Crazy or Genius ?

A 24 years old dude from acre (a very low pop and in the middle of the amazon state), disappears after leaving 14 Encrypted hand written books and a room full of encrypted writings. The organization is art-like. And in the middle of the room a reproduction of a well known giordano bruno statue. Turns out this dude was very well versed in philosophy and according with his mom read the entire bible. Turns out dude wrote this whole master piece about a theory of knowledge, ayy lmaos and paralel universes.
sources :
portuguese :

english :

videos of the room :

Other urls found in this thread:

bumping with room pictures.


Go back to /x/


dude. he hand written 14 books ENCRIPTED without the help of a computer. so much work. i wonder when will this shit will be available on the interwebs.

probably high iq plus schizophrenia. Usually people with it don't experience symptoms until their 20's then all of a sudden they "hear voices" or realize they are god


100% genuine grade A autism

this. Best friend had this happened and wrote assloads of screenplays. 1/2 decent 1/2 word salad

i bet on that too. but i will have to read his writings also. Turns out his mother is a psychologist and refuses to see this as a mental health problem. We all know moms have problems to see their children flaws. but she read some of his works, and she said their are solid theories and possibly a continuation of Giordiano bruno´s works. This dude was killed by the inquisition because he perceived god as immanent and transcendent at the same time literally marrying materialists and Christians. I dont know alot about his works but i know this boy works are about a theory on how do we learn and know stuff.

Maybe he vanished just to draw attention toward it. Taking advantage of the image "crazy guy vanishes, leaves writing on walls"

Maybe that's the same reason the books are encrypted too, so people online will have to actually read them while they figure them out.

Realistically if somebody wanted to write an odyssey of our time I think this would be an okay way to deliver it, but the dumb looking curved paragraphs coming off the balls in OP make me think he's like >Am artist
>Worried will become like this

His father reply on the matter :

he read his books, and said he is releasing all his material. This shit can even be a marketing stunt to shill his work and sell books.

>be brazil
>be impressed by following
>"according with his mom read the entire bible."

I wish you monkies never grew thumbs.

yeah ... totally belive in that too. their parents seem desperate tho.

The satanists and thelemites love him, so I fucking hate him.

On the 200th anniversary of the Masonic Order, parades were set up outside the vatican. Masons rose up "the flag of giordano bruno". It was a black flag with michael the archangel being crushed under the feet of lucifer.

Fucked up satanic shit.

rude. and then we are the savages.

What is that symbol on the right with the black circle? Ive been seeing it everywhere

one year autism : 14 handwritten books with invented incription letters.

how can we even compete?

>This shit can even be a marketing stunt to shill his work and sell books.
It is, I remember when a similar thing happened in a buddhist shithole of a 14 year old kid meditating for months. People came there and donated large amounts of money, then he magically disappeared so more people came there to donate money, then magically appeared unscratched again. The kid now has a fat bank account.

i dont know bro. the material is not released yet. this story is popping up everywhere here in brazil . its kind of sensationalist shit, but the content of the books is what is fueling my interest.

i remember that. yeah shit can be a scheme. lets wait then and hope for the digitization of his material.

>1/2 decent 1/2 word salad

Pretty sure that's a black sun.
It represents the end of the world in old Germanic.

The fight between Gods and Jotuns (giants, fallen angels, sounds familiar?)

a e s t h e t i c

dunno anything about occultist shit. i want to check out the philosophy content. Mabe someone here should talk to that occultist dude that browses Sup Forums so he could give us some insight on the symbolism.

Paranoid schizophrenia is entertaining

Happened to me. Wrote a story about parallel universes, changing time lines, and how I died in Iraq in a different life.

Terrifying good fun looking back.

it's an art installation with a false backstory

Well, I'm not really into occultism and esoterism, but you can see the metatron's cube, something that might reference electron's behaviour in a quantum level, wave difurcation, orbit alignments.

Dunno, might be the same shit with another wacky point of view.

> Giordano Bruno
> "We're all connected"
> Sacred Geometry.

Green Pill effect

It's the next level of Autism.

>and according with his mom read the entire bible
Wow truly the Hegel of our time.

>according with his mom read the entire bible
wow nobody has ever done that before


Brazil is Catholic, very few people have read the Bible there

Cool, some schizo hue wrote a bunch of nonsense inspired by the bible.

Ehahah, fucking greyling have four-leaf eyes!

Even read the whole Bible?!? Wow guys, he is legit.

Btw I am your God, I have read the Bible in three different translations.

That Guy must be woke As fuck.

>Fullmetal Alchemist

Who fucking wrote this?

according to her mom is basicly what we get since the fucking dude is missing.
oh they also released the pic with the key to some of the encryption i think pic related. someone translated a letter he left in the room. Its content something kind of obvious to philosophy students.

delusional college kid believes he was reincarnated, funds his art projects with his rich parents money, schizos off and is lost forever. He didn't invent anything, it's all Giordiano shit and occult babble.




