SWEDEN !!! YES !!!!!
SWEDEN !!! YES !!!!!
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what is their endgame, Sup Forums?
It seems mental illness is hereditary
to identify as ovens
This, or at least the successive generations carry an increased risk.
How can a country of so few produce so many memes? What's their secret?
is it even possible that we have a new reich at this point or have they become too strong?
Time to go alpha against degeneracy c:
There is no way that monster hasn't been fucking their offspring. This always come back to some sexual kink. Where's the actual father I wonder. The results of single motherhood and the man not being able to choke this crazy bitch.
how about you try doing that without your shabbos goys?
>those arms on the left tranny
no wonder he turned out like this, literally no testosterone
Are they going to kill themselves in the future? Will this type of degeneracy just fucking stop already
i am a shabbos goy tho
orthodox christian
How many Sweden Yes! threads do have a day?
Will it ever end?
Cut them off from the rest of us and allow them rape each other to death.
>oy vey I converted
Not gonna save you this time
Sweden, No.
i didnt convert to anything tho, achmed
how many blonde swedish girls have u penetrated so far?
Your flag tells the contrary
go back to auschwitz
Old. Still disturbing.
Black people semen
Jesus, I fucking hate Islam, but when the mudslimes start to exterminate those fucking genetic pieces of waste that call themselves Swedes, I'm going to apply for a job in one of the death camps to give the mudslimes a hand.
Pic of nose?
I didn't call for a crusade yet, why are you spending shekels in shlomoland?
Shabbos goy indeed
Portugal yes!
>A transgender dad and daughter from Detroit are revealing their incredible journeys as they transition from mom and son.
to top it all off they are using fucking ipads
They dont need to exterminate Swedes. The Swedecucks just need to accept Islam and implement White Sharia. Its already a thing:
Nuke Detroit
they're american you filthy mountain kike
im starting to think a caliphate wouldn't be too bad
because every person in Israel is jewish right?
these goys are hilarious
Today, Sven was a cool guy.
Hopefully a meteor will fall soon enough.
Ask it to yourself merchant.
Muhammad was a goatfucker homosexual pederast.
either a kike or a shabbos, both get the oven anyways
Kike or not whatever lives there is shit. Probably a mudslime goatfucker in your case.
Stop it.
no im not a kike nor a mudslime
y u mad cuh?
how did the kid change their eye color?
>remove male voices from the family
>this is the natural result.
Mommy wants to be daddy and son needs to get fucked by daddy to feel happy. How pathetic.
>he spends shekels in state of hell
>fuck muslims though amirite?
>Y u mad?
kys hooknose
Good lad you are then.
t. pedro alonzowitz
Based Israel.
>single moms
Thanks welfare state
So which one would it be gay to fuck?
and his retarded brother
Poor lad. As long as he doesn't come to Europe he is ok in my book.
Land of the Kek God, Finland, is right by them.
Lmfao move Al-Andalus
Keeping the pure bloodlines of course. They watched too much game of thrones.
>Can't tell he's an obivous zionist kike
this is why you guys get basque , catalonia and now gibraltar issues, enjoy getting balkanized, foolish guac bowl merchant
Reminder that this is why muslims commit terrorism
This is what defines their hatred for the infidels
Justin Bieber and all that, social liberalism and all that
He's his own granddad? Is this some time travel shit?
Why would he lie though? What has he to win?
I used eye lenses
As one of (((them))) I can confirm :)
al qawlu qawlu sawarim
Swedes are a pure and innocent people almost childlike, easily manipulated by evil. Their sacrifice will be a lesson for the surviving west for millennia to come.
Fuck you Ahmed.
Fuck you Mohammed.
The kid went from brown hair brown eyes to blonde hair blue eyes.
Hormone therapy makes you aryan.
day of the rope
kåta kåta tjej
did they fuck?
Do people still think that such drawings triggers us?
Everything triggers you. Stop pretending you don't care you filthy inbred moon worshiper.
best shekel ally, gud goy, have burger
Get out you filthy fucking swine
they aren't Swedish, their from Michigan i believe
>le old moon god meme while arab christians say "allah" too
You're the one triggered here, Adao
I'm sure they don't reply because they blow themselves up.
Don't you see that we're settled?
Ahmed, it's time to take the metro!
swedes are the best goys
Maybe, and? That's pretty cool
>Call me "Ahmed"
Indeed, one goatfucker less is good news.
this is more appropriate
Stop making me laugh pls.
They are Americans
Meh, it's worth the sacrifice. Crying kufar = the best kufar
You do not settle anywhere, you infest places, you're the worst vermin there is.
from the headline I thought they had some kinky incest going
what a letdown
Luckily they will have blown themselves up in one of your shitholes you call country near a mosque.
fuck off Abdallah
merchant always funny