Faulklands part 2

>Faulklands part 2

It's closer than you think.

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lol, you cant even keep your own streets safe who do you think even gives a fuck about your military threats in 2017


Sorry mate, live in a town with almost 0 crime. In fact, I probably have the monopoly on force around here. You should come visit, if you could afford it, "whitey."

theresa didnt even rule it out when asked, she just laughed quickly then said theyre focusing on negotiations or some shit

May has got balls, she'd do what has to be done when necessary im sure


So all those chavs in Andalusia are really just reconnaissance forces then.


>Butt blasted subhuman alert please proceed to your nearest shitpost bunker

Why do brits want to steal the Spanish rock?


Honest question, how likely would a war in the near future be if it goes on like this? I'm pretty sure neither the EU nor the UK would give up and show defense

I can feel the butthurt through my computer screen

Rare fucking clay!


Why do Spaniards want to steal a British rock?

>In fact, I probably have the monopoly on force around here.
hahahahahahha suuure m8

You seem to forget who carried on the legacy

Tbh just give them the rock they can take jockland too

Except Falklands are quite remote from Argentina, while Gibraltar is right next to Spain, and it's a small rock.
If Spaniards decided to take it tomorrow, UK wouldn't be able to do shit about it besides nuking Spain.
Just saying, I'm not rooting for any side here.

Shouldn't you be watching feminists give birth and perform abortions in the street or something Tyrone.

I'm going to enlist bros, time to break the retailcuck shackles and bayonet some britpigs like my ancestors did.


t. banana republic

The rocks British and has been since 1713

>this talk of an invasion of Spain

Invade your shower instead, autists

shes not for turning, unlike spanish infiltrations of british waters

Kek, we would destroy Spain in 1 day
Spanish cucks will back off soon

Not so fast leaf! The Gibraltars son Espanoles!!

>like my ancestors did

Jesus Christ user did you chop that in paint? Autist tier.

I wonder who benefits from growing animosity between two European countries?

Anyone who falls for this divide and conquer shit should end themselves in a swift manner, I don't care about which side we're talking about.

Here we go again



wew lad

Remind me who owns Gibraltar again?


>Miserably fails an invasion because they can't sail ships properly
>Somehow spins this into a victory

Argentina of course


Lol, the old alliance: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/War_of_the_Spanish_Succession
Help us pls!



Will you be among the twenty thousand that drown like the iberimoor animals you are?




>three pluses
uh oh

remind us Who is your PM?

Vatican city, they are teaching the monkeys how to use the alms basket


We should just give them Gibraltar desu lad.

Let the Moors take over again.


Well he's certainly not a spanish corpse at the bottom of the North Sea

>Like son, like father


QQ stop calling Spainsh moors Genetic test prove they are white as any other western Europeans and their women are heavenly

top bantz

More like the son of a cuban dictator

Theres is enough place here to bury you, britshits.

>castro's genes were likely to pass on blue eyes

You wish you could take credit for that pablo, get ready for another "Grande y Felicísima"

>las malvinas son argentinas

Perhaps it is time to give the rock back to Spain. The British empire ended in 1997, it is time we stopped playing imperialist by giving back our colonial outposts.

I had pretty high hopes for the Brexit entertainment value and I have to say it exceeds my wildest dreams. Good show, you fucking retards. Hahaha.

God a European conflict would be top tier comfy

>Son of Cuban of Galician descent
many probabilities of having blue eyes


The British Empire is eternal. We're just hibernating.

Today Gibraltar, tomorrow the universe.

>hating banter


Most Moors were North Africans not negros.

So his Spanish genes are why he's such a cuck? The hundreds of years of being faggots really did you dirty.

I wonder who'd like to see Europeans killed.

>Bone rattling

My fucking sides.


ayo ayo ayo

hol up

so you saiyan dey WUZNT kangs n sheeit?

The age of empire is over. It's better to cooperate with this sort of thing instead of sabre rattling.

His spanish genes made him a boxer, living in canada made him a weak faggot.


Spain was build over muslim blood. No shame to say we might have moor genes. We kicked them, and then the jews. And cucked half of the world

Don't listen to them dad. You're Based.

>being a cuck

Shitty canadian education makes him a cuck, like you

I come to this place to escape the media shilling and you treat me with this gem:

">Falklands part 2

It's closer than you think."


/ thread

Who gives a fuck about Gibraltar? It's a rock. It's only valuable feature is the monkeys. There is absolutely no reason to expect any conflict between Britain and Spain over this. This is clearly a forced meme used by kikes to divide Sup Forums. It seems like every other post is about this non-issue.

leaf, you can´t even find europe in a map, and of course you don´t know european history and Reconquista

you two should just fucking get married

>Yeah lets just let them take our land
bet you're scottish

At least someone sees through it.

In this day an age I'd rather share some of our land with another European nation than give in to strife.

We should be fighting together to regain control of Europe.

Yet none of these were fought on British soil

I meant on both sides. Why would Spain want to take Gibraltar in the first place? How many men would either side be willing to sacrifice in order to take/defend a rock?

t. Welsh


t. Alberto Barbossa
Nice proxy senpai
As if we'd give up control of the med, you pleb.

Fresh out of the OC bakery

It's our fucking rock.

Shit memes from the bean people, enjoy getting cucked yet again

Yeah, fight and die over a rock while your country demographically turns into little India.

The lack of self awareness when it comes to immigrants in Spain is amazing.




Kek confirms, let the spanish genocide begin!

Are you speaking from personal experience?

This time your missiles are mudslimes