Why do Americans hate free education?

Your F-35 "program" and ventures in middle east could have granted you somewhat free education instead of coffins full of GIs.

Why do you choose violence over your self interest?

That being said, I know defense industry is a crucial part of american economy but you could gear that towards something else, albeit slowly.

"free education" claimed the taxjew

Yes let ANY NIGGER in America have access to college what could possibly go wrong?


Free doesnt mean its accessible to all. Just barry the entry based on merit, that ought to stop them

This. And I agree OP. Education instead of coffins for greater israel.


F-35s make us money. We sell death machines to other countries for shekels. We use these shekels to hire police to spray you communists with pepper spray and beat you with batons.

If you want services like education and healthcare, pay for them like everyone else.


>When the aircraft you spent trillions of research and development on gets canceled by a man who wants a stronger military.

>Why do you choose violence over your self interest?
Our self-interest is violence though

Implying any of us had a say in these matters.

Sage it

Dat sunk cost fallacy

Ask Detroit with its 50% illiteracy rate how good free education is. Free college would be 13th to 16th grade. What we need is Cuban style pol pot killing fields for communist educators.

You voted drumpfy instead of bernie.

There's no such thing as "free" education you retarded faggot

Because it is easier to manipulate and steal from dumb people...

>Free education
>What is elementary school?
>What is middle school?
>What is high school?

>Dat sunk cost fallacy
whats that?

Are you implying that its not a program?


>based on merit
>in Kikemerica


Your colleges would be flooded with the most psychotic nigger apes that couldnt make it college by money alone.

>"we can't just scrap the program, we've sunk so much money into it already"
>sink more money into it
>"we can't just scrap the program, we've sunk so much money into it already"
repeat until money runs out

Free education? Our education system is a shit racket scam. Education isn't a right either, just like health care. Now fuck off small irrelevant country. Go suck off some more refugees.

Because there's no money in public education and there's lots of money in war. And if our congressional representatives could choose between increasing their own income by 1% or the ability to perform effortless oral sex on themselves at any time, they'd pick the money every time.


The Feds have turned public school into total shit

>start a race war
>prevent GI coffins
pick one

tomcat best plane

if we start a nation we have to buy tomcats and only tomcats

and if anyone says they are shit we will fight them irl without hesitation or warning


It must be nice to spend all your money on social welfare when you aren't responsible for the defense of 3/4 of the planet

Because "education" in America has become a first class joke. That's what government funding/meddling does. It's purposely set up to stick you with a high debt burden you can only pay off if you slavewage for 20years and give up on ever owning anything. It's becoming a first class ride into poverty. And a degree in being a constantly outraged sjw is pretty much all they offer.

We hate the Federal government giving free education. The 10th amendment is supposed to prevent the Federal government from intruding where it doesn't belong, such as education, which is a state issue.

And really, what has the Federal government done for education? All they've given us is Common Core, which is a disaster.