Thanks for linking cancer. Come back when there's a transcript.

sounds like a neet larper

what pill is this?


"In addition to cosmology, Bruno also wrote extensively on the art of memory, a loosely organized group of mnemonic techniques and principles. Historian Frances Yates argues that Bruno was deeply influenced by Arab astrology (particularly the philosophy of Averroes[14]), Neoplatonism, Renaissance Hermeticism, and legends surrounding the Egyptian god Thoth"

> Hermeticism
> NeoPlatonism
> God Thoth

He couldn't handle such pills... Gnostic truth is very overwhelming

dunno but the analogy is valid. pic related. this symbol under giordiano brunos statue is a symbol from the anime full metal alchemist. but i dont know if this thing was originally from another culture. Anime writers normally get stuff from other cultures, just like the shitton of symbolism in evangelion that came from the Kabbalah. you guys tell me since im not a big fan of anime shit.

sorry forgot pic


>Turns out this dude was very well versed in philosophy
So he's just a faggot?

maybe he went to usa like every other mexican

also OP you made this thread before, i remember it clearly, of course i do, fuck my life

oh my god are you me

i just read about this today bro. someone else did it since this is everywhere in our news.

>a symbol for each letter
It's the worst kind of encryption which I used to do in primary school.

>parallel universes, changing time lines
i must have inter-dimensional travel reeeeeeee

Brazil is weird

Every time something interesting is brought up, this post inevitable shows up. Why don't you go back to your shareblue break room or get some fresh air

you again posting this fagot

as per usual another person wrapped up in metaphor, he's missing the third force illusion effect

not bad though

weebshit is hardly the first thing that comes to mind with the cube of Saturn

so the symbolism is solid under occultist fags ?

Solid digits.

Please teach me of the third force illusion effect.

yeah, the one from the anime is more or less a direct ripoff

>according with his mom read the entire bible.
So? Christians do that a lot.


Is that a summoning circle from book of enoch?

What the fuck ritual was this guy trying to do?

Someone, I regret to ask, needs to get /x/ here....

there are only two forces magnetic and dielectric
there is only one dimension space which olso has counter-space

watch this short video

we have pleanty of /x/ here, that youtuber eventually browses pol styx666 or some shit. and actually is a very good political commentator. totally /polx/ hybrid.

/x/ been trying to summon demons since day one and all they've ever got was schizophrenia

Sup Forums however...

we got kek.

you see dimension have walls,
existence does not all structures are simply "3d" for lack of a better conceptualization available whirlpools with varying lifespans based on stability and interaction

from the video
we don't have the non popping or creasing rule as they wouldn't apply because there is no "space" for our "ball" to operate within

the 3rd force illusion is that say two atoms colliding while effected by all sort of effects by other ones in proximity that one thing is struck by another made of the same forces that there is separation there isn't
so simply the third force illusion is the inescapable from an experiential perspective of separation

literally no link to the fucking thread.

People have already translated part of the writings on the wall.

Pure garbage IMO, but I'll let you guys decide.


>Por minhares de anos o ser-humano vem tentando encontrar respostas para perguntas como "qual o sentido da vida"? A filosofia que ao que tudo indica, parece ter se iniciado com Tales de Mileto em meados de 700 a.C. visa encontrar vestigios de perguntas sem respostas. A pesquisa profunda pela verdade absoluta advém da filosofia, e quando falamos a respeito de caminhos fáceis ou difíceis estamos nos referindo a esse tipo de teorema.
>É fácil aceitar o que desde criança te ensinaram que é errado. Difícil é quando adulto, entender que te ensinaram errado o que desde criança você suspeitou que fosse correto. Em outras palavras, se você se enquadra em algum cujos estímulos do meio lhe determinaram certo comportamento, fazendo com que estivesse a merceê de crenças já providas e bem estabelecidas em dógmas e rituais, com uma massa concentrada de pessoas nela; ou permitindo-o ficar no conformismo, aceitando o conceito de felicidade e de sentido da vida embutido pela mídia e pela sociedade, então claramente você faz parte do caminho fácil para a busca pela verdade absoluta. Acaso se enquadra na segunda opção, ou seja, aquele que suspeitava de todo conjunto de crenças que lhe foi enraizado, então este tem tudo para ser um investigador d veracidade nas coisas ao seu redor, entrando em um caminho mais complicado, no qual uma minoria se arrisca ou enfrenta com bravura ...

ok, but why are you showing us this. and what is the relationship of this math thing with the case of the hue crazy writer ?

