My school is hosting this display of 1100 backpacks to raise awareness of the number of college students that commit suicide each year.
How does this make Sup Forums feel?
My school is hosting this display of 1100 backpacks to raise awareness of the number of college students that commit...
Suicide awareness is a great thing... as long as it isn't politicized
Free backpacks
I'll Add another backpack
then ill hang myself
Kek is with you, my child.
another stupid meaningless gesture by the left
Agree, frikkin liberals !
If it isn't of this type. I don't care at all.
Suicide is bad! Nooooo! Dont!
Wtf does "awareness" do? We should be more concerned with culling our population of weak fags
meaningless to us.
Not for the people who are there at that particular school everyday.
Free backpacks, niqquh
You know damn well once it's lights out my ass is swooping up some nice backpacks.
where dis
This. Post exact location coordinates OP
>wait until night
>nonchalantly walk by without a backpack
>pick one up
>free backpack acquired
I hate this "lmao im depressed haha just kill me due to minor stress lolz" shit so much. How did the jews make it trendy to be """depressed"""
Sad that a liberal institution is unaware they're the problem with the prevalence of suicide. They get to make people hate themselves and then get brownie points for telling people about it.
It's like I'm screaming for help and no one is listening.
They don't use those anymore btw but they still work great. If you have a pack (or the frame) please don't get rid of it. Someone in your family will want to use it for good exercise and utility in the outdoors!
>taking just one
I dont care
Are they also saying how most of those are men and why that might be?
Meaningless gesture, then.
I don't really need more than one
If you cant have the smarts to get help then you are stupid
Yeah I'm sure a bunch of backpacks laying on the ground is totally gonna stop those kids form killing themselves........
Someone is going to have to clean that up.
how do you know what they're saying?
That people would be happier living in a more stable world that isnt always a race to the bottom
Nothing really. Most of pol are beta cucks on the verge of suicide so I'm sure they can feel related.
One Thousand college students commit suicide each year?
That's it?
I've browsed more than a thousand suicide threads this year alone. What make these degenerate fucks special?
Awareness is great and all but it wont help anyone is no one acts upon the issue they are now aware of.
I hate virtue signaling. This shit does nothing to address the problem. Pathetic.
>addressing problems
but if you address problems, how will you virtue signal them?
Nice, all those students can give each other congratulatory handjobs and a pat on the back for "raising awareness" and "going out there and making a difference". All the while some college student jumps of a building because the person he was supposed to meet today blew him off yet again so he could place a backpack on a lawn instead.
These are the same people who put transparent flags of countries on their nosebook profile. It isn't about raising awareness of any issue, it is about raising awareness that they are raising awareness, more commonly known as "attention whoring".
I just didn't go searching for the exact model currently in use.
>Not strolling up, grabbing the largest backpack, and filling it with other backpacks.
>virtue signaling
I keep seeing this phrase and still have no idea what it is supposed to mean. Is that just a hip way of saying "look at the issues I am aware of, my awareness of these issues in and of itself make me a good person"?
As in, I go onto street and say something like "black are disadvantaged!", am I virtue signalling? Am I doing it right at that point? I honestly have no idea, I have given up trying to keep up with all the retarded terminology.
Can't call a gay a queer because that's offensive, but someone who hasn't undergone sexchange but feels like the opposite sex is genderqueer? I mean give me a fucking break will you, fucking faggots.
It doesn't
You are on the right track, but you need to scale it.
Virtue signaling is something like volunteering to host a massive homeless shelter in your town, but far from where you personally live, so that you look good. Bonus points if you own the property the homeless shelter will be on, so you can get paid.
Virtue signaling is fighting against the enforcement of immigration law while living in a community where a Mexican man who arrives too early to the job site gets a visit from the police.
Virtue signaling is riding a $20,000 bicycle to work when there is free bus service in the area.
I can't see any purpose to this other than inspiring suicide in others.
sweet, free backpack
Gimme a bottle of vodka and I could shit in about half of them overnight
Virtue Signalling is the act of fighting for some idea that's not beneficial but perceived as good, often coupled with being entirely divorced from those who would actually be impacted by the fruit of their labor. There may be many goals intended to reach by doing so, but "brownie points"/appearing to be politically correct, virtuous, and altruistic are among the most obvious reasons. Celebrities that say we should have open borders to our country, but live in mansions with gates and security guards, are the most textbook examples of people who virtue signal.
>look at all these people that killed themselves, you should probably do it too
So it is basically a synonym for "faggot"? Because those kind of people aren't new, they have been around as long as I have been, and we've been calling them faggots.
steal the backpacks and sell them
Some guy offed himself in public on my campus as I and some people were walking by. He fucked it up, didn't die right away, and made my finals week pretty shitty. Go figure he killed himself over a girl. Pretty stupid.
Rather then put fucking backpacks on a grass why not just fund the psych studies to find the root cause
oh wait it's almost like people don't actually want to help anyone but just want to pretend that they do
Sorry, I forgot it was the current timeline
Either way we need to pump those numbers up
These fucking college kids need to fucking go
Why didn't you film it
>not tombstoning the backpacks for poetic lulz
Get off this site.
