What are some Sup Forums approved Dog breeds?

What are some Sup Forums approved Dog breeds?

For the breed, anything AKC accepted. That means no pit bulls and no designer cross breeds like labrapoos

The whitest breed for the white man.

could it survive without humans/handouts?

if yes its good to go

Retrievers, shepherds and hounds basically.

Can you still get pure bred dogs without serious illnesses? Especially German shepherds seem to be animal cruelty these days.

Any breed, because any dog > feminisms/niggers/shitskins/Kikes

There's a reason the dog is the white man's best friend.


I miss my Golden Retriever so much.


Big dogs only, no cunt breeds like Rottweilers/Pit bulls.

Great pyrenees, they're nice doggos

I have a meme corgi. It's still a puppy though so not sure if redpilled.

well even if mixed there are risks. My dog is mixed between a German Shepherd and a Bernese Mountain Dog, he has hip dysplasia, which is something more frequent with Bernese Mountain Dog and usually not a problem with German Shepherds. When I took him to the vet because he would not walk at all, from the radiography his hip and posture is more related to German Shepherds, but he still developed hip dysplasia. He is ok now, I do have to give him a cartrophen injection each month which cost about $25 CAD.

Doberman ffs.

German Shepards are based if they don't have shit owners. The shittiest dogs at our local public dog park are German Shepards because their owners fucking suck and made their dogs aggressive.

Dogue best Doguo

Shiba Inu
Glorious Nippon puppers

German Short Hair Pointers.

The kind of Dogger every Man with a Family needs.

>pol is one person

I am looking for a picture from south africa where there was a white woman and her kids protected by a dog and on the outside of the gates there was a pack of smelly niggers.


I know exactly what you are referring to. I don't have the image on my work computer nor can I find it anywhere.

A lot of people here regard them as nigger dogs but I've never owned dogs that hated blacks more than these 3. My Dalmatian was close but she had too big a heart and would eventually allow them to pet her.

Jack Russel. Pound for pound, the toughest.

That being said when the two males die the next puppy I get will be one of the wee three, probably a Scottish terrier. Family friends back in Scotland had two and they were fucking ace.

>how can white bois even compete

Ironically they use that breed to guard against roving niggers in south africa

German Wirehaired Pointer Master Race

My dogu

Just found out my daschund from back home at my rents is in the advanced stages of kidney failure and has 2 months max. Fuck I'm gonna miss him bros.

Cute dogger.

That's how my boy died, german shepherd. Fucking sucked, best dog a man could ask for too.

My Golden Retriever was the same. We were stupid to put her under surgery, she would have had a longer and less painful life if she died naturally, instead of the complications she had during the surgery.

The dogs with germanic origin

lmao, i remember making this exact thread w/ same pic a week ago. love ya op

My Siberian Husky as a puppy.

Best guard dog i have seen is pic related. The german sherpards i see around here are friendly but are all cowards who hide behind their owners when there is danger.

I have a beagle/labrador mix pupper a very loyal intelligent dog and bitches love him

are you really this autistic


Belgian sheep dog !
jumps 3 m fence you cant see it coming when it attacks and is winter proof


The newfags are loose again

Labradors are the only dogs that are acceptable.

Rate my doggos

Can't go wrong with one of these fellas

You're into cock arent you

Most German Shepards you see today have been bred so far away from good guard dogs that they're essentially a different breed. If youi want a good Shep, you need to talk to those who breed for the military and police. They are still bred for purpose, not aesthetics.

Irish wolfhounds are pretty awesome. Great sight hounds. Gentle giants but take well to attack training/literally used to hunt wolves. Shame they seldom live past 8/9 years

cute af

That inbred freak is no German Sheppard.

Is it that obvious?

It's pretty simple really

>Single man who gets /out/
German Shepard

>Family man
Aussie Shepard



>Ascended Master Race of Elightenment
Pitbull+German Shepard mix

The whitest breed in this thread

you mad white boi?


>German Shepard
shit tier desu.

>Ascended Master Race of Elightenment
>Pitbull+German Shepard mix

So if a white breeds with a nigger, it becomes a master race of enlightenment? No wonder those Egyptians were able to build the pyramids.


Pathetic nigger dog

Not even a question.

He doesnt like niggers for some reason, I don't even care he's a pit he's ok in my book

Jack Russels are some of the smallest dogs which aren't yappy fucking useless lapdogs, they're based.

>Ascended Master Race of Elightenment
>Pitbull+German Shepard mix
what that is the most retarded inbred thing you can make
you are a master you will get a gray wolf !

every british hunting dogs are god-tier
i own a otterhound+beagle mix which looks kinda like pic related
hes the most loyal dog i know

forgot pic

Blacked is the only type of breeding /pol accepts

What the fuck is the point of hutning a grey wolf? Their meat is shit.

rate my doggo

would stomp head in

But he made his dog take a cyanide pill.

The one true white mans companion.

>"german" glorifying the anglo
>dog is mixed degenerate
>too stupid to post a pic

You are probably a paki born in Britain who moved to Germany.

Anything purebred

Because they can easily kill livestock and humans if given a chance. Not all hunting is for meat.
Others do it for sport though.

he got a black eye, you beat his shit in?

t. small dicked manlet
>So if a white breeds with a nigger, it becomes a master race of enlightenment? No wonder those Egyptians were able to build the pyramids.
Absolutely, stay woke my friend

well they are pests in some parts of the world!
But if you ask me you they can be pets if you are alpha as fuck !

anatolian shepherd are goat

no lol thats just the color of his hair around his eye hes like the target dog

fuck off ali. british and german dog breeds are the best.
>muh breed mixing
you are literally retarded if you cant see the benefits of mixing dog breeds

Makes sense. A friend of mine has one as a pet, she has been raising him from birth and tells me he occasionally goes berserk for no apparent reason.

pic related is my dog, extremely loyal and smart Australian labradoodle

>race mixing is degenerate
>white-black mix is the ultimate race
pick one and only one pol

This post reminded me how much I love Gsheps and miss her, thank you for the feels lad.

You're disgusting Ackmed

Sorry I'm so late.

I feel you man, but for me it was my shi-tzu. Grew up with her.

American pit bull. Great pets, good with kids