Russia LEAFED :^)

"Defence Minister Harjit Sajjan met today with Ukrainian Defence Minister Stepan Poltorak to sign the Canada-Ukraine Defence Cooperation Arrangement.

This bilateral arrangement further exemplifies Canada’s commitment to Ukraine by identifying areas of mutual cooperation such as defence policy; defence research, development, and production; and military education. The Canada-Ukraine Defence Cooperation Arrangement is a key part of the Canadian Government`s multifaceted support for Ukrainian territorial integrity and sovereignty, security, and stability. This arrangement is focused on providing a framework for cooperation on important defence-related issues. "

Sauce :

this is retarded, what could Ukraine possibly offer Canada?


Two for the price of one

We have the largest population of Ukrainians in the world outside of Ukraine.

They live in our bible belt (prairie).

I really don't know why we do this. This will only anger the Russians...

is trudeu feeling in charge of ukraine?

Canada is such a fucking embarrassment

Maybe he want to look """stonk""" because the war there is on an hiatus.

I thought we could become friendlier since Trump was the POTUS. ;_;

>I thought we could become friendlier since Trump was the POTUS
Trudeau is controlled by the same people that control Obama

I attest to that.

t. Ukrainian living in prairies

I know it's (((them))) but it still suck.

Probably some weapons and Ukraine will borrow cash from us to buy it...


>Borrowing cash to Ukraine and not investing in eastern Poland.


Hm... well, err... keep making great structures out of wood and pumping out the oil

Bankrolling this rump of a state is actually the only idea that unites every party in parliament. Such is the fate of anglo/kraut colony where the mental pygmies and sellouts in governmet care more about independent Ukraine than free and prosperous Poland.

The more and more I read post from here make me realized how much every country in Europe have the same fate as us.

We have to send our taxes to country that exist only artificially because of (((them))

Feels bad man.

Fuck that, we cant even afford to support our troops at home. Why send resources to Ukraine before meeting our NATO obligations.

Another terrorist attack just happened in russia

I feel sorry for you leafs. When he Marxists are finally overthrown, millions of you will die.
Actually, I'm not sorry. Keep doing what you're doing.

One fake meme country controlled by Soros partnering with another fake meme country controlled by Soros


>Harjit Sajjan

He's a fucking Indian citizen

How the fuck can a FOREIGN CITIZEN be the fucking DEFENSE MINISTER of another country?

Are you a recent immigrant? What's your take on current situation between Ukraine and Russia?
I've heard that Ukrainians and Russians in USA and Canada get along just fine.
Also do you know any Dukhobors?

>Indian citizen
>Defense minister of Canada
Wait, what?

Read his bio guys, this guy is fucking based.

He came to canada and enlisted in the army to remove kebab.

>inb4 cuck
This guy a a good immigrant, he integrated in our society even if he is sikh.

>Read his bio guys, this guy is fucking based.
Go fuck yourself you dirty streetshitter, Canada was white when i was growing up and should stay that way.

>this is retarded, what could Ukraine possibly offer Canada?
votes, that's it.
it's why Democrats have a hard-on for minorities in the US.

>He is implying that I am a streetshitter.

The wall just went 10 feet higher.

"Sikhs are bro tier"

This bullshit needs to stop. They can stop Muslims back in Punjab, not here.

Also he fucking lied already saying nobody wanted Canada's CF18's to bomb ISIS, he lied and said nobody did and brought them back so JUSTin could virtue signal that he's anti-war. Today the Iraqi minister came out and said wtf, we needed those planes badly.

Also removing kebab-- he developed a patent to wear a fucking turban while wearing a gas mask. So much for assimilating

>biggest terrorist attack in Canada was perpetrated by streetshitting sihks

If you consider those sub-humans based you're just like them, go back to india pajeet you're not fooling anyone here.

Oh yeah, all the non-whites in JUSTin's Cabinet / Liberal Caucus are citizens of foreign hostile nations

For example, the terrorist bitch Iqra Khalid that sits in Canada's parliament that passed motion M-103, is a PAKISTANI CITIZEN. Her father is a terrorist (he was a member of Muslim terrorist organization e-Islami Jambit or some shit, plus Muslim Brotherhood), and she was head of the Muslim Student Association at York University, which has produced ISIS fighters and suicide bombers.

look its pedo bear

Digits confirm

WHAT????????????????? I knew she was a Paki but.... WHATT!?????????????

LOL fugg.

How will Russia get past the wall of poo in the North? How can they land on Vancouver's noodle beaches? How will they survive the hail of chopsticks?

They can't, and they won't.


Ukraine is our greatest ally fuck America and fuck Russian imperialist scum.

>Canada's commitment to Ukraine
Your military is cuckd and arguably smaller than theirs, how the fuck do you plan on helping them?

He almost looks eastern european

Keep gobbling putins cock Amerinigger. We should have finished you monkeys mongrels off in 1812.

You didn't know this/ lmfao

JUSTin loves Muslim Terrorists

Trump is going to force Russiastan out of Ukraine, it doesn't matter how upset Vlad gets he has no choice
>Mfw we get to have livestreams of based Ukies beating the shit out of Russian dispora and burning their mosques down

>Shitting on beautiful architecture just because it isn't made out of stone
You're a charlatan and a pleb who knows fuckall about beauty

>How the fuck can a FOREIGN CITIZEN be the fucking DEFENSE MINISTER of another country?
You have to be absolutely cuckd

Granted you did let a Kenyan Muslim rule you for 8 years

>obongo dindu nuffin

>We should have finished you monkeys mongrels off in 1812.
You got your ass handed to you and the only reason you didn't become a territory was because the Scots gave their lives to defend you. Also the past battle of the war of 1812 was won by Jackson btfoing a much larger force in Louisiana. Had it kept going you would have become ours for a third time.
>Sucking Putin's cock
I'm assessing what you bring the to the table cuck, I've been waiting for the US to shove it's fist you Putin's ass over Ukraine and pretty soon it's going to happen. I'm more pro-Ukrainian than 99% of this board. Get you shit straight before you start leaking bullshit from your ass

>You got your ass handed to you
huh history books say different

>because the Scots gave their lives to defend you

i dont think it was just us but i guess?

>past battle of the war of 1812


>Globalists run the entire country including the media
>Normie's still trusted the MSM at the time
You KNOWINGLY voted in an admitted foreigner, we got cheating into having one through excessive voter fraud where most people didn't know he was Kenyan.
Ffs I voted for fucking Tokyo Rose McCaine to keep that nigger out, I don't think you understand how hard that was
>Non+/-admitted foreigner who's identity was more or less erased when he was a teenager and rewritten making it almost impossible for the average person to know how he is =/= a literal foreign national that everyone knows isn't Canadian

isnt Canada the biggest hohol's diaspora in the world?

It is, 1.3M hohol's here, most are Jewish

I really hope this cunt gets raped to death by niggers. She is the face of that stupid fucking company.

She's half-Egyptian.


can you give me the name of that video? Just for the education purpose, of coarse.

my english is not perfect(cause i've never learned it). So, i can make some mistakes, sorry bout that. So .. i mean "a country with the biggest population of hohols (except ukraine(there is ukranians in Russia, not hohols, hohol - it is a clinical form of ukranian)) "

FYI such churches are usually built without a single nail