Why can't you fuckers stay in your lane?
With your hurr durr in x or y white threads,
Women are degenerate threads, nigger hate threads and etc? There is a reason every other board hates you fucks!
Fuck pol & mlpol
And your point is?
Everyone loves pol! Just take the red pill you degenerate fucker :-)
ur gay
>There is a reason every other board hates you fucks!
Because they're all huge faggots and are going to die from aids.
We don't care, and encourage your timely demise.
hello /qa/ncer
you shouldnt have fucked with Sup Forums, what you are experienceing now is something called consequences. Enjoy them.
And this is politics how?
>implying anything you talk about here is even remotely related to politics.
How are is x or y white threads, nigger hate threads, or X BTFO related to politics you cuck?
>Other boards hate you
And you think we care? The opinions of fags and sheep mean nothing. This is what happens when you jostle a containment board, those inside get agitated and flock out to rape and pillage everything around them. You could have prevented this
You can have /qa/ back when we have /mlpol/. We are occupying it until further notice as a form of protest.
This is just polarized version of Reddit — another extremist board. I've noticed a sudden increase in natsoc posts and threads recently (after St. Petersburg? not sure). Libertarians are the only sane people left on this board.
I just want my jp lite board back ;_;
Prevented how so user? I'm just a regular /qa/ncer fag everything was fine before you guys came. It was private little club now its under siege.
Why can't you invade r9k or some other god awful board like b? why qa!!?
Oh I think it was after /mlpol/. Some retards took it seriously
Why don't you get the fuck off my board, normie?
>/qa/ doesn't want you
Oh I'm sorry all of /qa/, I didn't realize you were all posting through one guy on this website.
Hello, /qa/. /mlpol/ here. Sorry to disrupt your activities. To my understanding, though, you can still accomplish the sharing and communication objectives you came here for. As far as Sup Forums goes, that will need some further coordination. Sup Forumsros might want to contribute to some chaos.
>whine at people to go back to Sup Forums every time someone uses the word nigger
>surprised Sup Forums inevitably came back to you
Congratulations, you played yourself
this is what happens when you campaign to delete Sup Forums for so long. two of the most autistic boards are shitting your board up now
i dont understand why /qa/ has an actual board cultures. Why haven't they closed it down until the mods/admins want to take user questions?
you should post that pony shit on Sup Forums anymore retard you are going to get banned. actually no keep doing it fuck you and fuck /qa/
Don't blame us for the actions of your masters. It's a very simple cause/effect relationship. You cannot blame acid for burning a woman's face, you blame the Muslim that put it there.
I wasn't being serious about b...oh god what have I done? I just don't understand why qa has to be invaded. We were peacefully minding our own business. Others on the board are trying to slide the board but it is to no avail you lot are just too determined.
Are you hinting at another pol harbor of sorts?
Why don't silly little fuckers like yourself know your place (sweeping the streets)?
There has been too much violence. Too much pain. But I have an honorable compromise. Just walk away. Give us your /qa/ board, and we'll spare your memes. Just walk away and we'll give you a safe passageway in the wastelands. Just walk away and there will be an end to the horror.
Well Sup Forums is happening, now. Enjoy.
The honorable thing would be to die on my feet.
>inb4 go check yourself
>Why can't you fuckers stay in your lane?
every board on Sup Forums belongs to Sup Forums and Sup Forums nigger
Kill yourself you faggoty redditor fuck.
>With your hurr durr in x or y white threads,
>Women are degenerate threads, nigger hate threads and etc?
Has it ever occurred to you that Sup Forumsaks ain't doing this, and instead, it's just members of your own/other boards?
Bots make same threads daily, so they do too on every other board which generates some actual traffic you stupid retarded weeb newfag, go mcfucking kill yourself, idiot.
>stay in your lane?
You should go back to
Only plebbit newfags hate MLP.
/mlpol/ was the best thing to happen since the pony degeneracy kept redditfags and shills away
I don't hate niggers or women, I just don't think they do a very good job of running countries.
Jews I hate because they declared war on white males and pretended to be our allies. But as individuals I don't mistreat them.
as in stay in your containment box.
Weaponized autism is truly a scary thing.
dumb anime poster, always
based falseflag bro redpilling these polbros
simply epic
>/qa/ncer fag
Kill yourself.
You faggots have been begging to kill our board for too fucking long.
Shut the fuck up and keep to yourselves you stupid cunt.
Anyone else from Reddit false-flagging as dumb /mlpol/ supporters. I'd usually hate doing it but when it comes to finally redpilling decent posters about this site's degeneracy, it's necessary
Sup Forums must not fall to that level.
Flaseflag bro?
I would if you stayed in pol, but you didn't so now i'm here peeing on your carpet like you did ours.
You're peeing on a carpet that's already stained with shit piss and vomit, friend. Your efforts are literally meaningless. You know that old saying, pissing in an ocean of piss.
/qa/ has always been shit anyways and doesn't deserve to exist as a board.
coffee makes me poop
>Only plebbit newfags hate MLP.
off yourself you degenerate
BTW OP is falseflagging to incite raids, do not believe his lies.
If digits OP has terrible diarrhea
Fuck off back to plebbit, you normie filth.
Horse fuckers are less degenerate then r/the_fatfuck.
If you think Sup Forums needs to get normalised you are a fucking plebbitor retard who does belong here.
Am I supposed to see the fact that a bunch of degenerate furries and gay people disagree with my ideology as a bad thing? Huh, the scum of the planet hates me, must be doing something right obviously.
fuck off faggot. we would rather be around pony fuckers than you newfags and you cant handle it.