Spanish Navy ship intrudes in Gilbratar's territorial water

Oh shit boys, here we go.

Other urls found in this thread:


Blessed by the seal of 7 Keks.

oh boy


oh shit son


Meant to post this

was dis user?

Also, checked.

What did he mean by this? I thought Spain and Britain were friends. Are we going to go to war because of some little island? That's a Chinese pacific island gook level retardation.

that rock secures our trade routes in the med...even america understands the importance of it

their subs and ships use it to refuel for patrolling the med

>not posting this

British Royal Navy do it everyday in Spanish waters, I don't know where the problem is.

We do it every day
Brits do it every day

Stop taking British political anti Spain baits, jesus

Look, here's my philosophy on the subject, and it's the same one I had for the whole Crimean Crisis:

If they want it so bad they will fight for it.

The Spanish aren't going to do shit. They have no reliable allies and it's highly unlikely the UK will let Gibraltar, British territory for more than a century, be taken without a fight.

Fuck Spain. Stop buying their shit and stop going abroad. Let them rot and watch their economy die.

include me in the screencap


Sheit nigga.

So we really are gunna have a happening with Spain? Plz no. Why not just purge Africa or something? Why we got to fight eachother for? Fucking hell.


> more than a century

More than three centuries, longer than the USA has existed or Australia of course. Gibraltar is British.

Digits of confirmation?

Aww shite, with those digits, we're all going to die aren't we


I don't know what Spain are trying to do here. They're messing with a nuclear power and a fellow NATO member. The UK being a stronger NATO member would also mean that the rest of NATO would have to ally with the UK in the event of a war to make sure NATO remains strong.



Did someone say Pepe War?

The brits are already shitting themselves and trying to keep their "badass" image afloat. I hope that fucking island is sunk into hell, never forget the fact that WW 2 took a turn for the worse and truly became a WW only because that fat bulldog did not accept peace from Hitler. If USA is jew center 101 for the americas, Britain is jewish 101 for Europe.

Watch them how rabid they become when someone does not kiss their asses. Fucking faggots, too bad for the normal people living in your piece of crap rainy prison island.

It shall happen

eatern europe is gonna get enriched lmao you are next romanian!! xDDDDDD

take the migrants or be booted out of the eu

watch your mouth! dont wanna go burning bridges yet kossak

Never knew Gypsies had internet, huh weird.

I'm stealing these just to let you know

And so it begins.

We dealt with them in the past, just a daily commute in these parts.

Did someone not being on your side made you go apeshit? Who would have expected that!

You realise this is all just media bait right? British ships can't even get to gibraltar without passing in spanish waters. There are treaties allowing both countries to use the water for military vessels.


American education, ladies and gentlemen.

>their "badass" image afloat
Sweet, we have a badass image....

This is now a rare pepe thread

>Did someone not being on your side made you go apeshit? Who would have expected that!

Im sorry what?

How many Exocet missiles until Spain capitulates?

Well, you had one of the biggest empires in the world, of course there's at least a badass image in the play.

checked, how long before isis flies black flag over vatican?


777 sheeit
>ravens will starve (Baltimore unrest again?)
>bear will leave it's cave forever (Russia expands)

THE NOG AND THE NIGS WILL STRIKE - JULY 4 0nlyThree months to live.

>Apocalypse soon

yes finally i can kill


Beat me to it

the black flag is also a symbol of anarchism. dome could be the capitol building. collapse of US government?

>Rule Britannia

or black flag of isis

Or it could mean the Black Flag of Islam flying over the Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem

Reminder that 777 is very intervened with the book of revelation, we now have year 5777 in the jewish calender


Kek approves



>the Sun


Get out normie

Pepe and Get thread.

Reminder that any wars in ME or EU only benefit Israel


so close fampai



Top tier bantz lads, top tier

Gibraltar has no territorial waters

The Sun is hilarious lad, it might not be perfect but it winds up all the right sort of people so it's ok.

War is a form of radical self becoming

What pic is this based off of? Anyone know the original?
Search/reverse image yields no results.


Im gonna need a quick run down of the event

>territorial waters
>Treaty of Utrecht

pick one, only one.

Oh lord, you dumb monkey-lovers.


Threadly reminder that Gibraltar is covered under the terms of the North Atlantic Treaty. The USA will not recognize any change to the borders of Europe that are not agreed upon by all parties involved, and will back this policy with military force if necessary.


We are waiting for them to shoot first.

yfw there will be no war

We don't need to shoot first
We already own it :^)

Praise Kek

yes it does you idiot!

Trips of Truth

yes please, fucking british stop coming here to your fucking vacation, disgusting asshole

Are we breaking the seals that will allow Kek himself to manifest in our dimention in His physical form?

Twa recruitin' sairgants cam frae the black watch,
To markets and fairs some recruits for to catch,
An' a' that they listed was for forty an' twa,
So list my bonnie laddie an' come awa,

It is over the mountains, and over the main,
Through Gibraltar to France and Spain,
Get a feather tae your bonnet, and a kilt abeen your knee
An' list bonnie laddie an' come awa wi me


this so much

>Three branches will become one.

>An island will drift away.
Brexit? Calexit?

>A killing bolt will shine in the night but will not kill.
EMP? Failed detonation? North Korean technology?

>The star will gorge itself on clay.
Israel wants more

>Idols will speak and move about.

>The black flag will fly above the dome.
Vatican? Pope allowing muslim call for prayer

>The belly of the dragon will drip water.
Himalaya is the belly of China, the sleeping dragon. And it is melting as we speak.

>Two voices will call out in a silence that all will hear.

>A rock will stand on seven hills.
Gibraltar now?

>The ravens will starve.

>The bear will leave its cave forever.
Russia is called the bear, will they dissolve or expand?

>The rod and the ring will strike.
Nuclear weapon


They are being Euros. They aren't happy unless they are squabbling over a border somewhere. Its why the USA has had to sit on them for 70 years, and probably will have to do it for another 70 more.

oh shi-

>When you're a Euro and you haven't started a world war over a 50 sq. mile area in more than SEVEN MINUTES

we wont we make up a large chunk of your tourism industry lmao

if thats the case we can send them to jibraltar,its got spanish weather

>Three branches will become one
Judicial, Executive, Legislative branches of US government
>Idols will speak and move about
Holographic idols, complete with AI personality
>Black flag will fly above the dome
Black flag of Islam above the Dome of the Rock
>Belly of the dragon will drip water
Could refer to Turkey sending water into Syria and Iraq following a water crisis in those countries
>Two voices will call out in a silence that all will hear
The two witnesses from Revelations


>7 hills
> 777
>WWIII will start in your life time
