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The media always seem to think we care that they have kids
my entire programming department laughs at these articles and then laughs at this shit specifically
>thinking we care they put their own kids in this situation themselves
Archived link?
>she voted illegally
>b-but its a modern day myth goyim!
This is a felony right? Why wasn't she just deported?
I'd say that 8 years wasn't enough.
Voter fraud is treason so she should've been put to death
She has to go back. Send her shitskin spawn back with her while you're at it. Next time try coming here legally, Paco.
These fucks bust of kids every 13-15 years.
Fuckers, deportation alone is nothing, she'll come back next day. Prison is a must, then deport.
*sob* wtf is wrong with you people? Is This what you wanted, to tear innocent families apart?
>illegal mexican votes and is punished for it
>democracy is dying
Whether she's in prison or out, she'll live off the government
Why the fuck would you vote in Texas? It's not like she could have affected the outcome.
Of course not, the whole family should get deported *together*
Send her back to fucking beanerland why pay to have her incarcerated for 8 years?
Drive her to the border and tell her fuck off
Image how many are unbusted.. ure truly ficked my friend
I know you're being facetious, but I hate this argument so god damn much.
THEY are the ones putting their family unity at risk, not us. THEY are the ones breaking the law and risking punishment, not us. It is their fault and their fault alone if their family gets divided.
No it wasn't.
She should have been summarily shot like the bitch she is.
>I broke the law and got punished
>is that really fair?
fuck the lefties and their subversion of the rule of law
8 years in prison for voting illegally is not fair, she should have been executed along with the rest of her family.
Democracy died in darkness when Bloomberg and the NYT knew about illegal spying but suppressed all reporting of it for blind partisan loyalty
After the election MSM was saying no one voted illegally and it was a Trumpian conspiracy
now they're defending voting illegally because, "heh, it's not all that bad, I mean, hell, it's just a vote...."
America is such a fucked up country where half the population wants Mexicans to have voting rights and power over them.
This bullshit would not be accepted in any European country.
Wait wait wait. So voter fraud is happening and there is proof? How many illegals votes was casted in 2016?
She'd be back in a week. Prison, then deportation.
pump your brakes Denmark I definitely don't want that shit here, and most of us don't either, it's why Trump got elected, we were getting too brown.
ha ok. you guys can't even express such an opinion.
They are apparently also dropping out of food stamps.
Might be a good idea to track down the individuals who recently cancelled their food stamps.
That's a potential gold pot right there.
Okay, we are fucked up too. I guess.
>a foreign influence just tried to influence the outcome of an election!!
She should have gotten life.
Pay for her to be incarcerated in Mexico. Cheaper and worse conditions
>democracy dies in darkness
Fakestream Media still pushing this shit
No, I wanted to gas innocent Mexican apart into little pieces.
Kill her
You should know the system of American Prisons is not meant for rehabilitation, but rather making an example of the perpetrator
Come on guys give the poor woman a break. She has a learning disability which caused her to fill out the form wrong
Newfags and redditors, fucking archive
8 years seems like overkill. $1000 fine seems much more reasonable.
Wasn't she the illegal that voted for Trump?
nope, if that was the case presidential candidates would be busing illegals all over the country to vote for them and then pay the fines
a presidential election is serious business, it shapes the future of a country and millions of people, voter fraud kills democracy, the punishment fits the crime
I thought there was no voter fraud?
And politicians wonder why people don't trust them...
>consequence of some modern-day myth
Leaving aside the terrible writing, how the fuck is voter fraud a myth when she is being convicted of voter fraud?
>(((Robert Samuels)))
>Be stupid Mexican national
>Go out to voting booth
>Literally says in 3 different places that you MUST be a citizen in order to vote
>3 warnings stating you WILL go to PRISON and serve at least 5 years or whatever if you fucking vote.
>The warnings are literally in fucking Spanish and every other known language to the human race
>She signs her name
>Gets caught
Washingtonpost is not a legitimate news source. Even the NYT has more integrity.
shush britcuck
We have one of those in Denmark too.
He's very asshurt against Russia.
