Are hapas seriously as fucked up as people say or is it just a meme?

Are hapas seriously as fucked up as people say or is it just a meme?

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Happa men are. Happa women are smart and hot as fuck.

No, most are fine.

Just a meme created by pissy brittany and angry chang

This is true 95% of the time, at least in western countries. If you were a hapa man in Asia you will probably be fine. In the west you probably be elliot rodger tier.

Hapa women can be quite attractive; however, they are not suitable wife material due to the mongoloid genes they carry.

This is true.
hapa girls are crazy, but they're crazy hot.

I think you should stop looking at Elliot Rodgers as a catchall for all Hapas. He was a self entitled prick who was made he couldn't get laid.

pic unrelated I hope

Pic unrelated

You have low standards user.

Why do you call them hapas?

Should have chose a better pic, user. The one you posted does not prove your point.


I mean.... she's better than your average white girl, what's wrong with her?

Check out eurasian writer on youtube. He has funny insight into hapa psychology.

Hello 100% Asian beta male!


people are individuals and how they develop depends on outside factors (unless you are a nigger). i'm sure there are some fucked ones but there are also some perfectly normal, productive members of society.

Do you understand the dissonance that occurs in schools when you're too Asian for the white kids and too white for the Asian kids
It causes mental distress

It's just your imagination, they're totally fine

They are either boypucci lovers or the new ponyfags .

I dated a hapa once, in the beginning I was friendly to her, then a month in I noticed her disrespect, even openly talked shit to me.

One day I come home drunk and she started mouthing off and i started beating her for talking shit, the next day she became ultra quiet and submissive, cooking dinner for breakfast it was weird.

Anyway later I got drunk again, threw her around, shoved her face down her pillow called her a whore and knuckle punched her ribs and ass and fucked her while she was crying, and our sexlife changed completly, her smiling while peeing on her face in shower, anal and stuff.

She was bipolar and really responded well to this, I miss her now, dating danish girl who is too wellbalanced, can't harass or bully her, and extreme sex in her opinion is doggystyle. Very classy but boring

Hapas are legit rapevictim meat

Some yank slang, most normal people call them eurasian

Male hapas with asian moms and white dads are fucked up. If their dad is asian and their mom is white they're fine.

>That happened

hapa male here, wmaf

>above-average face
>better at sports than either parent
>naturally talented at classical music, composition
>get laid a decent amount, pretty chad
>no one can accuse me of being a "fucking white male" which since i went to a top US college and now inhabit a liberal echo chamber is pretty nice

>complete nihilist
>only want to fuck white women, think asian women are lowest-tier
>think everyone is racist as fuck and hate white people for thinking they can absolve that guilt through verbal penance
>addiction to drugs/alcohol
>no sense of identity/belonging
>only life goal is to fuck as many white women as possible until my liver explodes

For a while there I forgot that shitstain of a human being was alive

Now I'm pissed again.

God fucking damn it

Its just betas trying to redirect their own failure.
Plenty of WMAF children grow up perfectly normal.

>Your hapa daughter carries around the mattress a white man when balls deep in her ass on

How has her father live with himself

t. Syrian rapefugee

Average white girl is much better than that dude (if you exclude fatties since they aren't people).

>her smiling while peeing on her face in shower

Please be real

Why is it only the men that are batshit? Surely having a beta dad would mess up the girls too?

Yellowfever fag get out

Eurasian already refers to people from the Eurasian continent in general though.

>Hapas are legit rapevictim meat

or maybe it's just the bipolar ones

Live fast, die young

Well, they become sluts. The difference is that this is no longer frowned upon. It's considered normal for young girls to be cock hungry whores. On the other hand, hapa males become beta nerds with mental illness. This is still frowned upon.

I have some HAPA cousins. The father is of Japanese descent and he is not a stereotypical Asian man. He is very masculine and strong, having been raised on a farm. Quite the leader bother to his family and his business. He goes hunting dozens of times a year. His son was a popular football player is high school and now is in dental school. The daughter - obviously- is a hottie and became a physical therapist.

They turned out A-OK.

WMAF hapa here

i'm not murderously insane or frustrated, but I did suffer an identity crisis in my teenage years which turned me into a recluse

>Asian genes caused the crazy
pick one

I'm 1/8th Asian, am I a Hapa?

>tfw inferior whites are near me

Dunno - you get plenty of same race kids going nuts, but nobody says it's a problem.

Blaming it on being hapa is just coincidental, and not actually the cause at all

All the hapa betas blaming their shit lives on being hapa probably would still have a shit life if they were single race

It's just a dumb meme that started with Elliot and now Sup Forums gets flooded with hapa threads daily


Same way any father lives with himself: just ignored it.

Think about how a woman carries around there hands and lips, which have been around a lot of nigger dicks.


They have the drive of whites but lack the inhibitor chip that prevents us from comitting atrocities

those are not hapas

hapas are white father asian mother

asian father white mother children turn out good


You're an octagook.

Are you a chang or a stacy?

Not a hapa but did have similar crisis due to my wm hf parentage.

I'm still incredibly racist against my Latino half but have become a functional adult contributing to society.

True. There's lots of Elliot Rodger-tier whites that are 100% racially pure.

