This guy was right all along

This guy was right all along.
If you have a dysfunctional relationship with your parents, defooing is the way to go.
If your mother was overprotective in your childhood and your dad never teached you any remarkable man skills, defoo.
It's the only way to break out of your own personal prison.

No wonder shills attack Molyneux exactly there where he's right. They don't want us to get out in the world and become real men.

Molykike is a mentally ill loon

Nice argument you inbred mudshit shill

What is defoo

>What is defoo
if only there was some way of connecting to body of human knowledge and, perhaps even search by keyword

>guess we'll never know

After a quick Google search, it sounds like MGTOWing your parents essentially.

I never understood what was wrong with cutting your ties to an abusive family. The Bible even says to do the same because it will only hold you back. It's not a cult if you insist that someone leaves an abusive family that only wants you to be the person they invisioned rather than your own vision. That's why when I hear parents saying their kids are the opposite of their biological gender, it infuriates me because these kids do not have a choice

>le not an abuemrent xdddd
Look up the snapshots of his website on from before he took it down where he has pages going ballistic on his own "followers". He's a fucking nutcase.

Not a Molymeme viewer but I don't disagree with him generally
My parents are neurotic messes, I cut them out
it's improved my life dramatically user

Add: their parents make the choice for them

Right on, medpack bro.

Is he still promoting this shit? I was watching him for a couple of years and this stupid defoo shit made me stop listening to him for a while. I only watch his truth about series. Boohoo im molykike my mama was mean to me so fuck all women who won't touch my dick.

>tfw parents always provided for me financially and treated me very "nicely"
>but they never taught me how to socialize
>they frequently argued so I get violent/angry whenever I see someone upset and can be depressed for a week just from listening to strangers argue, become a sexist and fear relationships due them yelling at eachother
>I owe them tens of thousands of dollars for sustaining my existence
What do I do? I want to change my name and move away but it seems so heartless.

We'll put up a statue of him in athlone

Great post, OP. But you forgot that you should also donate all your worldly belongings to Freedomain radio.

Forgot the main reason I want to defoo specifically, my brother is an addict and they won't disown him. I don't want to be associated with him.

>substituting that guy for your own flesh-and-blood father
>learning how to be a man from a nu male

You see, exactly that's the problem.
You're not living your life.
Instead of thinking first what's good for you, you see things from your parents perspective.
We never learned to put ourselves first.
No matter how egoistic it seems, it has to happen if you want to make progress.

You ever thought this might be the reason your viking brothers are not defending the land against the muslim horders bur rather play some stupid video games?

My Dad's almost unbearable to be around because he has completely withdrawn from society for over ten years and lived off his wife's income, which isn't even that high. She also does all the errands too while he just sits around all day.

He's only regularly interacted with a handful of people in this time, mostly family, and none of them are willing to tell him he's wrong when he is. He's reached the stage where he outright makes things up and thinks no-one will realise. If you disagree with him on anything he'll go crazy and start banging his head on walls and breaking things. If you don't back down he'll start threatening to kill himself and others. There's no way to prove him wrong because he'll just claim literally everything but himself is incorrect. You can demonstrate something in front of him and he'll just deny it happened. You either agree 100% with everything he says (which makes him even worse over time), or prepare to enter an extensive unwinnable argument.

>visits airshow
>starts telling someone made up shit about the aircraft
>this person was actually ground crew for the aircraft in the past
>shows him parts on the aircraft that contradict his claims
>Dad won't stop arguing
>eventually throws a several thousand pound camera into the ground in rage
>claims he 'dropped' the camera despite me being there when he threw it
>gets his wife to buy an even more expensive camera for him

I don't agree with defooing, though. Just maintain minimum contact and don't cause unnecessary provocation. Stefan's idea of starting political arguments over dinner is retarded.

>if your mother had a job
She didn't care about you to look after you fully

>if your mother didnt have a job
She didn't love you enough to even provide for you

He's a modern day fucking sooth sayer and you faggots just swallow it all.

One fucking dollar, motherfuckers

yes goyim, selfishly disintegrate family ties, so that every person in our society is an atomized individual with no support structure or ability to act as a group with their clan.

Why do you feel the need to strawman his argument? Nowhere did he state you should disconnect from your family by default.
Only in cases when your family abused you and refuse to acknowledge it did he ever recommend to cut ties with them.


he has an extremely low threshold for 'abuse'.

Because of this:

He frames everything so you are ALWAYS abused but it's ok, keep funding stef and the gang and they'll be your surrogate family (until you step out of line, of course)

Psychopath checklist, check it.

>if your mother didnt have a job
>She didn't love you enough to even provide for you
completely out of context as this only counts for the single mom case?

de-family of origin, cutting contact with your family essentially.

Molymeme sez:

"If you didn't have Joe six-pack for a dad and a mom who let you play with gasoline as a kid then completely throw the people who birthed you, raised you and loved you unconditionally out if your life it's easy guys just say bye and dip"

He's usually pretty smart what happened


I have an extremely over protective mother and a dad who is quite successful but is in no way alpha or manly and didn't really teach me any masculine skills. At the same time I love them and they love me and would never cut them out of my life. Ill acknowledge they made me a pussy in my earlier years but by around grade 9 I had a wake up call and started going to the gym eating lots and doing sports. If you can't grow up without blowing off the ppl who raised you than your probably never going to really grow up anyways. Part of being a man is supporting your family. Obviously different for abusive situations

>If you can't grow up without blowing off the ppl who raised you than your probably never going to really grow up anyways.
Why? You cut the emotional attachment and start basically from scratch. What other solution is there?

>not letting your children starve to death is a huge accomplishment

human "logic"

>throws a several thousand pound camera into the ground
Is your dad the fucking hulk

If your parents willingly pay taxes to the state they also willingly support state use of violence and coercion against you which is a clear violation of the NAP.