It's illegal to have certain opinions in Europe

>it's illegal to have certain opinions in Europe

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it's illegal to have certain opinions in the entire world outside of america. america is the only place with actual free speech while everybody else just pretends they do.

George Orwell warned us and we didn't listen

Unless you draw loli. Then you don't have free speech.

How can people live like that?

What? Loli porn isn't illegal here, it's disgusting but you can have as much of that trash as you want to, burger-bud.

>it's illegal to have certain images basically everywhere

Example? I wont be arrested or fined for having an opinion of any kind.
ACTING on an opinion in an illegal way is obv illegal though.

it's more complex than that. they get you with loli charges when you try and transport it into another state using trafficking laws.

if you can convince them it's art then they can't charge you for loli. there's tons of naked stuff involving them which is just fine and isn't for debate cause it's protected. you'd go to a jury of your peers and they'd decide if it's too obscene or not, but luckily cause we're so PROGRESSIVE! and TOLERANT! then you really shouldn't have to worry about anything nowadays.

other countries will jail you for political opinions and speech on religion.

>it's not illegal in american but it will get you ran over by a mob of fat leftists

also, europe is not germany

The legality of loli varies by state. Some it's completely legal in, others completely illegal, with a few in between.

In reality, it is illegal to have certain opinions in America. Its just that its not enforced by the government but by the media and the people. This applies to racist opinions. Im sure if you went out shouting racist opinions and slogans in the United Cucks of America a whole group of feral niggers and white-knights would beat you up and the police force and media would turn a blind eye. Maybe even congradulate those that "punished the evil racist".

Dude i see you fucking posting everywhere

I don't think you know what that word means

pretty sure in germany its illegal to deny the holocaust.

dunno tho, im just a plebian burger

>The legality of loli varies by state
No, it doesn't. It's called the CONSTITUTION. Any anti-loli law would be unconstitutional.

>it's illegal buy these in America


it's not me I swear

I agree with this.
ive never heard of someone being prosecuted for loli anime in US. if its happened, it was likely the exception and not the rule.

Basically, we can't criticise islam or other bullshit religions.

I literally just saw them in some oriental supermarket.

No, getting your ass beat by some thugs for yelling mean things at them doesn't constitute illegality.

We've had those un-banned for a long ass time, I don't understand why this meme continues. Do euros really think we just randomly don't get kinder eggs? We used to fill them full of sweet tarts until kids started choking on them.

Good, pedo shit isn't free speech

>Implying you dont get arrested in America for calling someone a nigger

you don't

Yeah its fucking you, u use the same pic everywhere. I see it all the time
Who do you think you are?!

It's also illegal to scream "FIRE!" in a movie theater because it can incite violence and stampeding.

Free speech does not mean hate speech should be allowed.

next up to be censored are "fake memes".

why not just make it illegal to draw libelous artwork

you don't

Yeah, I think all of us will imply that.

do they have toys inside? Maybe your version is adjusted to your laws

Funniest shit here is about hate speech laws. Basically those were written so fedorafags cannot insult catholics and nationalists. But of course, since people are equal nationalists and catholics also get fined for insulting islam for instance. I never heard about going to prison for your beliefs

>Implying everyone in America isn't a nigger and calling each other that isn't just a friendly form of greeting

>ACTING on an opinion
>actually stating your opinion is what gets you thrown in the can, silly ameriburgers
jesus europe, what happened to you?

>implying americans have free speech
>I’ve been subjected to a gag order at the request of the prosecution on the grounds that the latest Guardian article I’d written from jail had been “critical of the government.”

not to mention the 999999999 cases of private buisnesses firing people for having the wrong opinion and all your cucked industry standards like pixelating a classical painting with nudity on a late night tv show

Oh fuck off you get charged with hate crime and rot in prison.

America was the first country in the world to have "hate crime" laws

fuck off

Yes, though they're usually pretty shit and don't have clever little puzzles or anything really fun inside.
The law, as far as I'm aware, prohibits non-edible material from being fully hidden inside something edible. The way around that is to let the plastic seam show through the two chocolate halves

I'm sorry you know so little, it's not any of our fault

No it doesn't. The Supreme Court had to decide whether drawings of underage people were considered art and they determined they were art.

