how do i use this to my advantage for irl shitposting? i can say nigger now right, cause i'm black?
how do i use this to my advantage for irl shitposting? i can say nigger now right, cause i'm black?
He never says that.
why are people so determinned to shit on varg
usually it'd be a butthurt american christfag though
Shut up leaf.
*stabs a man 23 times in defence*
It's so easy to look up where the red hair gene comes from nowadays.
Varg is really a relic of the 1800's when people would just spew shit based on very little. Like "Everything began in Egypt, because of muh mystery".
egyptians are white?
you can say an anagram of it
>fairest skin in the land
>not white
Egyptians aren't black, and they weren't black. They look more like they look today than sub-Saharans.
He said they are decendants of Egyptian ruling families which were whites ruling over north Africans
Lol, Varg is a total faggot. Isn't he on welfare now?
>potatoniggers wuz kangz
Stop listening to a fucking convict.
>He said they are decendants of Egyptian ruling families which were whites ruling over north Africans
OP is a Jewfaggot.
Christcucks btfo again
Germanics and Celts had pants before the Latins and Greeks ya cunt.
>Blonde haired people are a race
fucking loon
> when russia invades Latvia
> baltcucks btfo again
he is a positive person but damn is he a larper, according to him poles are sarmatians, russians are scythians nad shit like that
Wait just a moment... You are saying I am descended from Kings? Well isn't that wonderful.
he knows too much.
never. christcuck
i've watched this twice now
he doesn't say that..