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And so the procrastination continues

How have people fared with modafinil Re: ADHD?

Those of you who have ADD. Do y'all have minor OCD, as well? I do. When it comes to art and photography, it helps a whole lot.

Depends. I once left the outer door of the two-part doo to my apartment open and now I have to check several times a day whether or not I forgot to close it, but that's the only OCD-like symptom I have

What's the main difference between ADHD and ADD?

They are sometimes comorbid, but not all the time

Real OCD or you just like things being symmetrical? Real OCD would be something like every third picture you take HAS to be black and white, or like having a particular stair case that you HAVE to sprint up.

Is there a cure for depression that isn't in the form of medication? I've tried working out and it just drains my energy.

I am sick of relying upon pills to function in society like everyone else.

Its very minor for me. I do like things being symmetrical, though. I guess you could call it perfectionism.

Who here just a low energy unproductive NEET? Is it depression or ADD?

I remember feeling overwhelming physical discomfort when I had to do school work.

Completely depends on what has caused the depression in the first place. Some kinds of depression are completely curable without meds. For example, in the case of undermethylation (caused by a genetic mutation) you simply have to supplement with methylfolate, which is a b vitamin.

Depression resulting from a psychological trauma or substance withdrawal tends to resolve itself over time without meds too.

I really should be working... Shhhh...

Eat healthy. Also take a double dose of vitamin D for a couple days. Find a bro to lift with. Get preworkout too. You need to lift for a couple weeks for life gains from it.

>There is empirical evidence for ADHD.

This argument has been debunked so many times before.

Just because there are measurable differences between an ADHD brain and a (((normal))) brain doesn't mean shit. Who decides what a (((normal))) brain looks like?

Have you considered that producing less dopamine might actually be beneficial in certain individuals? That being more impulsive than the statistical average might actually be beneficial from an evolutionary standpoint?

The whole theory of evolution is based on the idea of adaptivity and competitive advantage so the whole idea of a "normal" brain gets flushed down the toilet when you recognise this

Protip: The fact that so many people have ADHD might give you a clue that it isn't just a brain defect

This website overall will not help, but I can talk with you if you'd like. Do you play any instruments?

Do you feel physically capable of achieving things but mentally incapable? Depression tends to make everything physically hard to do too, while ADD makes it difficult to direct your focus enough to achieve things.

I have adhd and love thing symmetrical.

depends, it's like you are not in control of your own focus it kinda does it's own thing. it can shift to something very productive or completely useless

So would you like to consider an ADHD brain similar to how we consider niggers? Just a different subspecies of the human race?
>i.e niggers are impulsive and aggressive because the spear-hunted giant herbivores for the past 100k years

Yes, and it's slightly more than just "minor".

But wanna know something interesting? The most logical thing a conscious entity can do in this Universe is to reduce the entropy of its environment (and its own system), which means that what OCD forces you to do - to order your environment (to reduce its entropy) is the most redpilled thing one man can do.

Just an interesting thought that will really make you think

>tfw ADHD, autistic and dyspraxic

ADHD is a disease that causes the individual to experience less from dopamine. ADHD medication prevents dopamine reuptake by blocking the dopamine transporter. This causes more dopamine to be available to neurotransmitters for usage. This takes the ADHD individual's low dopamine levels and elevates them to a normal/healthy level (if they dose is right, of course).

A person with low dopamine will have many issues with focus and critical thinking. This is because dopamine is a critical reward chemical that promotes particular kinds of behavior, such as focusing and accomplishing tasks. With a reduced amount of dopamine, such activities become less rewarding, and thus the individual is less inclined to do those activities. This phenomenon leads to all other aspects of ADHD that are observed, such as hyper focus on particular things. Hyper focus is due to the individual finding some stimuli that is great enough for them to produce enough dopamine to remain interested. Because of the lack of dopamine released by most other stimuli, the stimuli that actually produces more dopamine is greatly pursued by the individual in order to continue getting the reward the stimuli offers. That's why people with ADHD latch on to particular things so strongly.

The effects of ADHD are very negative to the individual, as they greatly stunt the individuals ability to pursue rational thought. ADHD in children prevents the development of the necessary neuropathways for critical thinking and focus, and once brain development slows, developing those pathways becomes a very difficult task. That is why medicating children with ADHD is important and shouldn't be looked down on. Otherwise, those children will forever be stunted in regards to their rational abilities, compared to what they would have been capable of had they been medicated.

