>I voted for Trump for muh individual liberties and to fight corporate America!
I voted for Trump for muh individual liberties and to fight corporate America!
This is completely indefensible.
Apart from the pipeline and TPP has this guy done anything he said he would?
>Follows liberal propaganda
>Questions god emperor
Kys liberul
Is this behavior known as being "cuckservative"?
I vote for jobs and it's April and there still aren't any jobs.
>you voluntarily sign up to get internet
>provider says you have to let them sell your data
>you agree
How is this against your liberty?
Shill what? My city is booming right now
>Deport shit skins
>SC nom
>lobbying ban
>Spending cuts
>hiring freeze
>plans for wall
>working on health care with Rand
On the contrary, Obama was one of the best presidents this country has ever had.
The irony of this story being posted on Facebook is accelerating my sides to the speed of light.
that id wtf
Many areas still only have one broadband internet provider. I would be fine with this measure if there was more competition among ISPs
We should have meme'd Ted Cruz into office
He can't
weak b8
How it this Obama's fault? Trump signed it.
he voted in favor of it idiot
reverse psychology. Obama wanted it, so it's bad. Well played Obama, well played.
I didn't even hate obama that much besides his race baiting but please he was a below average president at best
Right along with ol' bushy boy
you look dumb to a foreigner
even people outside the USA who are not politically illiterate can tell Obama was the worse president in recent history
fuck you
So you don't like government monopolies
I agree
I hope you're joking.
if you think hillary is a criminal yet dont care about the russians hacking the election for trump then you dont get to call yourself a patriot
Wtf he was always bitching about net neutrality. They have betrayed us except Jeb.
republican voters =/= republican politicians
Didn't Rand(let) help write this?
Because the ISPs have all the negotiating power.
Seriously if the choice is "surveillance + internet" or "no internet." it really isn't a choice. Esp. with an economy so depenedant on having an internet connection, along w/ the gradual disappearance of public libraries.
But I do care cunt, it's just there's no real evidence of russian hacking. There's some fishy stuff with some Trump staff but nothing concrete.
Does it matter? As long as he isn't starting more proxywars in the ME with Iran/Russia like Hillary would have done, who the fuck cares.
You shouldn't be happy he is president because he is a good president, you should be happy because Hillary would have been an absolute nightmare, especially for anyone not living in burgerstan. The promises Trump isn't following up on are basically all domestic in nature, and frankly I don't give 2 fucks about Burgers or their clapper land. I want clapperland to have a strong economy because that benefits me, however if that is done via creation of jobs for the poor, or making it easier for the elite to shift money around I do not care. People in clapperland could be having a racewar killing each other on the street for all I care, as long as wallstreet&co remains standing (and they are highly resilient against dindus and other lowlifes chimping, because dindus own neither the capital nor the organizational skills required to have a meaningful impact on the economy) the amount of fucks I give is represented in the attached picture.
I bet if he wouldn't of fanned the flames of BLM and insulted cops Hillary would have won. He played himself, they got too smug thinking that whites care about party loyalty as much as other races.
Obama passes something that was unnecessary. Republicans go full retard and do the opposite.
He was okay.
You need to keep in mind that a list of "the best" is going to include a lot of the Founders.
And while I believe that posterity will view Obama favorably, I don't think I'd be willing to group him with those incredible men.
What you don't like is goverbemtb enforced monopolies
I agree
you never had real privacy in the first place. my god liberals are retarded. online activity has always been monitored. if you don't know how to be anonymous you don't deserve anonymity
The FCC is in charge of frequencies; from am radio to satellite transmissions. They have their hands full as far as internet privacy goes. The only "law" protecting your privacy was the, "do you agree to the terms and conditions" generally speaking. The FTC is responsible for consumer privacy and is capable of suing individuals and corporations who violate these freedoms.
I voted for him realizing I wouldnt get everything I wanted but that Hillary would be defeated
oh look a shill can i feed it?
'Monitored' only applies in a relative sense - much like the fable of a nationwide firearm seizure, the logistics necessary to effectively execute these tasks exceeds the manpower that could be devoted to it.
You have programs that are meant to pick up on certain words/phrases and associations, but the practice is perpetually developing.
Christ, not even one of the major political parties' personal correspondence was able to be monitored until you-know-who was successfully phished.
So: Why so cynical?
This presidency has gone exactly as I expected it to. Dems are going to win by a landslide next election if they manage to provide a candidate that isn't a mouthbreathing retard.
