
why is Germany trying to invade Poland again?

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More sauce


Fuck em, let them leave, they contribute nothing to the EU anyway.

I'll just laugh as they collapse economically.

Thank fuck I live in a place where there's only one day and one night, full of reality warped turbo monsters, and depressed drunks who have two to three meters of personal space.

Also, fuck off we're full.

This was planned from day one. Of course the Germans wan't to try again... The thing is.... Poland WILL NOT LEAVE. It is bluff. They receive many benefits from being in the EU.

Stay strong Polebros and Hungbros
we're gonna need you spearhead the sword of Christendom as it cuts right into the black blooded heart of the Cuckliphate

now that sounds retarded

Maybe Polexit.
But anyway, ain't gonna happen.

Germany threaten Poland. They never stop.


Poland/Hungry some of the last white strong holds



The Poles should just build some sort of camp so the undesirable populations can be concentrated in one area.

The infrastructure's already here.

Thanks, Germans, I suppose.

Bah this might escalate to a war



Ready to abandon this sinking ship (EU).
Visegrád Group for the win.

maybe they could also have a sign above the entrance, something to celebrate the value of work



>The Times said
>diplomatic source

sod off

ROFL, the rats are leaving the shits. Fuck off leech, you contribute nothing to the EU anyway.

Why should they want to leave?

>Even more sauce on possible Polskedaddle




lel, we took one milion ukrainians already, keep your shitskin problem to yourselves, you are blacked hard anyway

lol my shitty country is so broke that it contributes literally zero to the EU

Keep talking a big game, you know in the end your country will bow down and suck the E.U. cock. Why? See:

fuck leaf posters in all honesty

Nop meaby there will be war out of this

God damn fuck the EU for fucking ever. Germany Above All(in Europe at least)



wow, never saw that before

so original

really makes you think


seriously, fuck the EU. All you guys want to get out of it, it;s ran by the same dickheads that run everything else and was a step towards globalization. by all of us telling them to stick their EU up their arse we can undermine them.

I understand we can never beat the rothschilds and their puppets, but we don't have to lube ourselves up neither.

fuck the system.

I hope Trump says if you leave we will give you very good trade deals'


>that is great news


Yeah, they already have millions of retarded migrants from an African country already, it's unfair to ask Poland to take in even more!

Aren't Poland and Hungary some of the highest recipients of EU money? How are they going to fare without it?

>>>Kicked out of EU.
>>>Under no legal obligation to feed, pay or house migrants.
>>>Ship all Muslims to Austrian/German border.
>>>Get Euro billions like Turkey just to stop them getting through.
>>>Can blackmail Western Europe with shitskin tide just like Turkey.

Truly the EU is a master of strategy.

meanwhile america can't take in 10 000 refugees because they just don't have any room you guys

hey fag :)

they won't, that's why they will never leave and just continue to whine

Thank you Mustafa.

Tell me what is the fucking purpouse of EU? How do YOU contribute to it? By spending money on administration and beaurocrats? And it what way does this specifically makes you any good? You want to trade with us and we want to trade with you because the profits are mutual, but none of us needs the army of clerks for that. Cliches like "solidarity" and "unity" do not have any meaning outside of military actions, but then there is NATO. EU is just a bubble of abstract ideas, the fact that someone in the Netherlands or Spain feels european solidarity with me after some accident or terrorist attack does not affect me at all, its all bullshit.

You're part of the reason why it's shit.
Refugees need to be killed, not housed.

We'll build less art installations and renovate less parks.

Come on, the only purpose of this money is fraud.

polhunex or hunpolex
well shit few of them we actually let in during earlier party's reign are causing troubles in warsaw
also law and justice will probably make a referendum to deescalate tension and to get big gibs in the next gibs season

>Unity has a price
Holy fuck that's even worse than nazism.
Nazis didn't try to fuck up europe as a whole.

Polese Let us Leave Campaign 2017

Nolish-Leaveawaynia Commonwealth



Jan Poleout 2


The great Nothan War

Warsaw Ghettout Uprising

Owschittz this was a mistake

Polish Removal campaign.

For real?

We don't, and neither do you fagget.

Do you honestly believe that the money which is collected goes to good things? It's basically all threw out of the window.

>hire people to collect the money
>hire people to think of what to do with the money
>offer donations to shit that nobody cares about
>a year later
>half of it gets stolen again, just by local jews now

and now a nice example I saw recently on highway
>EU gives donation to replace all guardrails on highways
>even the already new ones, which is most of them

ok since I am polack I feel entitled to do this

if digits plexit will happen in 2018

Praise Kek!

not happening

yes fraud and shit like this is rampant, small road takes 2 years to build and 10 million pln, it's so fucking obvious, local lords live off this money
you basically feed postcommie red scum, well not you anymore
it's commie mentality but it's better every year, law and justice actually fights corruption unlike The Cuck King Tusk did

>“Any society, anywhere in the world, will be diverse in the future — that’s the future of the world,” Timmermans said. “So [Central European countries] will have to get used to that. They need political leaders who have the courage to explain that to their population instead of playing into the fears as I’ve seen Mr Orbán doing in the last couple of months.”

Ahahaah (((((they))))) are not even hiding it anymore

>poland starts to get a baby boom
>le u better take in migrants NOAW!
Not shocked desu. They'll probably just leave.

If digits second Katyn

I haz sad

did u just

wait isn't luxembourg rich as fuck?
why aren't they contributing?
fucking jews i swear

If you won't use all your budget, they will cut it next year so everybody is building what they can just to keep the same budget next year. Oh, they don't have the money so the have to take a loan from fucking jews. Thank you EU for all those useless swimming pools, parks, skatepark etc.

Yeah sure Germans trying to force Poles to do something always works out great.

Money ain't everything nigga.


because this meme image is bullshit

Luxembourg is only there for money laundering and nothing else.


is this even a 2nd world country yet?

It would also be prudent to give the new arrivals a shower immediately after they enter the establishment.



if it wasn't for the tourist season we would be dead broke


soon, hopefully