Is everyone with a big nose Jewish?

My therapist has a big ole schnozz and her voice is nasally like a Jew's but her maiden name is Norwegian and other than the nose and maaaybe the eyes she doesn't look particularly Jewish. Could she be Jewish? If so, should I get a new therapist? I like her a lot and she's really nice and casual but I fear the manipulative ways of the Jews.

She also looks Celtic. doesn't look Norwegian whatsoever to me but then again neither do I and I'm half Norwegian.

Her nose looks like pic related, just even bigger.

I'm not surprised you're in therapy

She looks like a Roman statue

that's not a jewish nose, that's a kind of roman nose

t. kike

That girl does, yeah. Her ears are suspiciously kikey tho


I wouldn't say it's common to jews. And some jews have regular noses too.

Not that that should be a problem anyway. Those sorts of noses are really attractive in my opinion.

Firstly, kikes can look like anything because they mix their genes with all sorts of people, because it's useful for them to have puppets that can take on any form.

Secondly, no, having a big nose is not inherently kikeish- it's not about having a big nose, it's about having a nose that curls down or inward. The nose in your picture doesn't look obviously "Jewish" to me, it looks Germanic.

Wait Jews don't like therapy and prescribing drugs to gullible simpletons like you?

No, everyone on my father's side of the family have the same beak but they where runaway nazis and definitely not jews.

Jews are semites.

measure her skull OP.

Alll therepists are kikes whether they're semetic or not

>falling for the therapy he's


So long as it's not a kike nose, big noses can still be attractive. Like Jessic Gilsig.

Mine is from Roman ancestry and the curly hair is from the Celts

>Is everyone with a big nose Jewish?
No, you fucking retard.

Lol if that girl has a "schnozz" to you then you're retarded. That just looks like a german or roman nose to me. It's beautiful

Fuck my phoneposting autocorrect bullshit

>therapy JEW

This, op is a faggot

No, and stay in therapy.

The nose in that picture is commonly called a Roman nose despite the fact that it occurs in people all over the world regardless of race. Nothing Jewish about it.

I have that nose.

So my therapist's probably part Roman?

Unfortunately some Jews look almost if not completely Aryan, i.e. River Phoenix.

Therapy is extremely helpful. Some pills are, but many people are over medicated. My psychiatrist is white as far as I can tell. Looks white, has a white first and last name, was eating pork when I met her the first time.

scandinavians also have big noses tho, they either have pointy noses, or very small noses

>a fucking leaf
>therapy jew
Figures you'd be too retarded to understand the benefits. Therapy has helped me immensely over the past 6 years.

I have no plans to leave.

Can confirm, my nose is only slightly smaller than my therapist's. Big fucking nose, looks like a jew nose but points ever so slightly upwards.

Because she has a big nose that doesn't mean she's jewish. Jews have long hooked noses because they mixed with ancient greeks after they were conquered.

Another way to find out is next appointment show up in full fledget Totenkopf SS uniform.
>see how she reacts

>6 years of therapy
jew confirmed

Anyone where I live would react negatively.

5 of those years weren't with my current one. I have a lot of issues, retard.

>tfw attracted to girls with large noses

Jews got me.

well, being a therapist is kinda jewy, so it could go either way.

You know what I just remembered my therapist talking about how she loves hot dogs wrapped with cabbage and bacon. If she is a Jew, she's either non practicing or doesn't give a shit. Also Jews can't eat fast food, right? She's brought Subway sandwiches before, which is most definitely not kosher.

No, it isn't. How the fuck is it Jewwy? How is helping goyim get over their daddy issues and become happier, better versions of themselves Jewwy? And don't say price, my therapy is free.


Not necessarily Jewish, but it's a Semitic trait. So either a hidden kike ancestor or a Turk/Arab rape baby

My man!

Also op. If you get along with the therapist alright there is NO reason to change. Finding one that works for you is difficult enough as it is.

Your therapist is Chelsea Peretti?

wait nvrmind nose is completely different, also that chelsea peretti bitch is a jew


If that's true I'm pretty sure my girl is a kyke.. but she agrees with me and follows me

No, but with those glasses on she looked similar. But I looked her up without glasses on and they look completely different. Only the eyes are similar.

I have what could be mistaken as a Jew nose but I'm like 90% Italian. The difference is the tip doesn't hook down like jewish nose's

>be me
>fuckhuge roman nose
>weak chin


>Shitting on therapy
>On Sup Forums so mental illness confirmed
Going for the hi-score soon buddy?

Usually same race either way, safe to assume, sometimes they are really Armerindian, but Jews pretend to be Amerindian either way so fuck both.

Therapy is bluepilled


Yes,but it's not just about being big but being hooked

I thought larger noses are to warm air, ie. adaptive to living in colder climates?
Tiny snub noses are only for babies & children. And those inbred dogs that snort and snuffle a lot; pic related.

