Leftypol here

leftypol here
just poking in for a random reminder that we fucked you fascists in the ass so hard, germany is still shitting hammers and sickles
just look at it now
anyway, hope your having fun

Other urls found in this thread:

google.fr/maps/place/Isle of Wight/@50.6707741,-1.6080843,10z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x48748787e55a5639:0x7439ce5142be7c51!8m2!3d50.6938479!4d-1.304734

>we fucked you fascists in the ass so hard

sounds gay t b h

you fucked Eastern Europe alright

that's another thing, we kill gays better than you


here's a Swedish accomplishment at least


The soviets could be called fascist just as easily as the Nazis. Also why are leftists so obsessed with sodomy

Kek. Didnt have any effect because sweden is still full of homosexuals.

it was commies, not some pathetic fucks

especially considering that we didn't sterilize faggots specifically

read the link next time, peKKKa

you won so hard every single decent country in the world is communist
wait no their capitalist

Try to gain some self-awareness. You look pathetic when you try to take credit for winning a war that happened 80 years ago. Like you're some fucking battle-hardened commissar, lmao.


Normal functional human being here.

You shitty Communists are just as bad as Fascists.

Fuck off and die.

We kill christians too, just so you know

>leftypol here

stopped reading there.


Can't hear you


might I just point out to you that op is on top of the brandedburg gate, thanks

Are commies Human?

i thought soviets weren't real communism tho


Reichstag building. And the photo is staged. And OP's photo is a painting of the original staged photo.

Doesn't change that the Russians won the war, nonetheless.

But that's wrong, you fucking retard.

russian commies almost were but nah

Serisouly 1 Germany vs whole World and Russians where they send millions into meat grinder

human enough to literally drag your symbols through the dirt

Don't modern leftist and commies welcome the LGBTWXYZ+ in with open arms?

you remembered to crop out the "result" at the top, nice

It's going to be poetic justice when mudshits start beating you libs to a pulp.

Which is why you proceeded to get cucked out of it by your American overlords after the war.

What's it like knowing your retarded leftist shithole was so incompetent that it had to choose between being rightly bulldozed by Germany or converted into an American puppet state?

These pictures need to be posted anytime someone claims Russians are white.

Who cares it shows 10 of you die for 1 German.

>cherry picked battles

Reminder that the nazis only made significant gains during Operation Barbarossa, when they invaded with a numerical advantage over the Red Army and caught them off guard. The nazis started losing as soon as they lost their numerical advantage.

The thing about the eastern front is that kill statistics don't actually indicate how good the armies are at fighting. The nazis considered slavs subhumans and any Red Army soldier that was captured would be shipped off to concentration camps and exterminated. That's why the kill ratio is artificially inflated in the nazis' favor.

If you think about it, the nazis were nothing but a bunch of jumped up street thugs whereas the red army was a highly competent and professional fighting force. It was the soviets who basically invented mechanized combined arms warfare back in the 1930s and perfected it during the great patriotic war. Late war soviet operations made the blitzkrieg (which was never a coherent doctrine to begin with and only ever worked out of sheer luck) look like a child's game in scale, logistics, and tactics. Red army soldiers were dedicated, tenacious, and highly motivated. After all, they were fighting to secure their right to exist against a genocidal fascist regime.

It didn't hurt that the Red Army was also technically superior to the nazis. When the nazis were invading the USSR with bolt action rifles and czech light tanks, the soviets had T-34 and KV tanks and ppsh machine guns, even late war nazi Tiger and Panther tanks fell flat against stalin tanks and T-34/85 tanks.

After Barbarossa the great patriotic war basically consisted of the red army persuing the nazis at a leisurely pace all the way to berlin.

Stop looting clocks or I'll see to it that you get sent to the gulag to support the soviet economy.

Being proud of beating Germany in WW2 is like being proud you won a 10 v 1 fight where the one guy knocked out nine of your gang before he was finally brought down.

This is where OP lives

google.fr/maps/place/Isle of Wight/@50.6707741,-1.6080843,10z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x48748787e55a5639:0x7439ce5142be7c51!8m2!3d50.6938479!4d-1.304734

иди нaхyй

if by fucked you mean zerg rushed bodies to the front lines instead of using any discernible tactics, then sure.

social leftism/globalism and fiscal leftism is very different
communism is nationalistic as hell, socially illiberal


>given 500 million dollars in foreign aid
>got pushed back so far that your coward leader fled the capital
>took nearly four years to beat a country less than half your size that's fighting three other nations on the opposite end of the continent
>more than three times the casualties as the country you're fighting
Were the commies going for "most incompetent military force in human history"?

If so, congratulations.

>leftypol here
stopped reading

>The nazis considered slavs subhumans and any Red Army soldier that was captured would be shipped off to concentration camps and exterminated. That's why the kill ratio is artificially inflated in the nazis' favor.

So now captured people aren't counted? A "captured" soldier is as good as a kill if not better. The very fact that he was not shot in the head immediately is because the capturer choose to have mercy. And many captured Nazis were sent to gulags, what's the difference?

what the fuck you live in far cry

>communism is nationalistic as hell, socially illiberal
so then what is the difference between faggot nazis and nigger commies. basically the same shit. fuck both of you fascist shits

>what's the difference?
The nazis invaded the USSR, tried to exterminate their people, and yet the Soviets still behaved less murderously toward the germans than vice versa. Chew on that.

True fascism has never been tried

So why are you living in the UK? The UK is not Communist, are you some kind of unprincipled fucking coward? Don't answer that Joshua, the emasculated piece of shit you call a body probably needs that energy just to move your faggy little twig arms.

>loses 25 million soldiers, more than 4 times the amount of soldiers in the wehrmacht total
>50 million civilians die of starvation/sickness
>would have been completely annexed if it weren't for the western front

germany loses 2 world wars in a row because they dont know how to make friends and still end up with better infrastructure and economy than communist shitholes, unfortunate that the sandniggers will inevitably destroy germany

And where's the soviet union now you bong?

So the USSR was real communism, then?

The Soviets were planning an invasion of Western Europe so Hitler broke the pact.
One of the reasons they were pushed back is because the Russian military was issuing maps of Germany to the front line forces in Poland and not maps of Eastern Europe or Russia itself.
Stalin was going to increase the size of his military 300% by opening up the draft to all citizens before ~1945.

And that list is quite applicable to Soviet Union. Your point?

>normie here
i'd encourage you to try extremism
here's John cleese making a case for it

You do know soviet union controll of media suprassed any nations attempt at that by far? that they were using military supremacy and thro most of its existance gay rights were illegal. and theri obsession with national security with people just saying you are against regime and u get sent to gulag. Also purchasing power of average sovieter never could even come close to westerners and not to even talk about corroption. and Stalin himself said it doesnt matter who votes but who counts the votes.... Either that picutre is Irony or troll

Communism has been an enemy of America for longer than fascism.

Commies deserve to be gassed

T.not a fascist either