The benefits of ADHD medication can't be overstated. They are miracle drugs for those with ADHD. However, doctors greatly overprescribe them.

example: i found some code library wich i taught was amazing and i barely slept for a week being busy with that all day long and actually being very productive.

other example: spend 3 hours observing a birdsnest outside my window for no goddamn reason

Only have minor OCD when I'm on my meds, Adderall. haven't taken it in a few years. I had no problem getting off of it, never understood the addictive part of it, but then again it affects everyone differently.

When on my meds before I go into any building I have to walk around it three times before I go in. Don't know why.

This. ADD/ADHD are just a means of profit for pharmaceutical companies. There is no such thing as "normal" so to speak. However, I'm very capitalist(albeit I hate jews, oh well), so if people are willing to pay for it and not do some thinking of their own, it's a fair price.

ADHD isn't a brain defect, nor is it a normal brain. It's just a different type of person that usually can't function in a normal structure of society.

Or, they adapt, still have ADHD, and are lunatics when they get away from people and structure.

This overprescription of ADHD medication has lead to one of the greatest bouts of unnecessary dependency that the west has seen. Thousands of people are diagnosed with ADHD simply because doctors and parents are too lazy to discipline their children. These children don't have the structural differences that make ADHD medication necessary, therefore medicating them is pointless and dangerous. When a person who doesn't have ADHD is medicated for ADHD, they receive far too much dopamine. This leads to numerous behavioral issues that manifest later in life, such as anger and depression issues. Likewise, because their dopamine transmitters are working in overdrive thanks to the excess amount of dopamine, they are experiencing oxidative stress that places a major burden on their neurotransmitters. This can lead to permanent damage if not protected against by antioxidants such as magnesium. Children without ADHD that are medicated for ADHD are highly susceptible to brain damage. Thankfully, young minds are best able to repair brain damage. Still, it should be avoided at all costs, obviously.

Could be both but sounds related to dopamine. Are you sad generally or just feel overwhelmed, stressed out and unproductive? ADHD often leads to various levels of depression, for sure it has to do with the chemical imbalances & the issues with functioning in the pre-frontal cortex - but one cannot deny that a lifetime of failure despite not "enjoying being lazy" and hearing "you can do better, I know you can, just try a bit harder" will break even the most optimistic anons.

Hmm, don't know. I find it difficult to imagine being so interested in any particular thing or activity. Not only is there absence of normal focus, but hyperfocus too. I'm probably slightly depressed in addition to having ADD though, so your mileage may vary if you're otherwise mentally healthy.

>When on my meds before I go into any building I have to walk around it three times before I go in. Don't know why.
Sounds like legitimate OCD. It drives me up the fucking wall when people say "I have OCD because I like to (do literally anything in an organized logical manner)", when real sufferers have to do illogical shit because there brain is acting like a broken record

i have diagnosed ADHD 90% and self diagnosed depression and NPD, possibly also bipolar

OCD? I'm not sure, but I have my own rituals which I follow, not too particular about anyone elses though

I quit all medication and am happier for it, my attention span is garbage and am currently looking for a new job that I will excel at because I love to multitask but am garbage at doing one thing at a time

Also, I don't think "mental disorders" are a real thing, that is, the stigma behind them.

People are just different, learn to accept yourself for you are and create a reality in which you can thrive

I hope you all choose to go all natural and live life to the fullest


>reduce entropy
uncook an egg

>There is no such thing as "normal" so to speak.
Absence of objective normal does not mean malfunction can not exist.

or undo the big bang

Maybe in some cases ADHD is beneficial, but in most cases it is highly disadvantageous. ADHD individuals will always suffer in regards to academic pursuits, and in today's environment this is a sentence of life long poverty for most people. I would respect your argument if you said that the over prescription of ADHD medication might have something to do with Jewish influence, but you're arguing for the entirety of ADHD to be a Jewish contraction, which is absolutely absurd. I agree that the number of people diagnosed with ADHD is far too high, however ADHD definitely exists and ADHD medication is not some jewish trick to control the population.

Do you suppose ADHD/ADD helped our ancestors hunt? I can sit in a deer blind for hours at a time without moving, but just looking at everything happening in nature.

Or guide St. Sophia back to the monad.

Very well said.

Someone with actual OCD is certainly not 'reducing entropy'. Turning the light on and off thirty times in order to satisfy their tick is not reducing entropy. Obsessively categorizing everything, and then completely undoing it all because you moved one M&M the wrong way, and then redoing it all over again, is not reducing entropy at all. If anything it is increasing entropy, as you are wasting a massive amount of energy on trivial tasks due to your psychological ticks

bird nests are cool when you think about it

Not really. Niggers have low IQs and have a host of other less adaptive traits. White ADHD individuals can have very high IQs.

