See this story and decide to read it in case Trump really is a Russian agent. >Read it >Happened after Trump won election so it seems like a non-issue >Wow, smart move by Trump to ally us with Russia to isolate Iran >Erik Prince is smart good geopolitical advisor >Reaffirms that voting for Trump was a good decision
>standard communist tactic: you defeat your enemies by stopping them from subverting you, while subverting them using their freedom against them. then, their strongest people now see their own enemies as a viable alternative to what the left in their own country has become. >conservatives in the U.S. are now so brainwashed that they think Russia is better than U.S. leftists. meanwhile look what putins done to Moscow. he's no conservative. all the things you see him shutting down, like gay propaganda, porn, & pro-church stances; they aren't because he's a good dude or even agrees with it in principle. he is just trying to shut down any outside influence, just like Israel's been doing for years and Russia did before 1992. Israel's communist and American conservatives are supporting them. free healthcare, education, housing, & total control of citizens; they're an enemy to freedom, not a friend. same with Russia and putin. anyone aware can see the same thing is happening to the U.S. that happened to eastern Europe, southeast asia, the middle east, & asia minor from the 70's to the 90's; it all set up what we have today. first they got the weaker nations out of the way, now the United States is the target because they already have unelected leaders in place in Europe. start learning how to speak Russian & Hebrew. this is all a subversion technique played over the last 40 years by U.S. dual citizens, Russian oligarchs, and Israelis. just look into what Russia & Israel did to subvert and gain control of Yugoslavia, killing many chriatians and threats to Israel, with U.S. help(ex, kosovo) or staying out of it, for the most part. i'm going to post before this thread 404s. here's a vid to get you started:
Dylan Sullivan
>it's a lefties pretend to care about this country episode
Kayden Perez
>let's call anyone who disagrees with us, lefties. kinda like lefties do calling anyone nazi who disagrees with them >it's alt-light being fooled again miniseries i'm more right wing than any retarded republican who's been fooled into working with the centrists. keep working with them and the left just gets what they want slower, homo.
Christian Gutierrez
I don't care if he's a "conservative" or not. He advanced Russian interests.
Leo Campbell
and helped destroy your own country, dumbass. >you're like a jap who loves mao
Parker Roberts
Russians are white, so what's your point?
Ryder Lopez
Forced to use blackwater elite special forces to circumvent pedos embedded in government. Trump is a literal god.
John White
>ally us with Russia to isolate Iran What? Iran is literally Russia's biggest ally, and vice versa
Ryan Cook
>blackwater is in bed with Israel queers on Sup Forums are fooled, too? wow, maybe it really is time to double up to eight
Ian Mitchell
>Drumpf is finished this time!
Henry Sullivan
>keep working with them and the left just gets what they want slower, homo.
You're the one tied to the spectrum.
It's more about money than politics, politics is a means to the end.
Dylan Perez
Alliances don't last forever. Russia is allied with those countries over their hatred/jealousy of American hegemony. They have entirely different values, goals, and are more likely to compete over resources etc due to proximity.
Luke Bailey
I'm noting that as a positive.
Jaxson Bell
Until Trump won
Kevin Gray
>Seychelles >Blackwater founder
The boss...
James Mitchell
So what parts of Eastern Europe, SEA etc. are now beholden to Russia?
Newsflash you won't see on CNN: The Soviet Union doesn't exist anymore More news at 10
I can't believe it! Kennedy was a Russian shill >: ((
Brayden White
Blackwater (Academi) is shady as fuck:
>In June 2009, an amended lawsuit was filed in US District Court in Alexandria, Virginia, alleging that Blackwater employees shot and killed three members of an Iraqi family, including a nine-year-old boy, who were traveling from the Baghdad airport to Baghdad on July 1, 2007. The suit further accused Blackwater employees of murder, weapons smuggling, money laundering, tax evasion, and child prostitution.[180] Two affidavits filed as part of the suit by former employees accuse Blackwater of encouraging the murder of Iraqi civilians, and of murdering or having murdered employees who intended to testify against the company.[181][182] The lawsuit was ultimately settled confidentially in 2010, with plaintiffs accepting cash payments from the company.[183]
>The lawsuit was ultimately settled confidentially in 2010, with plaintiffs accepting cash payments from the company.[183]
Large PMC operates from the Seychelles, this is great.
