Is Portugal the best euro nation?
Is Portugal the best euro nation?
>the typo STILL hasn't been fixed
nop most of the people are brainwashed with leftist dogma
How many people do you think are still with her?
Death of Salazar and transition to (((democracy))) was a mistake.
>ultramarine empire
Rowboat Girlyman was from Bestugal?
Has the BLM movement arrived at our country yet?
too many
greatest ally! Not-shit-spain! Much love!
its probably the whitest at this point
>space marines
>worth shit
No, otherwise there wouldn't be so many Portuguese who left their country to come here.
>retarded cannon fodder
>Expertly trained super warriors
Ye they're so stupid yeuhuh ye huhuh
this prety much portugal is the poland of the south both once had a great empire now we are puppets of the eu
I've been looking into colonialism and Euro history since I've been here, Portugal gives me feels. I've seen articles about how the thousands of young men were maimed in wars in Angola and shit, even though they got drafted, now they aren't recognized in memorial day events. At least they stood up for East Timor, right?
>puppets of the EU
You're giving our country too much credit. I'd say we're both the yellow and brown stains of EU's underwear.
We're the unskilled cheap labour of the EU and importing even more unskileld cheap labour from former colonies.The bright ones leave.
reminder that hegel identified as a localist
Yes, our brothers are the best, alongside us.
Puerto Pobre, pay denbts.
Puerto Pobre, you can't pay debts by exporting reggaeton only.
>has 200 billion dollar debt that cant be payed off
who? belgium, Italy, Ireland, France, Greece, ah Portugal too.
Shut up Abdul!
I know that feel bro. Iberian peninsula is the testing grounds for the rest of the World. They tested Weimar Republic degeneration here, they tested WWII tactics here, and they are testing extreme cultural Marxism since the 70s here too.
i used to like you spain, untill all my spanish friends living here became the most unsufferable cunts living when the brexit vote happened.
Guess true colours were shown that day
Come to Andaulcia, its already communist
They supported Rhodesia so that's better than most.
It hardly will.
Remember that the niggers in the US don't have a country of origin in africa. They are descendants of slaves that were brought to america centuries ago.
Our niggers are still very connected to their african homelands. We've only had niggers living here for 2 generations roughly.
If they start a BLM movement, people will simply tell them to go back to Angola or some shit.
Unfortunately,like in all western Europe we have been flooded, by mass non-euro immigration, so our national euro identity is about to be fucked up-
At least they have a sensible attitude to communists. :^)
Nah, but we have some strong points in our favor even today
people seem to think that the current state of being irrelevant, or not being talked about is a bad thing.
it isn't, it's amazing. refugees don't even know we are here so they don't come here. muslims don't do shit here. it's great and comfy
Unfortunately, nope.