High ranking Nazis probably had ADHD

>My OCD is acting up!
>I want my spoons sorted from biggest to smallest LOLOCD!

Fucking women.

Malfunction with human society, sure, but ultimately the only malfunction is something detrimental to one's life(actually being able to stay alive, not financially) or detrimental to the ability to reproduce. Such as those that are light in the loafers.

>been off meds since higschool
>know I need them
>in such a shitty place I can't even get myself to make an appointment for new prescriptions

Guess I'll just kill myself

Just order Adderall of the darknet in order to get out of the immediate funk, and then go to a doctor in order to get a proper prescription.

Avoid self medication if you can, but if you can't then only do it so long as you must. You will almost always have better results if you work with a competent doctor. Make sure to be very vocal about the side effects and what's going on, otherwise they can't help you

I probably didnt word that clearly enough. Think more along the lines of how our ancestors hunted.
Niggers come from a hot, abundant land where sheer aggression got them their next meal.
Neanderthals were suspected to have hunted large herbivores by dropping onto their backs from trees.
Who could sit in a tree and wait for a deer to walk under it, a nigger or a german?

Well I don't know for those more severe cases, they may be classified as an unbeneficial mutation to what it originally was supposed to be. I can tell you from personal experience however that life with a normal OCD is great - yes, I'll sometimes get angry that I didn't fold the tshirt at the specific optimal symmetry and have me go through that process until it is, but in other stuff like management or programming it's actually helping me a lot. I don't even classify it as a disorder anymore, it's actually beneficial for me personally

Thanks, I've been studying this shit for years. It drives me up the wall when people don't have the basic facts about something, yet talk about it as if they are God's very word on the subject. This is why you have people that claim vaccines cause autism, and that ADHD medication (and ADHD itself) is actually a Jewish trick to subvert the masses

>ADHD individuals will always suffer in regards to academic pursuits, and in today's environment this is a sentence of life long poverty for most people.

College is a meme nowadays. That should tell you something. ADHD people aren't the problem, the system is just rigged in favour of jews

Or man the fuck up and make an appointment. Sounds like it's more than ADHD for you. You probably have anxiety, maybe mild schizo(watch that if you do), and low motivation.

What I've done to cope without medicine is make lists. Lots and lots and lots of lists. You don't have to follow them, though. My house was a mess. Complete wreck. Shit everywhere. Not garbage necessarily, but old shit that didn't have any use. Things were unorganized and all over the place. Dust everywhere.

I went through the entire house, room by room, and listed down in what order I wanted to do them. Small shit from "Move game console Y to shelf X" or even "Pick up jacket from floor". Just like six pages of shit.

I didn't do it in that order at all, but I ended up cleaning the unholy fuck out of my house. Then I decided to write lists and schedule shit out for the day. "0800-0930 wakeup, workout, breakfast; 0930-1000 brush dog; 1000-1005 call and make appointment for whatever" and so forth.

There are a lot of things you can do to force yourself to get that rewarding feeling.

Yes college is a meme, I agree. I'm going for a mathematics degree now, however the job I'm going for technically doesn't require a degree so long as I can pass external accreditation exams. Most places these days have ways of testing to see if you actually know the material, seeing as universities care more about social progression than they do about teaching people anything. I'm not talking necessarily about college when I saw academics. I'm talking about learning academic things in general. I can crack open a probability text book and study it, even if I'm not particularly interested in it. Someone with ADHD cannot do this. Thus, they are at a disadvantage when it comes to pursuing the high reward jobs that elevate people out of poverty. If they medicate, however, then they enter the same playing field I am in thanks to my healthy mind.

>The hunter vs. farmer hypothesis proposes that the high frequency of ADHD in contemporary settings "represents otherwise normal behavioral strategies that become maladaptive in such evolutionarily novel environments as the formal school classroom." One example such as migration in the hunter-gatherer society, is that some of these hunter-gatherers that naturally predisposed to these various amounts of this same gene may have value in certain kinds or qualities of social groups. It was also stated that the lack of 'hyperfocus' should not be the only dichotomy of 'Farmers vs. Hunter-gatherers' that was identified in Hartman’s theory.[5] From an evolutionary viewpoint, “hyperfocus” was advantageous, conferring superb hunting skills and a prompt response to predators.[6] Also, hominins have been hunter gatherers throughout 90% of human history from the beginning, before evolutionary changes, fire-making, and countless breakthroughs in stone-age societies.[7] Humans devised better innovations and organizational structures to boost their living, and the need for hyperactivity slowly diminished over a long period of time regardless of whether they were in a gathering or farming society. K. H. Ko further states that decreased need for 'hyperfocus' was building the conditions for human language.[5][8][9]

Genetic variants conferring susceptibility to ADHD are very frequent—implying that the trait had provided selective advantage in the past.

