"All white women are stupid except me."

"All white women are stupid except me."

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Why are women ""comedians"" so unfunny?
Even negroes are better

People need to stop looking to comedians for perspective on the world. They are literally just the modern version of the court jester.

Rape+Murder are in order, honestly.

>court jesters
They were often the only ones allowed to allude to some uncomfortable truths and make fun of their rulers.
Most of our comedians don't even do that though. They just tell people what they want to hear.

>when ur a cat lady beyond the wall and you just keep getting older and older

source you faggot

Because the things that make men funny, are the same things women find offensive and attribute to harrassment.
I mean, a huge part of feminism is based around their inability to understand banter and that male bonding often involves insulting one another. If you've ever spent any time around mixed groups of men and women, you'll know that men generally don't include women when bantering, because they react badly to it.
This is why it's so awkward when female comedians try to emulate men, because they go all out without understand the nuances of banter. They just try to act as crude, disgusting and obnoxious as possible.

this bitch is hideous and was never funny, ever. 30 rock is garbage


what did she do this time?


Although you could also just tune in any random day as she always saying something stupid.


>They were often the only ones allowed to allude to some uncomfortable truths and make fun of their rulers.
I've never really liked political comedy that takes aim at rulers, because in a world where political power shifts between different parties every few years, they don't represent the people vs elite. They're simply making fun of one ideology, while indirectly defending their own. Sure, many comedians are good at picking apart and ridiculing the double standards in their opposition's political ideology, but they're completely blind when it comes to seeing their own double standards.
It's particularly grating in the modern world, where comedians ironically represent the ruling elite, by promoting political correctness. Even "edgy" comedians are still well within the line of what is acceptable to say.

I hate this stupid cunt.

Seriously what the fuck is wrong with her neck?

I never understood the fascination and respect Tina Fey gets. Then again, I can't really say there's a single female comedian doing standup, sketch comedy, or otherwise that has the ability to make me laugh.

but tina is funny

Thanks for the link, just what I expected, a whole lotta nothing, except mud-slinging

White women have been heavily infected with toxic poisonous Feminism, both modern and classic, women should have fair rights, I see each one like a mother, but this equality nonesense is ambiguos and untrustworthy.

Well put

> tina fey
> white

pick one

You're right senpai.
>they don't represent the people vs elite
And when they do, it's in such broad terms and with such a shallow understanding that it's harmless. They obfuscate and discourage real understanding more than enlighten.
And usually they just try to fit it in the worldview they are trying to sell anyway.
They're not necessarily "corrupt", but they took a side and they have a market that they have to please.
>comedians ironically represent the ruling elite
Also by promoting the intense polarization and supporting the divide-and-conquer strategy of the elite. Both halves of the US want something completely different it seems. The elite thrives against a divided people.

and me! I'm fucking better than you.

>All women are stupid

See I fixed that for you

I guess her career is dying. Taking a public anti/pro Trump stance seems to be a desperation move for celebrities to claw back some relevancy.

>I never understood the fascination and respect Tina Fey gets.
She's less terrible than most other female comedians, and as far as I'm aware, doesn't just talk about her pussy.
What I consider a much greater mystery is how Sarah Silverman is so popular, even among other comedians. She's one of the most obnoxious, unfunny cunts out there, only topped by the human blob that is Amy Schumer.

On that note, The US actually did have some decent female comedians back in the day. People like Lucille Ball and Phyllis Diller were actually funny, and possessed a confidence and personality you rarely see in female celebrities. They were even decent improvisers and could banter with the best of them. On the other hand, you also had cunts like Joan Rivers, who seems to have been a prelude to modern female comedians.

I've actually become somewhat fascinated by pre-1980s American culture over the past few years. If you watch old Late Night shows or panel game shows from the 50s and 60s that feature celebrities, the celebrities are classy, surprisingly well spoken and genuinely funny. They seem to have an air of authority and confidence about them, and it's only through observing popular culture as it existed in this era that I've come to understand why celebrities were as highly regarded as they were.
It's amazing how much the world has changed in just 50 years.

Now THAT'S funny. Good one user

Because our societies forced us, men, to develop humour. By our societies standards, a man that shows or express his emotions is weak. This is why men usually turn to humour to talk about what concerns them, it is even truer with dark humour because the goal is usually to laugh about the absurdity of the reality.

It comes off as a poor emulation of something that they don't understand, so they exaggerate and mock it

They never needed to be. With humans, males are the ones who have to attract and keep ahold of a mate. Women have little reason to do either since there will always be a man willing to fuck them.

I think it's somewhat of a myth that men don't talk about their feelings. I think the main difference between men and women is that women talk about their feelings all the time, while men only talk about it in certain circumstances.

Society seems to interpret this as women having more emotinal depth than men, but I think it's the opposite. If a man opens up, it's likely going to be far more personal and revealing than a woman's incessant, insecure whining about every little detail of her life.

You ever see one of those old talk shows take questions from the audience? Crazy how articulate people were not so long ago.

We get a lot of the dry cringey awkward neoliberal narssissm from this retarded cunt

>they go all out without understand the nuances of banter.

It's as if they don't have the empathy to understand their target audience and their mechanisms of thought.

You should give maria bamford a listen to. She's actually funny. I think a lot of it is because she doesn't rely on jokes about being a woman,like most of them seem to do.

It might be different in Europe since most people I know from there are more socialist and libertarians. But in North America, men don't talk about feelings between them or at all and this can explains why men represents 80% of the suicides.
Of course at some point some men might talk about it to someone, usually women, because of fear that he would be judged by other men. It was even worst among older generation, I saw my father cry three times during my whole life, his mom and sister's death and when my sister had almost fatal car accident that left her in coma for months. My father never spoke with me about his feelings because men of that generation and before had to be strong and there was nothing weaker than showing emotions.

i like it when everyones retarded it makes being better much easier

>he thinks the questions weren't planted
umm.. sweetie?

Absolutely, 100% this

One thing I miss about the old days, even if I've barely experienced it myself, is a sense of authority and professional distance. It seems to be a thing of the past, both in the US and in Norway.
While this is a problem in every aspect of society, it's particularly noticable in the media. I mean, take journalists from the old days. Regardless of their political convictions, they presented the news in a professional manner and came off as trustworthy and knowledgable. Today, they're just political mouthpieces or talking heads, regardless of which side they're on, and they have a very relaxed attitude, as if they know you personally.

Women don't think about anyone's feelings but their own. Trufact.

Of course, it depends on the people. There are some men who never talk about their feelings at all, but overall, men do open up from time to time. It may be years inbetween, but in my experience, it does happen. Alcohol is usually a catalyst, but not always.
With that being said, talking about your feelings doesn't necessarily involve crying or being overly emotional. It's just about letting down your guard and talking about things you usually don't talk about.

I don't think this is something particularly European. If anything, Scandinavians are known to be considerably more guarded and stoic than North Americans.

>"All white women are stupid except me."
She really did say that or make anything close to that. She asking that Trump voters keep up their civic duties and keep in touch with what matters to women.

>Luckily Mike Pence isn't allowed to go down and shut up Planned Parenthood unless his wife goes with him

Holy shit these fucking people. Why are they so obsessed with Pence's wife?

Because Pence is an ideal that everyone really does want. Liberals can't accept it and so get bitter at him and his wife

Nicely summarized, Norway

look into joan rivers. she was great.

Too loud for me.