>Massive continual outrage over made up Russian interference in US election
>If Illegal spics vote for our preferred candidate that's alright.
no collusion there at all my friend, all a mere coincidence, same with the 16 or so "gamers are dead" articles. I sometimes wonder how these journalists can sleep at night or look at themselves in a mirror, the media has reached a sad state, but I am wondering, was it always like this and we just couldn't see without internet around, our is this obvious corruption just recent? I can't describe how much I hate these cunts, just reading the word journalist alone is triggering me at this point, for me, the whole profession is tainted forever, well done quality press.
8 years is too much but she's still a criminal. Punishment is do.
But democracy doesn`t work, amerikek.
"Democracy dies in Darkness"
if only they knew the ironic truth of that statement
feel free to take her place if prison is a vacation
>was the punishment for voter fraud caused by the myth that voter fraud exists?
How many crazy pill am I supposed to be taking every day?
>did her harsh sentence help deter a societal problem, or was it the consequence of some modern-day myth?
What fucking myth? A non-citizen voted in the election in an attempt to influence the election. This is the reality of the situation.
And the punishment was not severe enough.
In Germany you get ~5 years for manslaugther.
Pretty exagerated sentence desu. 4 years would be enough.
>4 years would be enough.
Seems fair. Just enough that they will miss the next election.
If anything that makes us even more disgusted at them, they bring life into this world without the means to care for it, let alone have them suffer when the parents get deported.
She is a Republican and voted for the guy prosecuting her.
What? No it's not fair, it should have been at least 16 years.
You will when they consume your tax dollars because they have no gaurdians.
No she deserved more undermine democracy shouldn't be tolerated
Depends on who counts, i'd say easily 2-3 Million.
Do you really believe that?
you can't commit treason if you aren't a citizen
yes. and iirc she basically outed herself as well. so they didn't actually catch her voting illegally, she just told some bureaucrat.
>wikileaks releasing Pedostas emails is election hacking
Or what the fuck was actually hacked? Stop believing non news fake bullshit
this makes sense, but if you end up paying for her imprisonment I'm wondering if it's worth it.
>These fucks bust of kids
>damn spics need ta lern muh langwidge
She should've moved to New York where should could've voted for Hillary not one, but twice and maybe three or four times.
Why the fuck would you imprison an illegal immigrant? Just send it back to where it came from. Or shoot it. It's not your responsibility to waste your resources on rehabilitating or punishing it.
> implying women don't get emotional and can vote in modern times
Yes if you have no respect for the host countries election then you don't deserve to be here
also he knew full well the consequences when she crossed that boarder
some teach that cuck to be a male and hit back no matter the consecuences
>Russia propaganda destroyed american democracy by badmouthing the dems
>Illegals voting is okay tho
What about a foreign power deliberately spreading fake news to influence the election? Should there not be reprocussions for those actions?
it's porn
God I wish that were me
>getting mauled by a bunch of school girls in kilts
I bet this kid beats off furiously after this
>a sixth-grade dropout and mother of four teenagers, worked temp jobs, prayed in church and loved hugging her Chihuahua mixes
WOOOOOOOOOOWWWW how can we possibly send this invaluable and genius human being back to Mexico? Can't you drumpftards see she's 100x more intelligent and hardworking than you?
>that last sentence
those things are not mutually exclusive... why can't writers write...?
I detected the sarcasm user
>After her trial, the state’s Republican attorney general, Ken Paxton, proclaimed that “the outcome sends a message that violators of the state’s election law will be prosecuted to the fullest.”
>To Ortega, it was more than an insult. It was betrayal.
>“I voted for him,” she said.
>I voted for him
>I voted
I'm like 82% certain this is femdom fetish porn
They have to go back.
Or their parents need to weigh the anchors and take them for the first time.
Regardless come legally or don't fucking come
trump really needs to fix the anchor baby problem. i doubt it thoiugh
yeah, you aren't really winning if you deport one but are left with four or five which spic shits fart out on the regular
they consume them anyway through welfare.
dominican republic tier.
Saved anyway
Holy shit, that pic is old ad fuck.
Not anymore. Illegal immigration has plummeted since Trump took office. She's on a list now, no way she flys in now. Border is getting more secure everyday.