This one atheist in a facebook group for Christcucks started shit and now I'm engaged in discussion with him on the topic "Is eternal punishment fair for certain sins?"
Help a bro out.
This one atheist in a facebook group for Christcucks started shit and now I'm engaged in discussion with him on the topic "Is eternal punishment fair for certain sins?"
Help a bro out.
Other urls found in this thread:
>seek help from theist Sup Forumsacks on how to soundly continue a discussion in religion
>get told to go to reddit
>""""""""""""""""""theist""""""""""""""" Sup Forumstards
Tell him you accept his arguments and are now an atheist
I don't know what you're >implying
God can do whatever God wants because might makes right, distinguishing between good or evil, just or injust is irrelevant.
only if you dont repent for them
>im sorry i was a dick to you, can i still come to your party?
>yeah i forgive you, come on in
>hey let me into your party
>no youve been a jackass
>I don't care because i was in the right, now let me in
>no, get the fuck out of my house
That's pretty much what I said, but he hasn't replied to the comments since the one about Buddhist hell.
What is this image
When you sin, you sin against God. He is eternal and thus punishment is eternal to satisfy his righteousness. However he is merciful so he sent his son to die for humanity so we can seek forgiveness.
Hell isn't eternal punishment, just separation from God. You can choose to be separate from God if you'd like.
You're Sean, aren't you?
Tell him that Christianity is a lot more similar to other religions than he realizes, and that the overall summation of the "hell" theme of each of these religions is "hell, aka eternal suffering, is the only place in existence separated from God" (which you could then equate to things like Dharma if that would help him get the point better)- then explain that God isn't sitting at the gates of Heaven sorting through who he feels belongs there or in Hell- if you do something evil, the natural consequences of your sin just like karma will put you there- it's not something God chooses, it's something you choose.
Also this.
>taking the (((bible))) literally
These niggers don't even know what god is. They think he's a real person or some shit
depiction of the battle of grunwald, polish forces (red) go up against the superior teutonic knights and win for the first time, ending the teutons reign.
the artist decided to display the overbearing power of the teutonic knights against the polish underdogs by making the knight massive
he has some pretty cool shit
No need to discuss religion with an atheist. Theyre lost fucks.
Yes. And thank you.
post a pic of your dick and tell him to suck it
>Having """"discussion"""" on Facebook
Shiggy fucking diggy
That's bretty gud shit. I really do get jealous of artists sometimes, being able to create all that cool shit with their mind. I could never draw anything like that.
You can literally do anything you set your mind to.
Well for one thing Buddhism is a religion at least certain sects. Others do more or less ignore the mystical trappings
But it's basically just a value judgement man. You either thing eternal hell fire is justified or you don't. Not much to really argue on that
Also this. Just say that's what god does and even if we consider it immoral it is a great incentive not to be a prick. Fear god and whatnot
Yeah but God isn't just a tyrant. He is perfectly just. The only reason people should fear God, is for their imperfections and shortcomings. Not because God is evil.
He's assuming an implied objective morality exists. Ask him to prove it without reference or appeal to a metaphysical authority. In other words, how can he make value judgements if values are subjective? What is the teleological end?
>Not realizing that it meant there are recurring consequences for repeated mistakes
The eternal punishment thing was added in to encourage fear and compliance. At a more mature level they would realize that it was just a warning for engaging in activities they witnessed always having the same negative outcome.
Oh god, please don't start that shit again. The natural response to that is who gave Christians the right to decide good from evil, when some of their evils are innocuous things like not observing the sabbath and using contraceptives. A biased framework should not dictate the condemnation of a person to a place that's described as thoroughly unpleasant, for eternity, with no possibility of redemption once you're there.
The subjective interpretatiom argument is equally flawed, because it implies that what's on paper is overextreme and nonsensical, and the gatekeeper to Christian morality is actually whatever authority figure is interpreting the text at that time. Human imperfection and biases etc.
Arguing on the side of the Abrahamic punishment and reward system has gone to total shit since people discovered there's more than the one religion in the world.
In that case you again just have to assert that yes these people do deserve to burn in hell forever
The real answer to this is: it doesn't matter if we think God is just or arrogant - God is God and we're not. If God exists, we're subject to his will whether we like it or not.
That's a pretty easy corner to come out of:
All morality can't entirely be objective or subjective, otherwise it's tautological.
Very simple.
The concept of hell and eternal punishment on the scale of the christian church was invented to keep people in line, it doesnt hold any religious weight historically and you can soundly ignore it.
If God is all powerful and all knowing and he also loves his creation then however he decides to punish sinners is just by default
>Checkmate athiests
Nice try heathen, have fun on judgement day.
Religious cults are faux spirituality wrapped up in state manipulation. Wow, a church descending from the first sumerian grain cults wants me to eat toxic bread as sacrement. No thanks.
Historically everyone goes to sheol which is comparable to hades, similarbto purgatory.
Heaven and hell were and are for incredibly special people/fuckups
>Hitler deserves hell
Fuck off to
Hell isnt eternal punishment and heaven isn't eternal bliss. That's what we just tell the normies to scare them into doing the right thing because they couldn't understand the truth. Your sins decide weather or not you have accepted God into your life. Heaven is just being in His presence.
>forever fucks up and dirties the nationalist movement because he sperged out and invaded russia in the winter
>not deserving of hell
Everyone deserves hell retard. It is through God that we are saved.
Prove it