Giordano Bruno is amazing. This belongs on /x/ but it's an intriguing story

/x/ taught Sup Forums magic and we tried to kill africa with it..

user, you're going to have to work on your presentation. This is complete word salad.

it's just another weird brazillian thing that happened.

I think of the universe as a math equation holding irrational "infinite" numbers and that all the "separate" moments of existence is just infinite sets of parenthesis that interact in there do course as any algebraic equation


Yes, this whole thing is retarded.

Fuck you Brazil, even your philosophers are dumb att whores.

PortugueseFor years the human being has been trying to find answers to questions like "what's the meaning of life"? The philosophy that seems to have begun with Tales of Miletus in the middle of 700 BCE aims to find vestiges of unanswered questions. The deep search for absolute truth comes from philosophy, and when we talk about easy or difficult paths we are referring to this type of theorem.
> It is easy to accept what you have been taught since childhood and what is wrong. It is difficult when you are an adult to understand that you have been taught wrongly since you suspected that you were correct. In other words, if you fit into some one whose stimuli from the environment determined a certain behavior to you, making you the store of beliefs already provided and well established in dógmas and rituals, with a concentrated mass of people in it; Or allowing you to conform, accepting the concept of happiness and meaning of life embedded in the media and society, then clearly you are part of the easy path to the quest for absolute truth. Does it fit into the second option, that is, the one who suspected every set of beliefs that was rooted in him, then he has everything to be a truthful investigator in the things around him, entering a more complicated path, in which a minority Takes risks or faces bravely ...

Pffft, that's adorable. I made a novel/short story collection for NaNoWriMo 2015 about an aspiring novelist that wants to write a novel for NaNoWriMo. Took him through a dozen genres, even more moods, and did a crazy ammount of drugs to achieve altered states. Finished it last year, and it's about to be published soon.

>>...(((((((((((((((((((((((((((infinite sets of parenthesis)))))))))))))))))))))))...
oh god the fucking infinite jew !

What's consciousness to you?

How does the math equation observe itself?

>tfw to smart too be absorbed by your schizophrenia
I'm like a modern day Nash, although my mind is stronger than his...

Guys drop acid, think they see a glimps of the facemelting power of creation, do the same thing with more drugs and lead masks

>OD and leave corpse in odd situation

Brazillian mystery

>>YFW it becomes a brazilian movie next year.

let me retry for you

you see multi dimensional concepts all have walls,
existence however does not,
All the structures are simply "3d" whirlpools with varying lifespans based on stability and interaction, as if the skin of the ball in the video could wrap in on it self forming temporary structures that can interact under set governing math systems which can be understood in formulas

from the video
we don't have the non popping or creasing rule as they wouldn't apply because there is no "space" for our "ball" to operate within

the 3rd force illusion
is that when say two atoms are colliding, that one is struck by the other and that they both are made of the same forces and some how independent, that there is some sort of separation,
the reality being that they aren't separate at all

so simply the third force illusion is
the inescapable illusion from the perspective by an observe of separation of any two things in existence other than the two primary forces

>so simply the third force illusion is
>the inescapable illusion from the perspective by an observe of separation of any two things in existence other than the two primary forces
you cant define a word using itself in the process. its like :
what is a retard ?
the inescapable retard that keep retarding retardness.
sorry burgers this makes no sense to me. you cant define meaning using itself in its value.

consciousness to me is a code or math equation within the main equation that actualize or manifest when certain criteria are met elsewhere in the greater equation

how? i don't know, time to me seems to be merely a property inherent of and within the two forces

Crack open the statue. The kid is inside.

consciousness is an eye looking into an eye

I wasn't defining illusion, but replace either onw with misconception or misunderstanding or poorly groking of

I was explaining the effect, flag checks out for your simplistic understanding of logic structures

read the organaon

Divine metaphysics.
Simply, he has mantled God.

You don't have to believe me - this was an event on the quantum scale. The writing is quite literally on the wall.

Is this your art project or something hue?

I think Alan Watts's concept of the universe play peek a boo with itself is more accurate

consciousness is a spotlight.
there is an map somewere in your mind, and consciousness focuses on that point, led by desire internally. Externally it can focuses outwards on objects on the world. In and out are only helper functions to the operation of consciousness. That lead us to the next point, another function of consciousness is keep the idea of "me". we have this "wall" that defines what is me, and what is the outside. but lots of investigations shows us that if you think enough that is only important to the good performance of consciousness on the daily basis. There is no difference from in and out, me and nature. Further materialistic studies with atoms and even some religious mind expanding experiences shows us that we and nature are the same thing. So we need the sense of "self" to keep our daily lives. but we need some mind expand expiriences to feel conected with the rest of the universe. To those self breaking experiences i would say : sex, meditation, praying, and some scientific breakthroughs that are mind blowing enough to show us we are not exacly "self" aware.