Allow me to redpill you on China, Sup Forums.
China is on the edge of collapse.
You may say: hey, this guy is trying to make us underestimate China. But no, that's (sadly) not the case. Here's why.
1.China's 2016 GDP Annual Growth Rate was merely 6.8%, meanwhile China Inflation Rate (CPI) was 2% and the devaluation of China's Yuan to US dollar was about -6.8%, which means China's GDP actually decreased 2% in 2016 if we use US dollar to measure it.
you can watch the vid in that thread if you don't believe me >>
2. The webms ITT are REAL, by real I mean they weren't cherrypicked, they happen on a daily basis. even in major cities like Guangzhou and Shenzhen. My heart automatically starts beating fast when I'm about to cross a street bc I know no one would save me if a car/motorcycle ran over me bc they don't want to pay for my medical pills.
3. Finally, the elephant in the room - China's housing bubble. The size of housing market in China is about 240 trillion, and China's GDP is 65 trillion (using Chinese yuan), that's almost 400% of its GDP. The burst of the bubble will make the 2008 US subprime mortgage crisis looks like a fairy tale. All the elites in China are going overseas to buy houses trying to avoid the inevitable hard landing of China's economy.
My most optimistic estimate for China's collapse is in 2021, only 5 years ahead.
Feel free to ask me any questions, I will try my best to answer with facts only.
Redpills on China
and this is coming from an expat who has lived in China for 2 years, I made a lot of money (not by teaching English) but eventually gave up and come home because of the heavy smog.
I'm thinking about teaching English just east of Xi'an to travel while I'm still 24. 2 years NEET. Should I do this or stay NEET? Have a 4 yr degree in hard science.
>My most optimistic estimate for China's collapse is in 2021
I've read that it's going to be 2019
Anyway, once China collapses, Europe is finished. Perhaps except highly industrialized states like France or Germany
>You may say: hey, this guy is trying to make us underestimate China
Ive said for years now that china is massively overhyped despite everyone around me saying the opposite
>Should I do this or stay NEET?
If you need the money, I'd say go for it. Plus Chink women would throw themselves at you even if you're just an average white male like me
What about the collapse of Germany due to all the niggers over running it?
How long until that?
Thanks for the positive reinforcement.
honestly, its not supposed to work that way but these youtubers ADVChina has really redpilled me on china.
Heres a few good ones
also this one is just strange listening to the stories
>Europe is finished. Perhaps except highly industrialized states like France or Germany
sounds good to me
>everyone around me saying the opposite
you are the one getting it right
>the collapse of Germany due to all the niggers over running it
you mean the refugees? They are cheap labors, I wouldn't care too much if 1 in 10 of them don't wanna work, just deport them to Czech or something
China has gone from rags to riches in the last few decades. The government over there actually seems concerned with creating and maintaining as decent and workable society as possible. They've had some fuck ups and they've had some crazy shit. I wish that the people we have for 'leaders' here in the west were similarly directed. In fact, maybe it would be a good thing if there is a deep state, but it would mean that there is actually someone at the helm with a consistent vision, and not just the batshit crazy circus that you see in the news.
I'm unabashedly sympathetic toward China, always have been, the place interests me. Many posters here though are making a habit of using that country to hang their insecurities on in a very unseemly fashion. Maybe people should be more concerned about getting their own country in order than some foreign second tier state half way round the world. That's what they're doing, they're working on their own country.
Thought provoking, 9/10 post.
thanks for posting the vids, I think every expat in China knows that vlogger lol
t. Xiao Zhang and Xiao Wang
>estimate for China's collapse is in 2021
why not 2017?
>you mean the refugees? They are cheap labors,
How many of them have jobs Hans? we're not here to talk shit about Germany anyway.
chinks are pure shit.
You have to go back ching chang chong.
Talk about lame replies. You guys really are stupid aren't you? Sometimes I forget that being articulate and having the capacity for original thought isn't something that everyone enjoys.
An image is worth a thousand words Lee ping.
Don't get me wrong, I actually do suspect China is a paper tiger with collapse on the horizon. Look at Taiwan, a tiny little island they can't even gain control over, and the elite fleeing to other countries.
I like east Asians better than any other "minority" - but it's time to STOP letting more of them in.
>why not 2017?
they are the second largest economy in the world, it takes time for the collapse to happen
someone summon our vietbro, your webms are old af
They're streetshitter with yellow skin.
Just update your material from the ones in the last thread. I'm taking a shower and then playing some Chivalry:
Is India going the same way?
Also what are the Russian, Indian and Chinese economies like compared to western nations where it is mainly service sector (well for UK anyways this is like 80% of our GDP).
I read about how the Gulf States have been diversifying their economy recently.
Most of the chink stuff is animal abuse, i'm cool with chinks dying but animals are cool.