No. Taking meds is. Therapy makes you smart

I know that feel bro
At least my hair isn't curly

Just try to stop mouthbreathing

Nothing wrong with that. Just try to find a qt with the same facial features/structure

Its like finding a needle in a haystack though, I swear.

my great grandfather had a pretty big nose which I inhereted, but he was in the SS and I still have his Arierpass somwhere here

i don't need therapy, i have what it was created to take the place of
(i've rephrased this above sentence 6 times and it still sounds wrong)
and it's free

>tfw op
>tfw literally have every single trait of a jew, freaked myself out so bad i took 3 different ancestry tests, not a single one came back with any percentage of kike blood, not even 0.1%
>tfw my mixture of irish, norwegian, hungarian, and latvian blood makes me look like the most kikey non kike in existence
>curly hair, dumbo ears, big nose, flat back side of head included

My girl has big hook nose but..
>German last name
>Blue eyes
>Light Brown hair
>Naturally straight and long hair
>Very skinny and shiny pale white
Is my gf jew guys??

Sleeping with the enemy.

>he fell for the Kike-created religious meme

Therapy >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> fake jew in the sky

Why haven't you fucked your therapist yet?

Not really, east europeans have big noses, but jews have a hook, it is unique to jews

Well jew is not a race but its useless explain that to you as you germanics are very stupid and dont have many logic, eveb with roman civ you dont make any sense

Why dont you praise your ancestors and go running naked and yelling with an axe?

She begs me to dominate her anally and stuff. Completely worships me. Does this help my case having some kyke's daughter kissing the ring?





>(((GERMAN))) last name

you completely missed my point.
whatever though
>paying some jewish woman hundreds of dollars by the hour to talk
>not even fucking her
>been doing it for 6 years and still broken
what's the definition of insanity?

jewish askenazis are converts, they are german european but not very semite, they are 20% semite at best

I have a nose like that, except it's not got those curves. Mine's more of a Greek nose. I know I don't have any kike blood (unless from before the 1400s, family only traced it back to the 15th century).

exactly this, most askenazis are german or polish

They are way more slav than german.

my jewish father has a petite nose and so do I

jews having big noses is a myth

>they are 20% semite at best

23andme proof they are pure germanic


Well idiot, you have to keep in mind that jew is not a race and you subhuman pigs just converted to judaism

Seriously, why germanics are so stupid?

Why they cant understand something so simple and easy?

So what do you think about this problem?

im roman af then boii

Oh hello, askhenazi

Still thinking you are related to ancient hebrews

You germanics are the biggest WEWUZZER

You claim to be romans, to be greeks and now to be hebrews

Who the fuck converts to Judaism?


Germanics savages

It seems they didnt like christianity to so converted to judaism

Look at what's missing from the wikipedia article for aquiline nose. I wonder (((who))) could be behind this important distinction?

this op is an idiot or a trollenstein

you are the idiot because you clearly have no clue what you are talking about

you can't convert to judaism

well, in theory you can but it is very difficult and many jews will never recognize you as being truly jewish. judaism is NOT a religion, it is an ethnicity

just ask your gf. are you autistic or what?

Fuck you, imbecile

Do you even read history?

Its not a fucking race

Your germanics just converted

You are going to tell me that ancient hebrews were pale with light hair and eyes now?

Your family just converted, deal with it

Read some history and educated yourself

>it is very difficult
no the hell it's not, they don't even require a circumcision, they just prick your cock with a needle

While not all Jews have Jew noses, the Jew nose is unique to Semites. You will only find the Jew nose on those with significant Semitic blood. Size is not the only factor, but the Jew nose is large. The main thing to look at is the tip, the tip of the Jew nose is lower than the nostrils and even lower than the back curve, giving the nose its 'hooked' appearance. The tip is generally more pointed than other races' noses, but this shape without the hook could also be found in Mediterranean peoples.

Samefag here
She and her family say they arent jewish

Large noses were a Roman trait (from the Roman Republic before African immigration turned them into a bunch of brown-skinned Sicilianos)

sorry dude but Jews have "roman" nose too. If anything, the jew nose from your pic is from arabs.

t. handsome jew with a very strong nose.

You dont spot a jew from their nose, you spot it from their eyes and their forehead.

>friendless yanks pay lots of money to talk to jews about problems that don't exist
Why are ameripigs so stupid?

You're an idiot. I'm of most italian ancestry and from the side my nose is big.

If she's a good therapist stay with her no matter who she is.

>the Jew nose is unique to Semites
You must be a germanic

You know we should replace the word stupid and ignorant with germanic


the stereotypical jew nose is curved down like a cursive 6.

calm down kid

Its usually the most visible in the teeth and jaw area. Us Jews have more homo erectus DNA and our teeth and jaws like to angle forward.

>my therapist
> therapist
> the rapist
> rapist

H-hey guise! I get mentally raped like, a-all the time. It's great, I pay so m-much money for it. It really helps you know. They just show me why I've been going wrong all the time.

My gender re-assignment starts next week. Wish me Luck!!

I has aryan nose? :DDDD

Your therapist might be an askhenazi jew, not all people with big noses are jews though.


u has nigger nose

>Anti-Germanic Dominican appears again

I think you don't know what ashkenazis are and their origin.