>who do they have to pay the debt back?
>where did the money get spend?
>how is nobody panicking?
$20 trillion debt under Obama. Can someone explain this to me
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FED & China.
Money laundering and vote farming.
Bread and circuses.
We can take it by force whenever we want
Debt is just a made up political talking point. Think of it as just how much money is in "circulation". Increasing the debt = printing money.
>>who do they have to pay the debt back?
Technically, no one. The debt is backed by T-bills. That said, it's a good thing to start closing the debt in order to prevent total economic collapse.
>>where did the money get spend?
expanding government, but mostly corruption. Obama laundered a ton of money, but also bribed the media not to cover it
>>how is nobody panicking?
US treasury bonds cover the debt
How?? the value of the American Dollar didn't go down that much. It should be below Canadian dollar. But Canada's is lower and the leafs aren't 20 trill in debt. How does it make sense?
>US treasury bonds cover the debt
What is a treasury bond?
>expanding government, but mostly corruption. Obama laundered a ton of money, but also bribed the media not to cover it
How is that possible? 15+ trillion is more than any top billionair like Bill GAtes could dream of. It couldn't be covered up
Imagine an automation breakthrough hits tomorrow and our production doubles. Well, then it's a great time to print money/raise debt because said money represents real production/goods. In doing so, we actually avoid deflation (because things are getting cheaper at such a rapid rate, no one is spending)
Obama QE'd for 8 years on anemic GDP growth. Therein lies the problem, not just the "debt".
The value of the dollar didn't go down that far because of the petrodollar system we have with OPEC and the Saudis. Technically, the rest of the world paid for the US printing of money.
>who do they have to pay the debt back?
To the banks who emitted those credits, mainly the FED, Japan and China in the case of the US.
>where did the money get spend?
Public spending. Welfare and war machinery mostly.
>how is nobody panicking?
Nobody is demanding to have their credits paid... yet. When they do, the US goes to bankruptcy, as pretty much every country in the world that is asked to pay their debt.
if we didnt have petro dollar America would have collapsed into the stone age. ever wonder why we hate the middle east so much? gotta maintain influence in that area.
i think its four times the amount for welfare than military, but the military is the most expensive thing after welfare.
This can't be true. In that case Obama was good for America (as evil as that sounds).
Also what stops them from doing more "debt"?
Is this why Libya happened?(gold currrency)... please don't get me started on conspiracies.
None of this is correct
ITT retards
>When they do, the US goes to bankruptcy,
Why don't they? Lotta people want to see America to fail .
Debt ceiling suspension ended on March 15th, so expect more drama over the debt to happen very soon. Remember the whole fiasco over it in 2011 when US was downgraded by S&P? Could be much worse this time given the size of the debt and debt-to-GDP ratio.
Here, I'll prove it to you.
>All nations must trade oil in USD
>US prints a bunch of dollars.
What would happen? Price of oil would go down... right?
>Oil price in the last half decade
Look, this is a system that the US has and Obama played it to its max, while wasting the advantage it gave us. He basically wasted pocket aces.
This, and all the countries the US has attacked follow the same pattern: they wanted to sell their oil in a different currency. Iraq wanted to use euros, Libya wanted to use their own Pan-African gold backed currency.
It would generate a chain reaction. The US would need to ask to other countries to pay their credit, and thus you would have every country in the world laughing with the FED laughing in the background.
This, and all the countries the US has attacked follow the same pattern: they wanted to sell their oil in a different currency. Iraq wanted to use euros, Libya wanted to use their own Pan-African gold backed currency.
It would generate a chain reaction. The US would need to ask to other countries to pay their credit, and thus you would have every country in the world in bankruptcy with the FED laughing in the background.
here it is explained
Bonus points to Obama for blaming the Saudi patsies for "not cutting rates" on oil production though.
1) how do you know all this?
2) IS this why ISIS in that video was talking about a gold Dinar currency?
3) How come all other countries don't retaliate? Is Saudi happy to sell in shredded American Dollar? Shouldn't the oil selling companies get together and retaliate against this?
4) This is too much. Where are faggot like Ron Paul and others on this?