The only thing left for trumpkins to defend is "HE HASN'T STARTED A WAR YET" so as soon as that's gone they'll have literally no defense for their retarded president. As for when boots will touch the ground, mid 2018 seems a good estimate. From there it'll be story after story of young dead soldiers and why repubs are warmongers and the election will be sealed.
He still have like a month or so...
>>I voted for Trump for muh individual liberties
said no one on Sup Forums
this, and its obvious this thread keeps coming up because shareblue wants to distract us with this non-story instead of the Susan Rice scandal.
Anyone have the copypasta explaining that this was just undoing the shady bullshit Obama pulled?
>ISPs have always had this right
>Obama restricted it to his buddies
>Trump resets it to level the playing field
Yeah man, glassing the Middle East is going to make everyone so mad. I know I'm going to be telling everyone "I told you so!" when Islam is wiped off the face of the Earth, our Saudi Arabian allies have their oil stashes stolen from them, and Syria becomes a regional power.
This is actually the only thing that he's done that I'm a little bit worried about because of the precident it sets in law.
I can't really do anything about it though, so I hope for the best and just keep my shit on track.
He said he would do this as well.
You cant just leave you pipeline and TPP, shill.
>he believes the average voter wants war
>he believes that what he reads on Sup Forums is representative of the average american voter
You deserve your loss republitard.
You spelled worst wrong
You're pretty optimistic if this last election hasn't taught you how vital it is for...we'll say 'customizable'...digital voting machines to be present in traditionally-blue districts.
Because despite Obama's very-decent approval ratings, the number of districts that went from blue to red is of extreme interest.
if you're into map data minutae
>I voted for Trump for muh individual liberties and to fight corporate America!
said no one ever
Rice needs to tell us what Obama did
you dont have to use google or facebook
I wouldn't hold on to that thought
Its only been 70 days not to mention Obama's approval ratings tanked during his first term because he could not live up to his expectations of change but still managed to beat Romney since he was a shittier candidate
Also if Trump can bring jobs back and crack down on immigration he will no doubt win the rust belt states and secure his victory in 2020
The FTC used to have some power to protect American's privacy, but then last year this happened:
So now nobody is protected since neither the FTC nor the FCC have power to do shit...
Seriously, Trump didn't have to sign this bill.
>not realizing that your browsing history was already up for sale
The only thing this changes is that now ISPs can sell your info, not just websites and trackers and shit.
Your info was already out there and nothing has really changed.
Net neutrality being taken away was potentially a real problem but we'll see how that turns out. There may be no change there either since consumers want the internet as it is now and offering it that way is guaranteed to make money.
I voted for Trump so that he would appoint a constitutional originalist judge to the supreme court, in the hopes that my states constitution violating gun laws would eventually be over turned. So far Trump has lived up to my reasons for voting for him so I have nothing to complain about.
Suck it share-blue/hillshill/leftypol/SRS/JIDF
Yo how much does vodka cost out there?
>be right-wing
>oppose states-rights legislation, favor big government, but only for cherry-picked single-issue
Hey, get out.
I told ya.
Should have voted Bernie, but no you had to vote for the living meme didn't you..
Your irrational hate for anything remotely considered left is cold war propaganda, in Norway Bernie would be considered to be a centrist.
>Donnie knows I shit-post on a Scottish tartan forum.
I could care less as long as this site is ok.
When it trump, d-d-dat okay lads!
>Normies will get tracked
>4channers will continue hiding behind proxies as usual
You can tell how many newfags joined this board by how many there are opposed to this
To be fair, it was Hillary's decidedly undemocratic meddling in collusion with most of the media (who were hedging their bets) that fucked Sanders over.
You're gong to trust that foul dyke over the one and only God Emperor?
You are literally doing it wrong.
>Trump's going to destroy internet privacy by preventing a regulation that has never even been in effect!
>p-please believe us!
Bernie was a born loser tho
I want less government not more, Trump isn't going to change what we already have much in that regard but he's leagues above Bernie
You are a moron.
The difference is the ISP knows who you are and has access to your entire browsing history.
A prospective employer could buy this information from them, so could any number of people who dislike you.
This is social poison. Normal users shouldn't have to resort to VPNs as if they were child molesters or terrorists.
Cue the child molesters on this board saying normies deserve it for not using VPNs.
PS: if I was industry I'd get to work labeling VPNs as ISIS facilitators and make it illegal to connect to them.
Yeah, it's pretty disgusting how this is ignored by most media.