Hopefully that should answer your question.

Could I have ADHD? I have a tendency to behave impulsively. I will sometimes daydream when listening to people. Even in ordinary conversations, the things people say to me somtimes don't register at all. I was diagnosed with social anxiety once, but I think I was misdiagnosed.


Well from the last 2 threads I've learned I should just try to be a musician on the side of my shitty salary job since that's the only thing I can focus for long periods of time on.

>the job I'm going for technically doesn't require a degree so long as I can pass external accreditation exams. Most places these days have ways of testing to see if you actually know the material

Implying the modern-day workplace isn't just an adult daycare centre to keep the goyim passive and docile

If you do it's probably mild. There's more to ADHD than just not paying attention, and impulsiveness.

That is, unless maybe I had more problems as a kid than my parents let on. They only told me I had ADHD.

Still from time to time I do it, but when I was younger it was all the time. I talked to myself a lot, daydreamed all the time, have had suicidal thoughts since 5th grade, was always shy and socially awkward, never did homework but paid attention in class. I always aced tests - just enough to pass.

I dunno, any of that sound like you?

Dude, I'm a fascist who is just as anti-jewish influence as the next fascist. You give us all a bad name when you blame literally everything on the fucking jews. Yes the jews are an issue, but they aren't some omnipotent power that is controlling every aspect of our lives.

Jews have a lot of power and are dangerous, yes, but they are not responsible for literally everything bad in the world. They are responsible for a lot of bad shit, but to imply that they have as much control as you're implying is giving them way too much credit.

>I talked to myself a lot, daydreamed all the time, have had suicidal thoughts since 5th grade, was always shy and socially awkward, never did homework but paid attention in class. I always aced tests - just enough to pass.

Literally me, all of it.

I like entertaining the idea that a neurological disorder could be the cause of my inertia, but then I realise it's probably just a massive fear of failure.

It's possible. Go speak with a doctor and be as honest as possible. Then, get a second opinion. Then get a third. Be very careful, because if you don't have ADHD and you get medicated for it, you are putting your body under intense stress. ADHD medicated used by someone with ADHD will cause oxidative stress on the mind, which can damage neurotransmitters and receptors, which, if the damage is allowed to continue without time to repair, can become permanent

Jesus, I fucked that post all up.

ADHD medication used by someone without ADHD will cause oxidative stress on the mind*

That sounds exactly like me. I went to college and received good grades, but I had very serious problems focusing and procrastinating though. For example, I would leave my apartment and study in the library, then ten minutes later I would get up and leave the library and walk all the way back to my apartment to study. Then ten minutes later I would do the same thing and go back to the library. I would sit down and focus eventually, but this behavior suggests something is wrong.

That kind of behavior is definitely indicative of ADHD. If you have ADHD, then what's happening is that you are rapidly depleting what little dopamine is readily available when you sit down to study. Once that happens, it becomes a Herculean feat to remain busy, as you are fighting against a chemical issue in your brain that is urging you to do something else that is more rewarding to replenish your dopamine.

Without dopamine, prolonged attention is next to impossible.

Now don't get me wrong, it's also very possible that you're just a lazy sack of shit. I don't know you, and diagnosing ADHD online is impossible. Go speak with a couple of doctors and see if you can get some tests run

It's not necessarily fear of failure, more of an inferiority complex. What got me over it was joining the Army. Seeing shit differently. Changes your perspective and as long as you go to the Army with the intention of getting something good out of it, you will.

Nothing is wrong, you're just not able to hold up to the same structure as "normal" people.

I learned College wasn't for me, so I joined the army where it forced structure on me. That part never stuck with me, but it sure helped. I need a drastic change in my life every 1-2 years or I go insane.

If I can't get that drastic change, I usually go sky diving/base jumping/bungee jumping or something. Helps considering I can't find a girlfriend.

Sort yourself out

I already know about all of this you chuckle fuck. Like I said, I'm aware of the jewish problem and I'd be game for another holocaust if it had actually happened in the first place. The thing is, ADHD isn't some Jewish trick, and the labor market certainly isn't some daycare system to keep the good goy down. You are granting them god like levels of power, which they simply don't have. If they were so powerful then Soros would have won against Trump

>You are granting them god like levels of power, which they simply don't have.
They've literally been running the international banking cartel since the 1920s you arschgeige

>Soros would have won against Trump

My poor deluded goy

Trump is jewish

His grandmother was jewish

How much more evidence do you need?