USD is the biggest forex currency and the biggest reserve currency and they have the largest economy. And other things too. There are a ton of dampers on USD inflation.
Why did people like Thomas Sowell name Obama as one of the worst presidents?
I don't get the 'its no big deal' thinking. In the UK we spend more a year on debt interest than we do our military. That is real money from the government's budget.
So where is the economy going to under Trump? What will happen? Also will USD go down or up?
the budget deficit is a different thing than the national debt. budget deficits are a sneaky way for politicians to raise taxes without passing new tax bills which would cost them votes.
Saudi is the vatican of the Middle East. 33 Mil population with $55k GDP (PPP) per capita. It neighbors rivals like Iran with twice the population, but it houses Mecca. The more religious the middle east is, the better for SA. This is why the US always supports the more hardcore form of Islam. In the Islamic version of Protestants vs Catholics, we're essentially protecting the vatican, who in turn maintains the petrodollar system.
That chart shows the causes of the budget deficit.
>Also will the USD go down or up?
You really think anyone who can confidently answer this would be on Sup Forums?
I need some explanation about that image. It's making me uneasy, what the fuck is it? A burn victim?
The Sup Forums answer is I don't know, invest in cryptocurrencies
You win counselor
user proved in a previous post that if you reply to a post with that picture and get two re.peat-ing d-igi-ts, you will suffer consequences. Looks like you don't have to worry about anything.
2) ISIS hates everyone and wants to do the opposite of everyone else in the ME
3) All countries and what army? the US can kill everyone on the planet and no one can do anything about it
SA and Qatar dont have a military (just some special forces/small armed people) so the US gives these 2 our army. Plus we keep Iran weak with the UN (which also uses our military) and we bombed pretty much everyone else. thats why they listen to us.
well how come nobody has been able to stand against the U.S for this slavery? Was ISIS or alqeyda the only rebels?
Kangz don't need to worry about debt.
This is wrong. Obongo spend the trillion dollar simplus fund every year of his presidency by refusing to pass a budget.
But it's stil higher than the 2007 deficit by quite a lot.
Stop pretending a nigger can be good with money.
Because its a stupid meme, and isn't nearly as significant as he's making it out to be.
>who do they have to pay the debt back?
(((who))) do you think
>>where did the money get spend?
Quantitative Easing, bailouts etc.
>>how is nobody panicking?
Why would they? The people paying for this have absolutely no idea how all this works.
Welcome to Sup Forums newfriend, sounds like you need a redpill or two.
Hitler did nothing wrong and jews only sit in hats.
Let me google that for you
Military gets less than Medicare or welfare. All forms of welfare make up almost 66% of the US budget.
We've been panicking since "W" when he went all "TARP to save the banks". That's when people, even the normies, started to freak the fuck out - it was a blatant "Profit is private, loss is public" moment, and immediately drew comparisons to the Republican party being Nazis -- even though Obama did it again and never once drew the ire of lefties.
Even those in gov't contracting realized that, post 9/11, the federal gov't became the largest "employer" in the country, and if just one piece of the house of cards fell, we'd be living in a VERY different world right now.
The money went to fund contracts, big and small, and keep the US running through mini wars/conflicts, pay the newly minted vets lifetime benefits for 4 or less years of service (I stubbed my toe! gimme gibsmedats; for life), and maintain operational functionality of bureaucracies that should have had their licenses to operate removed 16 (or more) years ago (IRS, parks and rec, the entirety of PBS, NPR, and lobbyists or their benefactors that were owed favors).
This is the budget deficit NOT the national debt. The deficit always adds to the debt but is only a small part of it.
Your graph is misleading and misapplied.
>tfw 2 smart too be an unemployed criminal like the rest of my race
>All nations must trade oil in USD
>US prints a bunch of dollars
>What would happen? Price of oil would go down... right?
Jesus fucking christ, the opposite would happen. The price of oil would go up, because dollars are now worth less.
>US treasury bonds cover the debt
This is part of the problem. This understanding is flawed. Not enough private citizens, banks, and businesses have money invested in bonds to cover 20 trillion dollars. No way.
