
what will they do? give up the gibs or accept unlimited muslims and nogs?

find out next time! same bat show! same bat channel! DANANANANANANA BATMAN!


Friendship ended with EU, now Putin is my best friend

there is nothing wrong with breitbart


So long! And thanks for all the shekels.

Don't forget to embrace your LGBTs, too.

This, Russia is very nuclear, we like nuclear.

Soon Poland will be the only place in Europe you can take a vacation without being run over, blown up, or shot by Muslims.

>take them in
>wipe them out and bury them
>if anyone asks they left for germany and sweden

Gosh, what a tough choice they have.

are you in the eu also croatiia? if so you are aware they will try this with you next?

But yeah
They're just running their mouths again. The EU is already crumbling, no reason for them to die on this hill.


Can't they do what Germany says and take them in but put them in some kind of Concentration Camp?

nah mat it is serious the eu knows its pissing off its biggest contributors and the smaller weaker states to the east aint pulling thier weight in merkels eyes

they will make you bend the knee and if not the eu loses 2 more states

B-but our toilets :(

I joke Polebro. Get out while you can.

It's time, the EU must split apart.

Why? Germany and Belgium. They own Europe, dictate everything about it.
>You must import backwards savages that hate all your beliefs and will refuse to get jobs or pay heavy fines!

Germany and Belgium meddle in Europes elections in order to get the left winged and jews into absolute power to further their own agendas.

They own every bit of power in Europe, so long as the EU remains.

So to summarize, Germany essentially owns Europe and is importing savages that are destroying Europe...

So, is Germany getting revenge finally for all the wars they were BTFO'd in?

Remember how Italy was their ally in WW2? Notice how they aren't forcing them to take in rapefugees?

The eu is still just a trade union they have literally 0 rights for any of this and they know it.

then they block your gibs and sanction you up the ass

you see other europeans push for the eu army? guess which army will march in to force you lmao?

you ant ot the power to hold out lad............help cuck the eu or cuck your children

They won't, they know that they get more money back from those "gibs" as we do.
Honestly take all the eu aid, the fuck cares, it's literally poison just get that shit out of here.
>germans declare war on a small country
This has never gone wrong for them before right?

Russia, USA and Britain should form a trade untion and then sanction the EU, that should bring down the disease of globalism.

>B-but our toilets
Have fun with indian plumbers mate

What business does a trade block have legislating your speech and immigration policy?

Who do they think they are? Warsaw Pact? oooh

>don't take them in
>gibs end
>bydlo starts acting up
>civil war ensues

>take them in
>bydlo starts bashing their skulls in
>or just a false flag described like that happens
>germany trots in yet again to defend a minority

fucked either way

can I get a real source? not saying it's fake news I just don't want to read propaganda pieces

Sanctions are not going to happen. I don't think you realize how critical sanctions are. You can't just sanction coutnes without serious consequences.

They may end the gibs and force Hungary and Poland out of the EU, but sanctions are crazy talk.

By sanctioning eastern and central european countries they are basically giving the entire region to Russia's sphere of influence on a silver plate. Germany may be cucked, but they are not THAT stupid.

Mother fuckers. They are so out of touch.

If they had a referendum in every EU country about taking migrants we'd vote no.

All our hopes are with you Hungary and Poland bros.

lmao the eastern bloc geting close to putin?

So all the shitskins that were supposed to head to the UK are not being pushed into Poland and Hungary?

It's just a bluff, they don't afford losing anymore members.

Orban will leave the EU before accepting this.
Poland on the other hand likes to pretend they don't suck EU cock, but they do.

Russian nationalists hate Putin. Russian communists hate Putin.

Basically restore Warsaw Pact.


yes lol

they will now either accept them and cause hatred for the eu in poland to grow ALOT

or they will deny them and get punished causing hatred for the eu in poland to grow ALOT

Literal Marxist utopianism, how the fuck did we let these people into power

"Anonymous sources".

"British newspaper"


go back to sleep hans

Well, now that they know they've lost UK with no chance of recovery, they don't have to hold back on Poland or Hungary anymore like they were when trying to woo you back.

>senior diplomatic source
>never named

By promoting bullshit that furthers YOUR agenda, you're promoting bullshit in general.

I hear auschwitz is nice, there's plenty of work and a fire burning on those cold nights.

EU is trying to split us up.........did you think we would not do the same in return?

if we are coming down you are coming with us!

Unfortunately those are only empty threats and nothing more, aaaaaand even if they were serious UE will be fucking dead in 10 to 15 years anyway, then it's civil war time and Europe Requonquista

Jebac UE, badzmy elementem rozjebania tego obsranego potworka razem z Madziarami

Italy is importing these niggers all the way from Libya

Embrace and rim them to show tolerance!

Buntch of slack jawed faggots in Europe. But that's okay, Putin's got enough balls for all you EU men.

Next time you read absolute bullshit from the guardian or whatever remember, you support that kind of bullshit actively.

we will defend our island whatever the cost may be waloon,we will never surrender

Old, nostalgic fucktards are the reason behind this statistic. If you were to put a limit to

Yeah it's unavoidable/ I'd actually like to see them being accepted, that sounds like more fun way of the two, the possible videos and shit.

Slavs and Magyar people are the only hope left in Europe. Leave and collapse the EU. Fuck off Soros. Let's do it!