>Mfw I'm a low income black with a 4.2 GPA so I'm guaranteed to get into an Ivy League before you >4.5 GPA white suburban C U C K S
Mfw I'm a low income black with a 4.2 GPA so I'm guaranteed to get into an Ivy League before you >4...
>mfw Im a tradesman making 60k starting
Enjoy dindu college.
African Americans studies
Bait by any other name
Proof or you're a liar
Who cares?
>you're still a nigger
>will be raping and smoking crack before you finish 3rd grade
>you still will never land a respectable white lady
>and still a nigger
It's all good boy
Nswfags and Plebbitors will fill up this b8 thread
>y-y-you're a NIGGER!
Cool story fampai
(badly) Fixed
>I'm not smart enough to do anything that takes any higher understanding or mastering so I decided to go for ez gud goy points and learn how to weld.
Get out my thread you sub 120 iq imbecile, you yourself are worthless, anybody can do what you do and you know it. It's a new day bud, not everyone can be special in the age of the black man.
>yfw you read my post
accurate tbqhf
>I'm guaranteed to get into an Ivy League
Now graduating with a diploma...that's another story entirely...
>Tfw you'll still get discriminated against when you go for a job because you're black
>Ivy League
Maybe 30-40 years ago when there still were some standards in place it would've been something, at this point it's even more jew-central.
>mfw i'm white.
Not if one of your nignog buddies caps yo ass first so they can steal yo acceptencsh lettah
>it's all good nigger
>enjoy the handouts
>I said respectable
>literally impossible for a mud shark to be respected
The schools already sent out acceptances you dip.
Keep laughing nigger who's going to be building your house? Fixing your water and sewer lines? You can shit on trades all you want we'll be around long after you've been outsourced to India.
Never said trade positions weren't useful, I said you as a person aren't useful. You are the grunts of society, you come prepackaged in mass to make sure I can flush my toilet faggot. Thanks user, now zip your lead encrusted lips and watch me solve the actual complicated problems of the world.
>You can't have a respectable women because my world view won't allow it
Again, cool story fampai
On a serious note, I hate the fact that I'm getting this major advantage, I would change it if I was ever in a position to do so.
Congrats user
I'm Asian with a shit 2.5 GPA so I'm.going to a shitty state school