The jews won in 1944. The battle was already lost decades ago.

more like primary obsessive ocd, P-ocd I think its shortened as, I don´t remember. Not the wierd types of intrusive thoughts though, just minor things, anxiety and negative rumination. Probably isnt even diagnosable (or shouldnt be but the pharmaceutical jew must have his due).

>Trump is an Israeli plant

Good fucking God you're retarded. Trump's foreign policy has directly hindered Israel's imperialistic goals already. He won't back them up blindly, unlike every President since Reagan. He talks nicely of them, but his policy positions have caused them to stall their plans of a unified Greater Israel, most likely indefinitely.

Seconded on vitamin-d. Not to go all Jones on you but magnesium is important when taking d-vit, for your bones. Also omega-3 is just a must. We have excessive amonuts of omega-6 due to bad lifestyle, diet and fucked up soil / in-food nutrients.

These three are the bare minimum. ADHD usually = bad diet as well so I would rec even more vits.

Here are some interesting studies on ADHD

And this one interests me the most. It's the largest study of its kind, and proves that people with ADHD have different brain structures

>Trump's foreign policy has directly hindered Israel's imperialistic goals already.

Please pull your head out of your ass for more than 10 seconds

He might talk like he's a great ally to Israel, but his foreign policy doesn't reflect that at all.

Normal for a finn.

Hyperactivity, typical kid in class that never shut up.


If you have ADD with that it's enough to consider it OCD, because they aren't directly correlated, if you lose your attention easily, it doesn't means that you should be so preocupied of such things, in that case it's safe to say that you have misdiagnosed ADD.

Live healty, it's not about making exercise, but about were, humans are easy to influence by enviroment, not intellectually, physically.

You are a normal person, sort of.

if you have ADD/ADHD, do a blood test to see if your thyroid is overactive or underactive.

thank me later.

(thyroid can create the same sympthoms that can sometimes be mistaken for ADD/ADHD)

I love this type of pictures.


Latgalė yra teisėtas Lietuvių molis.

>Implying American politics isn't just a pantomime put on for the jewish elites

Get your t levels checked.
See if you have sleep apnea

Where is this picture from, user?

Love the serenity

How does coffee affect other ADD anons? Do you seem to not get the same benefits others do? i just become sluggish

this image made me feel a little bit better.

What just happened here?

Makes me feel kinda good but sometimes incredibly tired. Maybe because I drink it in the morning.

user you have no idea how much I dream about another great war that finally sorts of this leftist issue once and for all. I want ethno states, I want the jews to be put in their place, I want to shut their lying mouths. I want that more than anything, and every passing day has me become more and more galvanized against degeneracy.

However, I refuse to allow myself to be blinded by that righteous fury. Not everything is linked back to the jews, not every mental illness is a jewish trick. Not every jew is a part of the global conspiracy to undermine the west. ADHD is not a trick, it's a real illness just like OCD or autism. Yes it's over diagnosed and I think that's a major issue, and if evidence was presented to me that it was due to jewish influence that it was over diagnosed then I'd 100% be on board with that, however it's certainly a real phenomenon and it definitely is detrimental to the individuals who have it.

It loses its effectiveness if I drink it regularly, not matter the brew. I need to go at least a week without a cup to feel its effects, which is usually just slight excitability for me. I still drink it nearly every day because I enjoy the taste.

Nicely written, Anons.

True, and for those who need stimulant medications, they can be the difference employment vs unemployment. The meds are over-prescribed, mostly from primary care doctors.

Yes, this seems correct to me.

Maybe. I agree with user that you should seek a professional evaluation, ideally more than one before making a decision.

One general comment that applies to ADHD and everything else in medicine. Ask questions. Do your research. Don't take a medication or start a treatment program just because 'the doctor said to.' Doctors and other professionals are human, and published medical studies aren't always correct. It's your body, your brain, and your fucking future, Anons. Take time to do some reading on your own.

Caffeine has some dopamine reuptake inhibition qualities, however it is primarily an Andenosin antagonist

>However, I refuse to allow myself to be blinded by that righteous fury. Not everything is linked back to the jews, not every mental illness is a jewish trick. Not every jew is a part of the global conspiracy to undermine the west.

You have no idea how deep the rabbit hole goes

Spreepark in Berlin