Honest thoughts on pjw?
He is a fake. Watch this
He's really good desu. He redpills the normies. He's /ourguy/
Stop being depressed.
Spends too much time saying obvious shit and accusing leftists of being hypocrites. Low hanging fruit.
Some of his videos are great though, the ones where he's ranting interspliced with headlines and evidence to support what he's saying. His video about Sweden is great.
He's alright. This pretty much. I feel like we kinda have to have someone just saying the obvious for it to stick to normies.
A jewish shill, he's good for the normies though.
He's kind of stupid. He makes the same points about music as feminists do with video games, but he's too far up his own ass and his fans are too retarded to notice the similarities. Also, many of his videos just need WAY more research.
Also, he literally said if I don't like something about you, it gives me "justifiable reason to kill you"
He's basically an SJW for the right.
Mostly has the right opinions and bring up good points -- deliver is a bit over the top, sardonic tone can be pretty hard to listen to, but really, you're splitting hairs and getting fed up over nothing.
He converts a lot of 13-18 year olds and making people who otherwise wouldn't be exposed to this type of info aware.
cringey as fuck when he goes on about "THA RIGHT IS THA NEW PUNK" stuff
so many typos, my keyboard is locked up with boogers, semen, and ramen crumbs
>shitty meme image
>what's your opinion?
It kind of is though. Its rebellious now to be conservative and nationalistic.
He's a twat.
he's extremely embarrassing esp with the "CONSERVATISM IS DUH NEW COUNTA CULTURE"
still... the way he says it and the frequency he claims it, he comes off lame
reminds me of people irl claiming to be members of Anonymous from back in the day
idk, don't get me wrong I like the dude, but he says some lame shit
back during the election, Trump retweeted one of his tweets and he engaged in gay milo-posting, replying to Trump saying, "thank you daddy" and sure it might've been an homage, but holy fuck did it come off as gay
Agreed that it does kinda come off like "look at me guiz im so cool."
Like he just barely missed the fad and is trying desperately to catch up.
Great point. If he has an impact on the youngins than I am all for him.
When I had a Twatter account I followed him and noticed he would always retweet all those sensational anti-SJW meme pictures. All the retweeted memes for the week would become his next video. He's unoriginal and picks the lowest hanging fruit. He's too far up his own ass and the way he mocks ESS JAY DUBBLEYEWS in his whiny mocking voice is pretty cringeworthy, condescending, and puerile. He's no better than an SJW. He thinks Pepe is racist and went to the DeploraBall where Pepe was banned. Fuck him and all the other e-celeb kikes like Gorilla Mindthet, Milo, Gavin, Lauren, Sargon of Cuckad, Blaire etc. who oh-so-subtly try to promote themselves on my Sup Forums and think they can write books like they are God's gift to the world. They steal our memes and ride the (((alt-right))) wave but then get scared about being associated with it. Fuck these unoriginal jewtube faggots.
Underdeveloped manchild
>Babby's First Redpill
>bit of an attention whore
>has a silly accent (to Burgers, I expect to many Brits as well)
>needs to move about a foot back from the camera and stop yelling
>I'd probably go insane listening to him for extended periods of time but some people like him so whatever
>being forced to listen to him and Thernovich at once is probably a violation of international law
>overall I'm kind of neutral but he's certainly better than another Young Turkroaches style show or something
Saying hes better than TYT is almost insulting. That should just go without saying.
He strikes me as skinny Alex Jones, but missing two important things
1. He's boring as fuck and shows no excitement
2. His depth of discussion and research is that of a youtuber with 4 figure subscribers
>implying Richard is controlled opposition for (((them)))
Why are all the representatives of the right so fucking insufferable?
Inb4 r/thedicklets defend this
Its like babbys first election cycle jesus Sup Forums has become the most bluepilled place on the chan
>Trump has no chance of defeating Hillary
I bet he regrets this one pretty bad now
Well I like to think of my self as a very PC guy. And his political views make me... Uncomfortable.
To be fair everyone thought Trump was a joke just like he was the last handful of elections
Hey, Paul. Stop posting memes about yourself to extract material for your stupid show.
Why are these still allowed.
its the same shitlord who posts it everyday, alongside his other favorite shitposts.
Just sage.