white people

Other urls found in this thread:


>Things that happened
>I don't indoctrinate my daughter with miscegenation propaganda
>I want likes

Literally first in line for the Day of the Rope

This woman needs to be charged with child abuse.

Multiculturalism is wrong, but so is racism. As long as we aren't forcing mixed genes and cultures I'm fine with the little girl innocently associated the doll as a human being and not a nigger.

Implying a 3 year old girl knows what a fucking stethoscope is or how to pronounce it

Why are lefties so obssesed with this kind of made up stories?

Daily reminder that no such thing as day of rope will come to pass

This hope is the death throes of a mind trying to comfort itself against a damming reality.

Get fucked :)

>innocently associated the doll as a human being and not a nigger

Her parents were telling her since she was born fairy tales about a beautiful a peaceful word where whites, browns and blacks gays, trans and cis scum live happy all togherer.

very rude

>got a shitskin doll as a reward for learning to shit

Good parenting.


This is what you call a slide thread.

The day will come when we must fight for freedom but it will either have to take the form of American people fighting or western society will splinter and kikes will win. On the day of the rope everyone that believes in western values must fight and kill every kike and kike pet that exists and everyone that believes in freedom should be able to destroy those who have taken it away from us and the group that does this is mixed with everyone as well. They are trying to polarize us so we have no coherent and sizable force, DON'T LET THE KIKES WIN!!

Also the Turner Diaries is a fucking delusional LARP who even remotely takes it seriously is a untermensch of their own race.

i absolutely cannot believe that she would post this believing that in her mind this sounded plausible, the dialogue, the scenario, all of it. what a pure cunt


wow that was really rude and uncalled for

you have a place in the day of the rope too, my friend

My statement was vague and wasn't suppose to be making a point, you literally just said something won't happen cockroach puppet of the kikes.

also the day of the rope IS coming, you can feel it already lurking in the back of people's heads

Puppet of Kikes?

Get your head out of your butt and take a look around
Imagine if it all came down

I'm waiting for the day to


wont happen in turkey doe, on the opposite, 50 days from now turkey will be pozzed as fuck



Only Tengri knows what will happen in fifty years my white friend?

>implying some braindead cashier gives enough of a fuck to engage anyone in conversation, positive or negative

>we aren't born with the idea that colour matters

The first time I met a black kid in school, when I was about 3 years old, I walked over and asked him why his skin was made of poo.

>being this deep in denial


i guess as a people with a long history of defeat and disgrace you feel you're an expert at identifying it elsewhere?

Why do people lie like that just to get attention? This isn't an anonymous site your name is there and you have to be a retard to not figure out how much bs is in that story

Back in elementary school, I remember seeing black kids being rude and mouthing off the teachers

...Liar...made up story is obviously made up

>Asking If shes going to a party
>Asking if thats the present

Both of those are reasonable questions regardless.
Obviously the rest didn't happen.

>3 year old
>saying stethoscope

its pretty obvious, im very sure Turkey has a cultural invasion right now, in 50 years old people will be dead and young people will be on power of everything and will have kids in their 20s

Spain, this is about as real as your rights to Gibraltar.

>i guess as a people with a long history of defeat and disgrace

> defeat and disgrace
> defeat

Those words do not exist in Turkish.
We haven't been to the language school of Vietnam

Fake story for virtue-signalling. The kid probably just wanted a friend for her other dolly.

>things that never happened

Sadly, I think this roach is right. This society can not be salvaged.

Don't sound so sure just yet, roach.

ITT: shit that never happened

We had proof and shit

That is the fakest fucking story ive read in a few weeks. These fucking morons dont quit do they. Making up stories to be "heroes".

You don't have to live together with leftists and such.
Can't your conservative states secede from the rest and establish a new country?

>It was real in my beatiful mind

The font isn't even close to the facebook font.

Big news in Estonia.

>Things that didn't happen
Wew I love me some fiction on Facebook


Wtf is that?

I bet she chose that doll because it was the same colour as her poo




Guys I think we're missing the point here.
This clever little girl know that your suppose to buy niggers, not white people.

> that guy with the t shirt that says:


everything white women do they do for attention and virtue...they want to feel morally righteous and they want people to notice this

it's truly disgusting, white women were a mistake

>Then my daughter stood up, looked her in the eye, and said "the skin colour that has been painted upon this doll is naught to me, for I comprehend that we are one race upon this Earth. In time all shall see the world as I do, for I am part of the coming generation. We do not shy away in fear from the unknown, lest we fall into the conflicts of the past. Indeed I embrace this doll as a symbol for the endearment I hold for my sisters around the world. Haha also she a doctor we gonna pway doctor with mr snuggles."
>I've never been so proud of my little angel.


>today on virtue signaling by way of things that never happened episode 14674377486898588587597798597