We should start a rumour that Bernie Sanders has cancer #baldforbernie , and get his supporters to shave their heads. Then we can start a bunch of memes about his supporters being skin heads who think Hitler did nothing wrong.
Bald For Bernie
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fucking this
Haha thats a great idea user
most numales are already balding/bald
Would people fall for this after #baldforbeiber?
+1 funny idea
People fell for Apple wave 1 year after the waterproof hoax... People are dumb sheep.
nobody cares for Bernie now, should´ve been done during his campaign.
If people fell for APPLE WAVE, anything is possible.
The Big Brown Water Buffalo on YouTube cares about Bernie along with all the justice dems
What if we shave our heads and start killing non-whites, That might be some fun.
This meme would be easy enough to pull off.
>going bald is bad
Homosexual femi-boy detected.
Going bald is a sign of wisdom and male vigor.
Gas plus sucks.
Might be crazy enough to work!
the_donald misses you. why don't you go back?
Someone get int touch with a fake news site, and have them post a story.
Finally Bernie Sanders supporters will do something remotely productive
Hopefully they kill them selfs after
Nice idea leaf
Sieg Hiel
There are tons of commie skinheads.
Afraid of a butter fly
I'm seriously down, I'll look into making a fake news site and bump it on Google!
Don't you see were infested with Reddit, commies, and leftists?
The second this starts trending
Huff post, wsj, and slate will make an article about it
Can't you see how much the quality of posts decreased after the election?
Go to the catalog, bait after bait after bait
Threads with two lines of thought getting 300 replies, placebo mods that do nothing.
Welcome to Pol 2.0
Joking about cancer ha morally reprehensible. It could cause the universe to give you cancer. You definitely shouldn't play with fire user
Please rethink your life you morally bankrupt leaf
Do not pass go do not collect $200
You go directly to the gulag
Why you mad bro?
Shut the Fuck up normie
Go back to Redit
this is a real good idea. bump.
Keep fighting user.
Fuck niggers
Kek says that if you meme this, Bernie might actually get cancer. Go for it.
Top kek
At least newfags like you are passionate about their shit.
Have a bump
Yo, can anyone photo shop Burnie in a hospital bed?
The election is over..wtf no one is campaigning
Implying this isn't a 'real' thing. Pleb
Bern victims deserve some treatment though.
Well, there is the other pol on this site we could use...
Looks like the Jews hired fake trolls like you to go full sheckels
Nice idea but a better one would involve jews putting their heads in the oven.