The US has been operating at a LOSS since FDR. The bait/switch (((scheme))) we've been running is switching backing methods from Gold, to Silver, to taxes, to exported debt (other countries hold our debt, and no it's not "backed by bonds in the least bit").
The current scheme we are running is taking our debt and exporting it to nations like China. China reaps some benefit with the Federal Reserve by working trade deals with people privy to the Feds internal workings. Same for India, Taiwan, Indonesia -- every other country we do trade with currently.
China (and not so many other countries), in the mean time, is raping us on trade in order to collect on the debt via a backdoor; but they are smart in knowing they aren't getting parity for this, so they are playing a game as well (see further below). Since the rest of the world (begrudgingly) sees the dollar as the "standard", they go along with it (for now).
If we suddenly valued the dollar, say, on parity with the Euro, then the world economy would collapse. Our game is to wait and see if the Euro fails miserably, and find a reason for open war on European lands to save them from their "self-inflicted crisis".
Meanwhile, China keeps playing the devaluation game. If we keep allowing it, in 20 years, they'll bring -their- currency into parity with the dollar, over taking the dollar, and putting the rest of the world into slavery wages. Economic conquest (thanks Reagan; not that he didn't have good reason to prevent Nuclear War).
If the US keeps playing the game they're currently playing, then all the holders of our debt could, in theory, call on their debts to be due and we'd be left with the only option of paying them with nukes; bringing the world economy crashing down.
Obama was good for America. The national debt is an irrelevant meme.
>people and countries who bought us treasuries and savings bonds and other instruments
>the money goes to government programs, infrastructure spending and so on. It is set up to fund contracts that last x number of years. There is nothing intrinsically wrong with debt, as long as it's spent on projects that have a good return, like infrastructure. Think about it like buying a house: There's nothing wrong with going into debt for a house, you're getting an immediate benefit and also a future benefit. That's not the same as going into debt to buy the latest computer for example. The computer will be worthless in a few years. It's when the debt goes to gibmedats that have no return and we have to go into deficit spending to cover the debt then we start robbing Peter to pay Paul that we have a problem.
> because in theory these programs last decades, and unlike consumer debt, the people who are owed the debt can't call for it to be paid out in full any time they want. People always say 20 trillion in debt but they always adjust the time horizon for maximum scare effort.
The Fed doesn't own the debt, we don't owe 20 trillion to the fed. The fed gets a significant chunk of money in underwriting fees every time they set up a new issue of treasuries and bonds. Because the fed has a monopoly on issuing Government securities, there's no competition to keep those underwriting fees down. THAT is why Central Banks are bad, not because they own everything.
They also guarantee that the whole issue will be sold or else they buy it themselves. They guarantee the whole issue will be sold by convincing other countries and institutions to buy into it while they also issue debt. It's a nice little scheme they have.
>If the US keeps playing the game they're currently playing, then all the holders of our debt could, in theory, call on their debts to be due and we'd be left with the only option of paying them with nukes
Here's how you know your whole post was scaremongering and you're full of shit.
1)the way the debt is structured, the holders cannot call it in at once. The amount we owe includes interest accrued over a set time period (up to 40 years in some cases), it only accrues while they hold the securities. If somehow they called it, the amount we actually owe would be cut by more than half. But they can't, that's the terms of the issue.
2)even if they somehow could, which they can't, but if they could, the debt is issued in dollars, not commodities, which means we could just print dollars to pay it all off.
20 trillion dollars is an imaginary figure. That much money never really existed.
That's a chart of the cause of the budget deficit.
The Total wealth of all households, businesses, nonprofits, federal, state and local governments etc etc of the US is more than 200 Trillion right now.
Our economy is at least 2 orders of magnitude more valuable than Canada's. Also the US has the best military on average. So the motto "talk shit (international involvement or action) or get hit (through the might of economic sanctions or invasion)" applies with the US's global hegemony
how is this slavery?
either way no body wants to "stand up" against us because everyone likes the US and makes lots of money off of the system (((they))) have in place.
Just wait till Zlumpf increases it to 100t.
I welcome the Antiobama Leaf.