portugal, Brazil, Argentina, England and France to fuck off. In the process of telling everyone who isn't me to fuck off as well.
fuck off stephen king looking motherfucker
Has Hoppe ever predicted what he thinks will happen when the gibs run out?
Planet of the apes scale chimpout.
>The contract that isn´t a contract
Neat. Is it in a particular book or essay?
I don't want men with guns to take me away from my family and throw me in a cage for the rest of my life OP. I really don't think I can fight against the resources of the state by myself. I don't think other people will help me either. Probably because they don't want men with guns to take them away from their families and throw them in cages for the rest of their lives.
Holy shit. Is that Jeffrey Dahmer?
Thanks bro. I was just about to take care of that.
It´s meant to be disobedience that doesn´t get you into trouble. The point of self-ownership is that you place value on your body and liberty
No, fuck you
Do you happen to have a list of laws that I can legally break and not get into shit for? I can't find any.
I don't think the stuff the government doesn't care about is at the top of their list of stuff they care about. Or even on it at all. You know. Since they don't care about it.
When it comes down to it; if the government wants you to do something then you have very little choice in the matter. We're cattle. Uncooperative cattle don't live very long or very well. The world will stand by and watch your life go to shit all the while laughing and calling you an idiot. They'd be right too.
Victimless crime laws.
We can start promoting seccession. We can organise in peaceful disobedience. History is filled with examples.
This secession is the best.
I really think an-caps could be retarded. They are in no way in touch with reality. No wonder libertarians attracts autists.
And seccession is actually realistic and happening in real time
Go ahead and try to argue how capitalism will even exist in 100 years. All jobs will be gone due to AI. A bigger government is inevitable.
How do I even unpack such an unthought ignorant statement? How will market forces continue to exist in 100 years?. As long as intelligent entities exist, there will exist capitalism as a result of the necessity to trade, you moron
No one said markets won't exist. Anarcho capitalism is a laughable ideology that ignores the inevitable need for socialist policies as unemployment becomes universal. There will at least be a mixed economy.
But are they successful examples? Will the government peacefully accept my peaceful disobedience?
Or will they peacefully put me in the peaceful prison and let the peaceful prisoners take their peaceful lube and peacefully penetrate my peaceful posterior until I peacefully pass out?
What is a victim-less crime and why do you think it's called a crime? Is it a crime?
>the inevitable need for socialist policies as unemployment becomes universal
>now it's not socialism that causes unemployment
>cant into private property
Dont complain when appropriate your body indirectly and throw you out of the helicopter
Go live in the forest.
Are you not aware of automation increasing at unprecedented rates? If you're in your 20s, odds are you'll be effected. How will unfettered capitalism resolve this?
>ubi retards
I never called for UBI. But clearly some government involvement will be necessary.
Verbal contracts are a real thing.
ok lets follow this train of thought
Fuck you squatter
Every revolution in history is a successful example
>Will the government peacefully accept my peaceful disobedience?
It´s almost like you're playing dumb
>why do you think it's called a crime?
because that is the terminology we're forced to use
Mute people cant into the social contract?
>wat is diminishing returns
>what is price calculation
>Are you not aware of automation increasing at unprecedented rates?
Ignore the socialist part. Most burgers have a warped view of socialism/Marxism/communism due to the witch hunts from the republican party late last century. It was basically the reverse of progressives calling people Nazis, with everyone to the left of the right wing being labeled a socialist.
Because literally all jobs will be gone. Do you really not understand how devastating the future is for the average worker?
Ah yes, I'm going to use some drivel from an autist who works for a libertarian think tank. There's a reason that Austrian "economics" is laughed at in academia. I minored in economics and never once came across a single economist who actually takes that ideology seriously.
No, you.
That's why you need to free up the market and let the worker keep what he has earner and let employers pay as much as they like so as to DECREASE unemployment
In Democracy, The God That Failed he says that if western states were to adopt an open borders policy without getting rid of welfare then "civilization would vanish" just as it once did from Greece or Rome.
Mainstream economists can't answer the simple question of how aditional pieces of paper create wealth. That's why when with all the things that have been happening, economists keep failing in their predictions and have no answer whatsoever. Aside from a few minor points where all economists agree, you would have been using your time just as well doing a woman's studies course
>Middles ages
>19 out of 20 people work on the fields to grow enough food for everyone
>"These new technologies are going to replace us farmers. Universal unemployment is inevitable!"
>when people share your memes
also assuming you are right ( you are wrong ), what does government come into play, what does it do? Give you free gibs? gib monies?
Enjoy working for pennies because some greedy cuntwagon wants his shitty infalted currency
That still answers nothing.
The point is that contracts don't need too be something written on a piece of paper.
Regardless, talking shit about the social contact is beyond autistic. The whole point of it is that governments have obligations to their people, and if they fall in their obligations the people have every right to replace them.
>Every revolution
You sure about that? No violence or anything? No silencing dissidents?
>Terminology we're forced to use
Is it a crime or isn't it? This is a pretty black and white subject. Either the law does not recognize it as a crime or it does. we're not talking about some random persons opinion here.
You can't use historical examples because the effect will be unprecedented. AI will completely eliminate most jobs. It will be the industrial revolution on steroids.
We want wealth, not jobs. Read the article.
Governments gives you nothing. Governments are not a productive element in society. Every single thing a government does is a net loss for society, economically.
>talking shit about the social contact is beyond autistic
Good argument, retard. You still haven't explained how the social contract is a contract.
There will have to be some kind of large safety net. I don't know if that involves taxing companies at higher rates or what. Otherwise no one will be able to make ends meet. The jobs aren't going to be around.
So robots will do stuff for us? Nice, that means we don't have to work anymore since all work is done for us. What do you think will happen to the price of goods then?
