Is there a term for this phenomenon?
Is there a term for this phenomenon?
Child abuse
In a righteous world she wouldn't have been able to leave the country she helped ruin.
Virtue signaling. For those who think of public praise without considering private problems.
animal torture
Child abuse.
Mental illness
Afrikaaners revenge.
Child abuse.
>afrikaner abusing a negro
Sexual molestation of a child's fragile mind.
>implying they're human
>ywn have a black shota trap
does she fuck him in the ass with a strap on to further the process?
I need to know for scientific reasons
Only way o make nogs not violent?
child abuse
Improper use of farming equipment
A Tyler Perry movie
liberal white chick
This guy kek
Yes, the term is 'child abuse'.
stunning and brave
Child abuse
jaden smith 2.0 confirmed
talmudic childrearing for goyim
She has a boy and a girl.
Fake news
Seriously though, black people shpuld see this and be anti racemixing. We all win in the end.
I'm not sure how to feel about this?
Angry about the racist imperialist exploiting the third world or elated she's helping her diversity enrichment quota hit the multiplier of becoming a zir.
Really makes me think.
Who the fuck cares about roasties and their pets.
Did she help?
Shouldn't Occam razor be applied to these situations? If a person, ESPECIALLY a child is unsure of there gender,then we assume their gender aligns with their sex until they are old enough to give consent. It should definitely not be up to other people if the person doesn't give informed consent or if they are not of age.
and she's beautiful
Animal abuse in this case.
>Don't you dare misgender my wife's black son
I'm guessing at least top 3 in the oppression olympics
So instead of raising him into a true bull who can cuck white men, he's being raised as a sissy girl (and probably is forced to take plenty of Hollywood cock)? This is the complete opposite of cuckoldry. Is Charlize Theron secretly one of us?
Munchausen syndrome by proxy
Every single on of these moms of "trans" kids has been this shit x10000
Munchausen's by Proxy.
Who fucking cares she is some stupid race traitor
kek, toothpaste here completely nailed it
She did the right thing tbqh. He shouldn't have been acting like a brat and he could've kept his penis. Now it's gotta go. RIP black boy of bad manners.
Child abuse. This niglet will be her murderer in 15 years time.
Hey, great minds!
And this applies to parent's of 'trans' children, as well, as this Yankee user says.
but Sup Forums told me afrikaaners are based
what is happening?
Enhancement of Social Construct
Saving this to troll veteran kikebook pages
T. Sapper
It isn't even her onw son
>Don't you dare misgender my wife's somelse's black son
Whatever Sup Forums says, believe the opposite
I've reported this abuse to the Animal Humane Society
>he's being raised as a sissy girl (and probably is forced to take plenty of Hollywood cock)
I guess these stars are adopting 3rd world orphans just so they can have some exotic walnut sauce for their pizza parties
>Munchausen syndrome by proxy
Had to look this up. Explains this phenomena very well. Thanks for adding some vocab for my libtard lexicon
why does it look like those kids want to get away from her, and she is dragging them around??? something else going on here ??
>Retired US Marine claims he spent 17 years on MARS protecting five human colonies from Martians
and he looks more feminine than Caytlin Jenner
Yet pol is always right.
Came here to post this
Animal abuse
Came here to post this le upboat for you good sir.
Seriously though we might need a term for it specific to making children transition, given how common it's becoming.
Even more seriously my celebrity crush on Charlize Theron has entirely disappeared now.
Single mom
Jesus Christ, everything about that sentence sums up exactly how fucked up our situation in the West is right now. 20 years ago this article would be tabloid tier.
Cut off its dick before it rapes you
just cruel
Don't judge a nation by one of its celebrities, especially when they've been in Hollywood for years.
>be homeless nigger
>get taken away from Africa and turned into a girl
Satanism coupled with white supremacy.
>he doesn't know about Solar Warden
That pic is fucking creepy, leafbro.
I'm impressed it took 8 posts for this joke
Heh. Beat me to it.
Little Dindu is gonna be a beooootiful queeen who is filled with melanin magic.
kek, if the child were white it would be all about how progressive she is.
cultural marxism
Virtue Signaling
>tfw you are a single mother with an adopted black transgender migrant
she can do whatever she wants with her monkey pet
Haha Jesus Christ this bitch is on virtue signal overload. Hope she murder-suicides and takes that noglet with her.
She voted for Mandela, left, then many years later voted for Obama.
Should post this on We Wuz Kangz type twitters and facebook pages. This kind of shit makes hoteps rage
pretty good legal nigger population control
once the dick is off, lil jamal can't go around getting bitches pregnant
So this is why the blacks are killing the white south africans, they act like this?
>tfw starting to realize we are the jews for blacks
>tfw we have taken in literal Marxism and are forcing it on blacks
I'm truly sorry niggers