I always like to imagine Supreme Court Justices looking at loli porn and deciding, "well, this is art!".

But seriously, the majority of our laws are to prevent or for the restitution injury. Since drawings cause no injury to anyone, therefore it cannot be illegal. They decided that if you start judging what is and is not art, you could begin down a slippery slope of sloppy jurisprudence.

Looks like you lack reading comprehension in your "own" language.

To describe it on your level: there is a difference between having an opinion and voicing that opinion in public.

I hope you get this now.

>and voicing that opinion in public.
does Sup Forums count as public?

It's not him, it's me.
You think this faggots the only one with this image on their hard drive?

They're illegal because there is an FDA law that states you can't have non-food products hidden in food. Do you eruopoors forget that we are a lawsuit country filled with retards and niggers? If one nigglet swallowed one of those eggs, Kinder would be put out of fucking business.

Ive actaully tried to find any actual evidence one way or another in this matter.

can you provide a link to the supreme court ruling so I can read about it?

Its named exactly the same thing
Its fucking him I KNOW IT

Remember Wonder Ball? I'm pretty certain they're no longer around for that reason, little kids began choking on the sweet tarts inside because the fat little shits would just stuff a whole ball in their maw.

Its me user, OP is false flagging

is it?

>it's illegal to eat kinder eggs in the US

g-goyim know!

bogdabots engage

Banned from Twitter again because i mocked the idiots calling the gas attack russian attacks... fucking hell.

>not reading a thread before shitposting it
Why do Somalis do this?

no it's not

>What? Loli porn isn't illegal here, it's disgusting but you can have as much of that trash as you want to, burger-bud.

No it actually isn't. As a person that grew up with loli porn and is now an adult old enough to have a real life child of his own, it fucking isn't. The police cannot come after you for loli porn BUT if they catch you with it, you're fucking going to jail.

Getting loli doujinshis through the mail? They will call the cops on you. Leave loli porn on your laptop as you travel? They will arrest you. Your wife sees your loli collection and calls the cops on you? They will arrest you.

All of these are past cases where people got hit with hard time for drawn pictures. Look them up. Just never have the stuff. You can browse it online, but never own it.


go to your local police department and tell them the holocaust didn't happen and that Muslims should be kicked out of the country for being niggers that rape and murder children

what crime are you breaking with possession though?

>it's illegal on the pain of death to own cheeses in the US
Why do the 56% do this?

>screaming fire in threatre=hate speech
you shall be raked

Hate crime laws only apply to actual racially motivated crimes.
Calling someone a nigger is not a hate crime. Calling someone a nigger and then stabbing them because they're black is a hate crime.

Child pornography covers images of children, but drawings of children having intercourse isn't illegal in and of itself.

Guns are not illegal in the US. But you can be arrested for having one and not owning a permit. Stop playing at being stupid user.

>arrested for drawings
>United States
Not calling you full of shit, because I know stupid stuff happens here sometimes, but can you cite these claims? I know you said look them up but I'm not sure I want "how much loli can I legally posses" in my search history.

>not having spray-cheese
Pick one and only one

>via wikipedia
18 USC 1466A
In response to Ashcroft v. Free Speech Coalition, Congress passed the PROTECT Act of 2003 (also dubbed the Amber Alert Law) and it was signed into law on April 30, 2003, by then president George W. Bush.[61] The law enacted 18 U.S.C. § 1466A, which criminalizes material that has "a visual depiction of any kind, including a drawing, cartoon, sculpture or painting", that "depicts a minor engaging in sexually explicit conduct and is "obscene" or "depicts an image that is, or appears to be, of a minor engaging in...sexual intercourse...and lacks serious literary, artistic, political, or scientific value". By its own terms, the law does not make all simulated child pornography illegal, only that found to be obscene or lacking in serious value. And mere possession of said images is not a violation of the law unless it can be proven that they were transmitted through a common carrier, such as the mail or the internet, or transported across state lines.[62]

Actually, about that

Consequences for me to have a different opinion here are way less severe than they would be in America.

>It's also illegal to scream "FIRE!" in a movie theater
this actually isn't illegal in the US, you will however get kicked out for being a dick.