Like I am going to stop by and get a free backpack
makes me want to kill myself
>make depressed kid even more depressed about all the other dead kids
>an heroes
So environmentally friendly
What public method of suicide did he use and how did he fuck it up? Unless he drew a gun or did a Tibet I am failing to think of suicide methods that aren't preventable when done in front of people.
Yeah, right.
Show awareness by caring enough to place free backpacks on the grass to commemorate the dead, rather than finding solutions by helping the living who's potential of joining them in the future.
Load the shit with a makeshift and nails. This is disgusting.
Rotate the picture you scumbag :^)
can't tell if tendie and sauce or argentina and malvinas
>be dumb female administrator
>have multiple family members at risk of suicide
>pop is dealing with cancer, nephew is a bipolar teenager, brothers dealing with career failure and anomie
>should I get more involved in their lives?
>should I be a true friend and true family and potentially save a life?
>nahh, I'll make a big public display of sympathy for other people
I feel normal I guess
Their life is a thing that belongs only to them. If they want to die they are free to do so.
>age 12
>height 5'10''
>weight 161 lbs
Breddy gud. Didn't know it was that many, could be more, but I'm ok with this.
There's only one type of college student who an heros. This is very eugenic
free backpacks
free backpacks
Like SJWs have gone too far. Free backpacks tho.
Just another insignificant suicide among many.
You know what prevents suicides? Blowjobs. But that would interaction with the men they hate but are supposedly trying to help.
770 of them were white men. Do they even mention that?
>hurrr muh body muh choice I can do drugs be gay or have an abortion
>oh no people are choosing to kill themselves we need to do something
You should join in and make a speech. Really lay into some generic life story of depression, love, and tragedy that a "friend" of yours experienced before they committed suicide.
It is not like publicizing a suicide is correlated with increased suicides.
Are you okay, user? Do you want to talk?
Like i can get a free backpack
The truely weak ones are the ones that somehow fail. Apparently the success rate is 1/25
thats the real question though. but probably not. no one cares if you are a white men nowdays. you are "privileged" anyways even if you are depressed and on the brink of commiting suicide because everyone is telling you that you are the root of all evil on the planet.
t. someone with severe depressions
Should be more by me
I walked by just as he did it. I called the police and didn't think filming his death would be best with 5 other people around.
He shot himself in the head on campus, got knocked out and was still for like 2 minutes, but then he woke up and died after like 5 more minutes of flailing about and bleeding out before the paramedics arrived.
I live in a country with a suicide rate that's approaching Russia levels where almost everyone is drunk or high by noon because they just got laid off from their third job in the past 6 months and can't find any work that pays for the overinflated cost of absolutely everything because of the corrupt government selling the entire country out to China.
Boo fucking hoo Americans. So sad for you that you live in a country where people can actually still work
All these whiny autistic virgins literally killing themselves over fucking useless shit like getting banned from League of Legends. They all need to go back. From dust to dust.
It's an act of imposed reflection that doesn't sink in with full guarantee.
Shitty out of context messaging from sender breeds shitty decoding.
A quick visit to /r9k/ shows that the problem either stems from some social awkwardness with a mental illness or that factors in life becomes a burden.
Or a bunch of suspicious packages
So fucking useless he can't even kill himself right.
This is what vaccines have done to our society: spawned these worthless retards.
>that plaque
Truer words etc etc
>Wtf does "awareness" do? We should be more concerned with culling our population of weak fags
Agreed. WHAAA WHAAA, I don't have direction in life, I know... I'll join the military!
>A recent analysis found a suicide rate among veterans of about 30 per 100,000 population per year, compared with the civilian rate of 14 per 100,000.
The vast majority of teen and young adult suicides occur omong the gay/trans persons.
This makes me very happy indeed.
feels fucking gr8 man
>wake up
>decide to kill self
>see backpacks on ground
>look at own backpack
>not today
Well yeah, but you lose enlisted men and veterans at almost double the rate, so we see who dies off first.
That makes me very happy indeed.
No such thing
Faggots virtue signal. It's a verb
They don't fail, they never really tried.
Almost all "suicide attempts" are just attention whoring.
Think about it: you never hear of a decent (but depressed) person attempting suicide and failing, is always the edgy myspace (now tumblr) crowd.
Killing yourself ain't hard, kids.
Get a gun and shoot yourself, jump in front of a truck, hang yourself, and plenty others I'm forgetting: the rate of success with those is damn near 100%.
Most "suicide attempts" consist of taking a little too much paracetamol, then bring a whiny bitch and calling an ambulance.
>Stuff all the backpacks full of other backpacks
>Put red pill fliers in backpacks and wait for morning
>Fill one with junk and put a sign on it "Definitely not a bomb!"
>Pick them all up and put them in a lost and found box
Lots you can do besides just steal them. Pretty sure half of them are going back to goodwill when they're done anyway.
>How does this make Sup Forums feel?
Shiiieeeet. Free back pack.
Damn, that's the first thing I thought of too.....and if the backpack was from a dead student you could sell it back to the parents.....profit!
INb4 nigger steals backpacks