Any reason the UK has gone downhill since 1945?

Poorest cities in Northern Europe, the UK's military is being downsized massively until 2020 due to budgetary problems, London is in the shitters due to Brexit, the non-white immigrant population is the highest by far in Europe, fastest growing Muslim population by far in Europe, most deaths due to Muslim terrorism in Europe after Spain and Russia - and British women are fat.

>2 world wars
>1 world cup

Pay debnts

>Inner London

I literally can't comprehend how people can get so rich

Stopping the wealth from leaving the city while sapping the wealth from the rest of the country

>This level of anal devastation

what do you expect when London has worked non stop to destroy the north since thatcher.

Also....All the immigrants get sent up north

Selling off OT's were a BIG mistake.

>Also....All the immigrants get sent up north
Then why is London 60% non-white?

This is not quite correct, there's massive regional inequality across the UK.

North England and Wales is a post-industrial shithole, but Southern England is doing fine, probably one of the best standards of living in Europe.

You do realize alot of Europeans and Americans live in london?
The Census in White British, doesn`t count the others.

Besides, most of the imigrants in London are the rich Indians.

Have a stroll up north one day, there is no development cause the government wants to keep all wealth in London.

By the standards of this inane chart the Netherlands is third world

Not even close to the highest non-white population. Nor the fastest growing Muslim population. And more Germans and French have been killed by islamists than brits.

60% of London is non-white British. Only 35% of it is non-white overall.

Where the fuck are you getting your numbers Hans?

>London is the richest area in Europe
>Wales is the poorest area in Europe

Because Wales has no industry, no resources, no nothing. They are subsidised, just like the North of England is and people preach on here about MUH WELSH INDEPENDENCE MUH FREEDUM.

Yeah who's gonna pay for it?

You gonna pay for it? Nah didn't think so, shut the fuck up.

This map shows the cost of living and things generally cost a lot of money in the Netherlands

That is what happens when you devote your economy to financial jewing. You get one super rich area that imports itself brown slaves, and the rest of the country live in squalor with no industry.

This post is kosher.

where did u find this map?

get a load of this faggot

>Besides, most of the imigrants in London are the rich Indians.

And that makes it better how?

Also, driving a taxi doesn't make one rich.

>By the standards of this inane chart the Netherlands is third world
Living standards are not very high in the Netherlands. Things are rather expensive and the wage levels are about the same as in Germany. I have a friend who moved to Rotterdam and he says he is 30% worse off than in Berlin, even though he earns more. He seriously feels less middle class there.

>Living standards are not very high in the Netherlands

Yes and no. Yes in the sense that things are very expensive here. Especially housing is expensive, and wages are only slightly higher than the average European country. Next to that you pay a lot of taxes.

No in the sense that, what you get back for your money, infrastructure, healthcare, education, for example, is of extremely high quality.

This guy gets it.

The reason most of the wealth is in London is because most national businesses have their HQs there. Tax and almost all other measurements are calculated from their central offices. These businesses are still operating nationally, and contributing much to various local areas, but if their offices are in London, that's where the tax gets paid.

I'm not sure about Wales, but I know that a lot of businesses in Scotland have relocated their offices to south of the border over the past few decades. They're still operating in Scotland, they just don't want to be under the thumb of the increasingly unattractive tax regime there. The result? Taxes paid in London from a company operating in Scotland funds SNP vanity projects or whatever bullshit they're doing this week.

This is the nature of large companies. It's the reason Google records most of it's sales in Ireland and not London. There are pros and cons, but usually an English tax system combined with proximity to a wide network puts London on top.

TLDR:London is rich because it's the best place for business.

Mainland Northern Europeans favour egalitarianism, at least on paper. We on the other hand, are stuck with a shitty, outdated class system, that relegates people to poverty the second they're born. There is no where near as much social mobility here as in Germany, Scandinavia, Benelux etc. This will never change.

Economic inequality is inherently Anglo-Saxon.

No.. When you have a capital city in your country, you need to have another city with at least half the population of that capital city to help distribute wealth more equally.

What has happened in England/Wales is years upon years (since the Romans took control of London) of all politicians building London up and not creating another city at the same time with at least half the population so there's not spreading of wealth, no real equality and it's why this country focuses too much on London.

The last Conservative government tried to create a northern powerhouse and is working on it, but to reach even a quarter of the financial and influential power of London is going to take a very long time because of hundreds of years of London being too dominant.

This is just one aspect btw, I'm not saying import shitskins into the north and make a city, I think London's population should be culled down or moved to the North, but that won't happen.

> East Yorkshire and Northern Lincolnshire

Because Hardcore will in fact never die.

Britain was never particularly strong economically. They had to import grain for centuries.
It was when they started colonizing other countries and squeeze them out that a lot of capital import took place. They successfully crowded out the Dutch and the French from India/Indochina/Indonesia and generally tried to be a dick to as many people as possible. In the 17th century Britain was at war with practically everyone.

However, they also did do a good job opening new businesses through their own endeavour through industrialization. But they didn't achieve nearly as much as the Germans who became a world power in less than 50 years in virtue of nothing but their own labour.

Fell for the welfare state meme.

This map is off. Ireland has the highest PPP per capita in Europe after Luxembourg.


Divine punishment for killing Hitler, the agent of God.

Because we fought the wrong enemy.


Ironic really. The German economic model has been the same since the HRE

>Do well for a few years
>Try and stranglehold competition with regulation and taxing.

It's why Germany will never reach anything like Switzerland.

We're cut your red tape kraut, prepare for a North Sea revolution.

>It's why Germany will never reach anything like Switzerland.
If we hadn't got the Euro, we would already be richer per capita than Switzerland.

>If we didn't purposely try and sabotage other economies instead of focusing on our own economy we'd be richer

That's exactly my point.

Groningen? hell no, more like Amsterdam

Netherlands is equal to spain and south of italy, wtf get your facts straight.