Social Tyranny is an entirely different issue than regular old Political Tyranny. Political Tyranny is more obviously dangerous and our nation's laws were built to protect us from that. However, Social Tyranny is much more subtle and harder to combat, which I think makes it even more dangerous than Political Tyranny.


A better example would have been screaming "BOMB!" at an airport.
This will get your arrested.

You shouldn't have even bothered. Dumb idiot shit posters don't care about reading up on facts, laws and what their rights are, but thank you for trying at least.

Stop lying on the Internet, user.

>Guns are not illegal in the US. But you can be arrested for having one and not owning a permit. Stop playing at being stupid user.

What fucking shit hole state do you live in? Because that is hardly true at all

But what if the drawing consented tho

>The Court concluded that the "CPPA prohibits speech despite its serious literary, artistic, political, or scientific value." In particular, it prohibits the visual depiction of teenagers engaged in sexual activity, a "fact of modern society and has been a theme in art and literature throughout the ages." Such depictions include performances of Romeo and Juliet, by William Shakespeare; the 1996 film William Shakespeare's Romeo + Juliet, directed by Baz Luhrmann; and the Academy Award winning movies Traffic and American Beauty. "If these films, or hundreds of others of lesser note that explore those subjects, contain a single graphic depiction of sexual activity within the statutory definition, the possessor of the film would be subject to severe punishment without inquiry into the work's redeeming value. This is inconsistent with an essential First Amendment rule: The artistic merit of a work does not depend on the presence of a single explicit scene."

>The Government countered that without the CPPA, child molesters might use virtual child pornography to seduce children. But "there are many things innocent in themselves, however, such as toys, movies, games, video games, candy, money etc. that might be used for immoral purposes, yet we would not expect those to be prohibited because they can be misused."

what about k*ke?

Just posting this for delusional burgers to see.

Italy finally got a holocaust denial law because 1 (ONE) person published an article questioning the holocaust narrative
No freedom of speech in Italy either

There's your problem

>implying anyone has free speech.

>>it's illegal to have certain opinions in Europe
Same with America desu

Do you know what the constitution is?


in austria it will be illegal soon to be libertarian or ancap. a new law is going to be passed before summer that might put you to prison up to 2 years if you philosophize about the ethical issues of the state. not kidding.

When you get down to it, the state can arrest you for pretty much anything, it's just that none of us are important enough for them to do that and, unless you're retarded, the only way they could get enough information on you to arrest you is by breaking several privacy laws themselves.

Reminder that every time you pirate something or even rip a song off youtube you owe the distribution company 100,000 dollars in damages for breaking copyright laws if they had enough evidence and cared to prosecute.

Reminder that Al Capone was arrested because he didn't do his taxes.

>there is a difference between having an opinion and voicing that opinion in public
No there isn't.

>It's legal to own a copy of that book, you're just not allowed to read it. Big difference. You can legally own any book you want, you just can't act on it.

>The EU isn't Europe
>The EU isn't just Germany pushing pozloads into young Twink country's assholes
Who are you trying to fool?


>all these things that schools can't have
>implying schools can have muh scary black rifles

>liberals banned X thing so you have to be dearmed

Idk, I told someone to fuck off. Not even a threat. Cops were called they were going to press charges till they found out they'd have to show up at court too.

i see your wikipedia entry on a 2002 event
and I raise you to a 2003 event

It would've been a colossal waste of time, but there's no way they would have won that case.

The most forbidden idea's are Hegelian

It's not as bad in Eastern Europe, not yet, ironically former communist Europe is lagging behind the West when it comes to totalitarian censorship and surveillance. In Germany, flagship of the (((Free World™))), you get regime murder squads on your doors for posting wrong thoughts on faceberg.

>Alain Soral jailed for this

This is actually true. A few years ago they arrested a fucking cartoonist

>Cops, Doctors Repeatedly Probe Mans Anus In worst Traffic Stop Ever
That headline tho
Ayyy, lmao

>Little Red Riding Hood banned from the shool
>Assault rifle also banned from the school
>Both are legal outside of the school

Okay how can we misrepresent this information to make a point.

that has more to do with special regulations in airports, but that still isn't that illegal

Nope, they are sold at my grocery store
Another failed europeon meme

Why do shitposters never actually read the thread they're shitposting? They end up looking stupid.