TODAY IS THE 4th!!! Where are you Japanon?

Today is the day. EVERYTHING is supposed to be released today. Let's get it started and summon him with kek.

Other urls found in this thread:



I hope Japanon is worshiping some prime nipponese feetsies rather than waste time here



Wait, some of you /x/-level gullible goobers still think it wasn't LARPer #4213 on Sup Forums?


It was a hoax. His code was completely made up.

Sorry guys. I'd gladly be wrong on this one but I don't think that's the case.

omg noooooo that sukkk
i cannot believe the roleplaying, larping faggot was a liar omg le considfer me red pulled XD

Thread is getting slid big time. He's going to prove all you fags wrong.

My foo is stronger than you all. Kek wills it.

Praise Kek, for world-system btfo

Praise him


>FBI-user April 3rd-4th
>Jap-user "soon"
They are NOT the same person.

FBI-user seemed more fake to me. He didn't even really say WHAT he was going to leak. Jap-user was VERY specific about Israel being involved in 9/11. (here's more nip feet bump)



Here's a bombshell from last night. Open imagine in a new tab to see it fully

Part 2

no, he's not. larpers never deliver you fucking gullible newfag

wasn't a larper, have a nice gif shill

>i believe in him! he typed a bunch of numbers and letters erratically to prove he was legit! he wouldn't lie to us, right?!

Your digits make me worry but I still have faith.


Imagine if Israel actually did do 9/11

like, in one fell swoop everything would break

the HISTORY of the WORLD would be come a jewish lie

imagine the shitstorm that would ensure if adolf hitler was found JUSTIFIED

we need to be careful anons, they will fucking kill us all, but we need to find out what really happened on 9/11