Autism is real.

so you mean hapa are redpilled? all the roastie white whores hate them cause not only do hapa mean they lose a wallet but the hapa males also btfo the white degenerate whore.

i can't wait for the hapa to make sex robots so we can eliminate the vaginal jew menace

My girlfriend is from a white mother Asian father

Oh. I didn't know that.

Lindsay Kantha Souvannarath is a amwf happa.

Craziest female I have ever encountered.


34% are more likely for mental illnesses so yeah

FYI faggot

lmao k

Oh boo hoo
I'm hapa too, yeah I used to be pretty fucked in the head but I'm doing okay now, have a hot girlfriend, contributing to society, good at my job etc.

Life is a struggle, everyone has different pressures. Being biracial is a bit of a curse but whatever.

The template for men is always the same: lift heavy things and exercise to boost test, try lots of things until you find what you're good at, then focus on that exclusively. Money, status and women will eventually follow but you have to be patient and work really fucking hard for a long time.

Just Elliot Rogers lol

>too white for the Asian kids
I'm hapa and Asian people love me desu
I've never been called attractive by someone white, but according to people I know, I get told I'm attractive a lot by Asians when I'm not listening

the only hapa i currently talk to is a complete emotional wreck so I'd say there's something to it.

bad parenting

Which means men will be double shat

She's not hot... She is happa Amy Schumer tier.

lol yeah asians tend to find me really attractive

it's too bad it only goes one way

White nationalist John Derbyshire and his prototypical happa family.

Here he is at AmRen

The mother is disgusted by asian men, but her son is half asian. The father knows that he'd rather have a white son. So how are these parents supposed to instill self respect in their son when they hate half of him?

Racemixing wouldn't be a problem if they didn't reproduce. They satisfy their fetish with condoms, then end up a genetic deadend. Everyone wins.

No citation, like most neo-nazi internet trash


I beg to differ.

there's only so many asian americans in Iowa, my dude. can't afford to be picky lmao

this isn't really the problem. my parents both love and respect me. my dad is relatively alpha. and i still turned out a nihilistic borderline sociopath with an unhealthy white fetish. theres something very off with me.

Hapas are fucking psycho, but quapas are typically well adjusted people.

One drop rule so yes

She's like two inches bigger than her brother. KEK! She could just be tall, but her older brother looks pretty small. men sure are fucked up. Imagine having that for a face.

I think that's the Asian side. One day I was in a bad mood and uncharacteristically snapped ay an Asian girl I had asked a question to. I thought "Oh crap she's probably going to be pissed" but instead, she seemed into me after that. It might just be a female thing though. They seem to respond well in general to a man being in charge.

Lol get it together Chad. I'm also hapa chad status, women literally throw themselves at me, pretty amusing but fun.

I've been pretty far down the self hatred well but I've been good for awhile. Read "The Way of the Superior Man" by David Deida, it may change your perspective on women. It's couched in a lot of hippie language but don't let that turn you off, he's pretty red pilled when it comes to women and their essential nature.

As far as racism, who fucking cares? Sounds like you can pass as white or close enough. Don't act like a nigger and you should be fine.

>thinking stuff like this isn't fairly common

That one is actually hot. Good job.


>so you mean hapa are redpilled?

The male ones are incel. Females are deranged sluts.

like witches, hell spawns the wmaf hapa female sway mans mind disguising in the orient skin

>Question VII: Whether Witches can Sway the Minds of Men to Love or Hatred.

>Therefore it is no wonder that devils can, with God's permission, chain up the reason; and such men are called delirious, because their senses have been snatched away by the devil. And this they do in two ways, either with or without the help of witches.

>Therefore devils, who have learned from men's acts to which passions they are chiefly subject, incite them to this sort of inordinate love or hatred, impressing their purpose on men's imagination the more strongly and effectively, as they can do so the more easily. And this is the more easy for a lover to summon up the image of his love from his memory, and retain it pleasurably in his thoughts.

I've seen you use that pic to insult hapas before and saying that that's the best white men can get.

Stop shilling so hard asianmasculnity, it's pathetic seriously. Also pic related is a hapa produced by a WMAF relationship

At least post attractive Hapas

This picture confirms that Happas are an ally to the white race. They've been wronged be shitskins just like we have.

This picture so fucking much. Sup Forums talks like a harpy

I imagine a lot of it comes from having no sense of identity. Their parents teach them nothing of either culture and end up being raised by the corporate Jew. If only they combined aspect of both, raise them with a foot in each world.

Hapa "men" make great shemales and traps due to their absence of masculinity. They should steer into the racial skid and forget about competing with Jamal, Chad or even Pajeet.

Hapa women can be pretty hot.

The solution is selective abortion, sex reassignment surgery, or mandatory training under a tough dom from a superior race which is all of them when it comes to manhood.

Gender is a social construct and men make the best women, and hapa "men" are well on the muh dik.

No I saved that image actually from the person who posted it a couple days ago.
Pretty sure it was a girl who keeps shilling with it, but I think it's actually attractive, the female shill was trying to use it as an argument to claim hapa's are sub-humans

Try harder

Stay away from White, hapa and Asian grills, chinks. We own them. Enjoy your sheboons.

T. White man.

NIce, give me more user

Anri Okita
She does porn


Mein Name is dimitriev.
I heard you were pissing of shia.
I wanted to join your People Third Reich Autistronomy division, plez.
May Allah Guide us,

ah thanks for reminding me that cunt still exists and has faced zero repercussions for her actions user, really needed that dose of rage today