Life imitates art.
Aiden Butler
B-b-b-but TRUMP and PUTIN in same sentence
Don't you realize all Russians are evil pieces of shit and that's not racist to say because they're white
Adam Walker
Maybe, until he bans lobbyists or opens up the fed. It's always gonna be flavors of the same shit, just the way the system is.
Angel Morales
>left a witness
Asher Nelson
you 2 are clearly uneducated are brainwashed by Russian propaganda. putin is destroying russias "whiteness". just look at what he did to Moscow and st pete & every other city he's had his policies affect. do not respond with baby polict retards. you saw a headline and you fell for it. look who's taking advntg of that policy, its not whites fgts. youre beat for cultural Marxist lies and i'm not. eat dicks
Austin Cox
newsflash, Israel does exist and has more power and influence than Russia ever did, with the same exact policies Russia did.
Hunter Sanders
I don't necessarily think any of this had to do with Erik Prince. Mercenaries by definition are focused on making money, so I'm not surprised they'd get into this type of stuff. It also doesn't mean that Erik Prince isn't a good choice as a geopolitical advisor. Blackwater did a lot of stuff the army couldn't do for way cheaper.
Alexander Rivera
Better to like Russia than to support a leftist side who enables and promotes White genocide and mass immigration from third world shitholes to the US.
Luis Nguyen
>2 sides of the same coin. supporting Russia and supporting leftists are the same thing. youre an idiot. watch this video and maybe youll understand: cultural Marxism is a subversion technique used to make conservatives believe Russia or Israel is better than the left in their own country. you would rather be ruled by Russians or israelis, than by left wingers right? jackass, that was the plan.
Julian Adams
Sounds like you've had a bit too much of Mr. Sanders' semen.
Alexander Wood
Oh ok
Asher Gomez
sounds like you're in tel aviv
Camden Ortiz
You're underpaid.
Dylan Thompson
Tel Aviv didn't invite all of Mexico to the U.S. or make any states like CA a sanctuary state, now did it?
Liberalism is a type of brain cancer.
Justin Martinez
youre so heads so far up putins ass,you cant even understand what I'm saying. you're spreading free propaganda for cultural Marxists. leftists and Russians are equally as bad.
Joshua Miller
>immediately hands job to prince's sister
you trumpkins are tards
Evan Watson
Louise Mensch pls go
Nolan Sullivan
Nobody here particularly likes Russia, they just hate the cancerous left much much more - you twat.
Hudson Lee
And you're too invested to be able to take a step back and see where you actually are.
John Hill
>derp, cool country you support their bro yes, most who did that were funded, connected, or are dual citizens. Israel is a communist state. taxes are sky high with free everything and gov has total control over citizens, forced military service, and total police state.
Gabriel Rodriguez
>anyone aware can see the same thing is happening to the U.S. that happened to eastern Europe, southeast asia, the middle east, & asia minor from the 70's to the 90's
Nobody is advocating Russian rule over the US, and nobody has provided any evidence of attempts at working towards Russian rule over the US.
The American Left is objecting to fighting against many of our enemies simply because those enemies are also the enemies of Russia.
No, what is happening in the US is nothing like what happened to the eastern bloc.
Adam Long
Because muh Russian boogie man.
Liberals beat off to commie shit and LARP it up like "gotta give all the power to a central authority! Cease deem means of production guise!" then go "wooooah but Putin so scary because he's a centralized authority! nd he's like, controlling all the assets of an entire country! If only we removed democracy and it's failings!!"
Bentley Ramirez
Russia is the left, jackass, that's what you cant understand because youre 14 or very uneducated. cultural Marxism is spread by conservatives in totalitarian countries to subvert their enemies. just watch RT. Russia funds cultural Marxism in every country but their own, and so does Israel. why would you like, or not dislike, a country who did that to your own? open your eyes, chid
If you think Russia is playing one single outlook you're naive as shit.