>minored in economics
>austrian economics is laughed at in academia
>proceed to use marginal utillity, opp cost, and every basis for all microecon ever developed by the austrian school
>You sure about that? No violence or anything? No silencing dissidents?
Yes, and something changed right after
Of course it's a crime. In the same sense that adultery is sin. All empty meaningless words for the anarchic atheist.
There's only so much demand for jobs that can't be automated.
If automation makes the production of value so effective that one cent is worth $15000 worth of stuff in today's terms, why shouldn't we have a basic income? Also, don't forget that people mature their wealth relative to others, not as an objective value. If a shitload of people are being posted in pennies, and the remaining people make figures comparable to what middle to upper class people make now, even if pennies let you buy $15,000 worth of stuff, the social discontent will be catastrophic.
>Governments are not a productive element in society. Every single thing a government does is a net loss for society, economically.
For society as a whole, yes, but not for evey person in society.
Those are neoclassical economic principles, not Austrian.
Because a basic income prevents low-skilled workers from getting a job. It disincentivises employers from doing so whereas if the minimum wage is 0, low-skilled workers actually have a chance to gain training and work experience.
>the social discontent will be catastrophic
There is no social discontent when you are living like a king, only having to work 2 or 3 days in a week
Learn difference between objective poverty and relative poverty
I was linking your post
The social contract is between peoples, Hobbes is a retard. A contract under coercion is invalid and all the other nonsensical paradoxes from a not argreed apon contract.
what a ridiculous notion.
If all work was automated tommorow and everyone was out of the job that day. Would people stop acting? Would they just stop existing because there are 'no jobs'?
Society is not an organism. Governments represent a net loss for every single tax-paying individual
You simply don't get it. There won't be any goddamn jobs.
So what's the point of a basic income? lol
That's incoherent. Phrase it better.
As a mean of sustenance. There's no real comprehensive answer to automation at this point, but UBI should be explored.
>Something changed right after
Yeah, I'm sure something did. But whether or not it was the change the protesters wanted is another story.
>Of course it's a crime
Well now this just sounds illegal. And illegal means jail time.
Do you think the other nations of the world will watch your country collapse and just ignore it? You realize every neighbour you have will immediately march/swim to you and take control right? Very non-peaceful-like. They wouldn't even care about you as cattle. Just round you up, kill you off/let you die and bring their own people over to graze on their newly acquired pasture.
A proper state is nothing more than fee for service. I pay taxes to preserve exclusive use of my private property.
Only commies are confused about this. Even disgusting anarchists understand if you pay mercenaries to kill thieves, thieves will be killed.
>mocks statement for being a poor argument
>doesn't respond to the argument portion of the statement
As for the social contract, you're being autistic about the definition of the word, and whether or not it's a contract is irrelevant.
Sustenance provided by no work and extract from productive people thus a net loss for society. It doesn't take long before it collapse. Socialists simply can't seem to comprehend how free things don't exist.
Who gives a shit. If you lose your job to a machine or an AI, I'd laugh at you
neoclassical was birthed from austrian and classical
what I listed was developed mainly by austrian school
It's going to happen to literally every profession. Computers will even program themselves.
All who believe in an 'inherent' social contract shall one day burn in hell of capitalist creation.
Informed voluntary agreement is a prerequisite for any so-called 'contract'.
>ideology that says statism is bad and that economists are not and cannot really be the magicians they think themselves as is laughed at and scoffed by the establishment
Really triggers my synapses
It´s a "disservice" . That's why it has to be forced unlike in a real market situation.
>I pay taxes to preserve exclusive use of my private property.
Does government own property to protect your property. If so, who does government pay taxes to to protect their property?
More classical than Austrian.
>and whether or not it's a contract is irrelevant
Hey! No fantasy role playing, this is Sup Forums.
I don't care. I'll have my own AI's doing my shit for me, not the govt's AI.
Are you ok bro? Is it the grammar, or the words are too difficult?
If all jobs were automated tommorow and everyone was out of their job as consequence, People would still exist and would still act.
>A proper state is nothing more than fee for service
that's modern nonsense
the state as it comes to us through the ages is where the most powerful families with name and wealth and lands gather. One of them is primus inter pares and rules as the head of the country
the state as servant of people is some democratic bullshit idea that was never true.
what interest have they in protecting your property?
even today the state owns all land. You pay tax yearly to them. They own the property. Indirectly , the banks through debt.
How is government a direct loss for someone on welfare? I'm not a fan of the welfare state cut what you're saying is obviously untrue, unless by net loss on individuals you mean including indirect effects, in which case you're wrongly limiting the scope of the issue.
Also, society is an epiphenomonal thing that arises from people's interactions.
It's only a 'disservice' in today's world because communism is a thing.
The very concept of private property demands any and all violators are guilty of unwarranted aggression, and as such, must be destroyed by all available means. If 'the state' happens to be one of those means, then so be it.
Yes, but how does that answer anything? How will people make ends meet?
literally retarded
fucking autistic its more teal than green or blue
As I said, autism regarding the word contract. The point is that society should be built on reciprocal relationships. If most people in an area want a government, and you don't, you should either deal with it or go somewhere else.
Oh shut it Hans. Your country is falling to Islam as we speak.
Gunless fucking retards.
Someone's pissed. And neoclassical economics is but one school. Ricardo, Henry George, Mathus, and Mill weren't Austrians. They were classical.
I dont think you understand what an economy is.
Why would you need to if everything is automated?
>the state as servant of people is some democratic bullshit idea that was never true.
Bullshit. For most of history, the aristocracy served the people as a dedicated military class. The increasing popularity of democratic and republican ideas was linked to the abandonment of that service.