>1.China's 2016 GDP Annual Growth Rate was merely 6.8%
Aren't these numbers exaggerated? More serious numbers are around 4% so I've heard.
>My most optimistic estimate for China's collapse is in 2021, only 5 years ahead.
Based on what?
What does that mean for the global economy? Should we start unentangling ourselves from Chyna? Where will we export then?
The west has depended way too much on cheap labor from the third world, similar to the way the south depended on government subsidized slaves. The US can turn to our large unemployed population, but Europe doesn't have the birth rate to fill all the jobs, and the migrants don't work. Hopefully automation can help.
>China "collapse"
What "collapse" do you mean? Do you even have any meaning behind the word or just projecting a pointless meme word?
Its realistic to expect China to face some big financial crisises eventually - like all countries did and will have in future.
China`s growth tempo is not its survival reason - its just a bonus for its current state. China`s standard of life and economy improved drasticly over the decades and as it is now the world is sooner to collapse than China would.
People projecting stuff are so focused on numbers they forget whats behind it. UK can "collapse" with all its economy based on finances. USA can "collapse" with trillions of debt if Dollar devaluates for some reason. Germany can "collapse" if suddenly their stuff stop being sold.
China has however the biggest in the world consumer market - itself. China has the modern industrial base able to produce anything. China has resources to supply own industries and research based and education to innovate.
Would financial crisis come, it`ll hurt but it`ll survive it. For all that matters - China can build a huge wall around it and stop contacts to outside world, calling itself Middle Kingdom again: and it`ll survive ok, while it`ll be rest of the world that`ll really suffer.
Its like people who ever projecting "hurr Russia will collapse" when oil prices dropped and Rubble suddenly valued half of what it was month before.
Its not CHINA that will collapse. The danger is not to CHINA, but to international banks that all invested to it in hope of continous 10% growth.
take it easy, anyone who sympathizes chinks on Sup Forums is a chink, that's the rule here
>suspect China is a paper tiger
IT IS. Their GDP annual growth rate is getting lower every year.
>Is India going the same way?
I thought you are the ones who colonized India? Anyway, I think India will be the new China, about to be the same population, growing economy, democratic system, all good
>what are the Russian, Indian and Chinese economies like
Russia's GDP is basically made up of exporting natural resources such as gas and oil to Europe, China and Japan. India's is an agriculture country compared to China, aka the world factory, India is basically China but 40 years ago, once the labor cost in China is higher than india, foreign investments will run to India without ever coming back
Just locked into a town 20 mins west of Shanghai. Will be leaving in 2 weeks.
The Wei administration needs a revival.
I have heard people saying that it will keep a float and actually be more powerful in 2020
>Aren't these numbers exaggerated
the number was provided by world bank and IMF, if they think it's valid, then it's good enough for me.
>Based on what?
China has a 5-year-plan system, the 13th 5-year plan from 2015 to 2020 is basically to not fuck up (soft landing of economy according to their state media)
>Where will we export then?
yes india >>good luck and have fun lol
The most important thing to do is find a way to contain it so we don't all get flooded with Chink economic refugees.
Dude... why the fuck to us? It's not like we want them here lol, I'd rather take in a shit ton of Poles / Ukrainians for every fucking brownie. All they do is cause trouble. I have no issue with them, if they practise their inbred violent shite in the fucking desert, not in my nice fucking patch of grass in this shithole we call Earth
>soft landing of economy according to their state media
And why shouldn't they be able to achieve that? They'll still have a shitton of bitterly poor people in their Hinterland but that shouldn't pose an existential risk for them. They can just force a change in economy as they did 35 years ago.
>I have no issue with them, if they practise their inbred violent shite in the fucking desert
That's where they belong Czechbro.
Have fucking fun with lung cancer, buy a heavy duty gas mask, and stay in touch with us
>1.China's 2016 GDP Annual Growth Rate was merely 6.8%, meanwhile China Inflation Rate (CPI) was 2% and the devaluation of China's Yuan to US dollar was about -6.8%, which means China's GDP actually decreased 2% in 2016 if we use US dollar to measure it.
1. growth rates are usually in real terms meaning inflation is accounted for
2.Yuan has no direct link to gdp, if they yuan devalues that has effect on imports/exports, but doesnt effect their GDP directly, in fact ''devalued'' currency could be beneficial to the economy
>housing bubble
you cant really say that an asset is in a '''bubble'''' just because it has a high value, you have to actually show that there are no fundamentals to this high asset price.Presumably without anecdotal evidence
Aye matey, excited to leave the NEET life behind.
What about the blacks in China?
Wow, these guys are normie faggots. At the end they go "what can we say that's positive about this... STAY AWESOME! Plz enjoy this epic, random drone footage."
Fuck off!