Hillary is truly one of the most horrible people I know of.
Trump didn't even lock her up.
Maybe they weren't child molestors, but people who have been aware of/cared about the spying problem for longer than others
They already build a profile on you and if you've ever used your real name anywhere online it's attached. Privacy has been an illusion for a long time.
>drain the swamp
>suddenly there's jews everywhere
>Everyone is able to fuck us
>Obama restricts it so only his buddies can fuck us
>Trump makes it so everyone can fuck us again
You're missing the core problem of we're still being fucked. At least when it was just Obama's income doing it it was shit that's mostly avoidable.
Regardless of final effect, it's a matter of principal: Trump has just directly taken action against the people in favor of large corporations.
Another good point, I've yet to hear a single damn thing about locking Clinton up. It was all a show. Both of them are traitors. All of them are traitors. I'm done with this shit.
Was Trump still the better choice? Obviously.
Is he good enough? Not even close.
what do you liberal traitors have to hide?
What do you expect from a New Yorker who's been working with Jews his whole life? It's all he seems to know.
Perhaps Donald -is- aware of what Jews are like after working with them for so long, but I can't say I like seeing more of them in politics, this is insane.
Why favor the phrase "If you aren't doing anything wrong, you have nothing to hide" over "I'm not doing anything wrong - you have no cause to monitor me" or "Because the definition of 'wrong' is fundamentally malleable and is increasingly decided by for-profit interests (as opposed to interests which benefit the community-at-large), the incentive to monitor is demonstrably removing itself from the moral imperative to do so"
So I ask you: Are you the real traitor, do you hate the principles which founded the Constitution (4th Amendment, yo), or do you simply choose to not question what you are told to obey?
Reminder that the libtard media tried to pass off the whole Edward Snowden thing as literally nothing and basically told us "If you have nothing to hide, why are you so worried?"
you're saying Trump doesn't have the right to monitor you? are you retarded or just a shill?
An unlawful order has no reason to be observed.
This x100
No point in arguing with people like that though, they're too close minded and stubborn, and probably are teenagers.
The tribal mentality prevents people like this and the majority of Sup Forums from critical thought, and it just ends up being "my team vs your team".
Pointless really.
half of ledditors here and almost all libtards only read headlines so queue 100+ replies thinking Trump removed anything currently on the books and ISP's will now start selling all of your data that King Nigger heroically stopped.
100% pure bullshit. and you ledditor fags fall for it every time. time to go back where the upboats are.
you're just an anti-trump libshill. No need to even listen to you.
redditors came from the donald
Ooga booga
Get back to class.
get back to tumblr, cuck
Get back to class.
Literally fake news. This was about the FCC getting rekt and all that shit falling under different authorities. It's like they just purposely print misleading information and pass it off as fact...
>They voted for Brumpf to fight the globalists
>He filled his entire administration with them
good goy.bmp
I'm sure this stupid dyke had no problems with any of the shit Obama did during his tenure.
Well, technically what he's doing in deregulation, so I'm sure if the muh civil liberty defense works. If you're in favor of more oversite, that's fine.
Why should the American people support these changes being reversed though? I never see any reason why by you people using this excuse.
It's the same tactic the left uses every time. They give a terrible law a nice sounding name, often directly contradictory to the actual nature of the law, then complain if someone tries to remove it.
Just look at the "Affordable Care Act"...
FFS, "Net Neutrality" isn't net neutrality. Why do you believe Netflix/Amazon/Facebook/Google/Twitter on this issue? These are some of the worst companies right now. The only bad thing about cable companies is shit customer service. The companies in support of "net neutrality" have great customer service, but their product is literally shit. I don't care how good my waiter is, if I'm eating shit. I wan't food. The internet is not a utility, and making it such will just decrease innovation. It's all about getting the cable companies to pay for the increasing costs of running such massive web services.
What do you mean? How could "Net Neutrality" possibly be anything other than what it sounds like? After all, all the biggest internet gibmedats are for it, so it can't be bad. Didn't you see Google's most recent google doodle? I love how they place greater importance on diversity than actual historical significance. Just makes me so much more informed about the reality we live in.
You fucking ISP shills can't do anything right.
lmao trumpcucks really are a special kind of retarded
It's true, my dad is an SVP in the cable industry, so why don't you actually prove me wrong. What about this "net neutrality" debate has actually got anything to do with net nuetrality as a computing concept versus effectively granting more subsidies to bloated, monopolistic .coms that provide almost no real value to the public at large.