Christopher King
and Kevin Bacon set up their meeting
Camden Kelly
>Steven Simon, a National Security Council senior director for the Middle East and North Africa in the Obama White House, said: “The idea of using business cutouts, or individuals perceived to be close to political leaders, as a tool of diplomacy is as old as the hills. These unofficial channels are desirable precisely because they are deniable; ideas can be tested without the risk of failure.”
Thanks for telling the world WashPo. Fucking assholes.
Ryan Stewart
Don't be concerned, this is only like the 9th secret meeting with a russian
Caleb Hall
>it's Sup Forumstards implying that Putin isn't terrible
Samuel Fisher
>it's a babbies first world is full of bad people you have to associate with episode
Again, I ask you and your friends.
Do you know where you are?
Dylan Bennett
Tell me why you support Putin, or view him in whatever way you view him. I would like to know.
Kevin Peterson
analyze a song? fool how about you analyze the talks given by dozens of ex-kgb agents who say exactly what I do? how about lectures by U.S. security & intel chiefs who say the USA does the same to its enemies?? how about books written by & about mossad, telling how they do the same. how about you educate yourself with more than lyrics from 4 minute songs, chirpboi
Luis Bell
>its an allied with the forces of darkness episode
Henry Jones
Answer Nigger
Andrew Murphy
>I know where I am. you're clearly a newfag who cant even remember when pol didn't exist. I am on a board that has been frequented by KGB subversion agents for the last 5 years, then alt-lighters blame it on leftists in America, not knowing the 2 are cut from the same cloth.
Nathan Gray
I don't support him, I support his right to have his own policies for his own state.
I support his nation's right to engage in the same social lobbying that any western nation does. They shouldn't be forced into alliance, nor should they be alienated into enemy, we create enough as is.
The question you should be asking: How is it that they connected with the population with propaganda more effectively, than the home-grown propaganda machine?
Josiah Sanchez
> user, search for an extension called "don't track me google".
Nathan Perry
>not knowing the 2 are cut from the same cloth.
Bro, if I had a dollar for every false-flag twatter I've seen set to create unrest.
Kayden Wright
I'm not sure what you are asking. Clarify pls.
Easton Parker
they aren't right wing policies, retard. they are only to protect his citizens from outside influence, so he can maintain power.he has turned Moscow and st pete & other cities into multi-cultural shitholes and you are in a bubble so cant understand anything Russian intel doesn't spoonfeed you. watch these 2 videos, in whatever order youd like, if you want to be redpilled. > >
Wyatt Lopez
Which part, the question I posed?
This whole entire thing boils down to that question.
All the rest of this bullshit is just a smokescreen of divide and conquer.
Flail at symptoms or address the problem.
Jaxson Thompson
"scriptsafe" extension is the best. it covers every kind of tracking except keyboard anonymizing. for that, search for "keyboard user" extension and it will randomize your keystrokes
Henry Cox
you must be 15
Hudson Bennett
First time I died, so it's possible I got stuck there.
Jordan Robinson
wow, you're clearly brainwashed by Russian propaganda. you cant understand that Russia is doing the same thing you cry about leftists doing? putin is everything you don't want in America, but youre either paid by cremlin or you only get info from Russian sources but don't know it. the left and Russia and Israel oligarchs are all the same people
Owen Campbell
I'm still not understanding what the Fuck your talking about. I think Putin is bad. Debate nao.
Gabriel Hill
Clarify your propaganda statement. I'm not sure what you are asking.
Hunter Lopez
>cultural marxism is a conservative plot to discredit the left >this is the best the left can come up with to attack trump
William Wright
ITT >One person: Through cultural Marxism Putin has subverted the US and tricked you into supporting his interests by saying "at least he's better than the left" >Everyone else: Maybe he did that but least he's better than the left
Noah Jackson
he's anti rothschild and anti soros basically anti-globalist so our goals align
Kevin Edwards
>How is it that they connected with the population with propaganda more effectively, than the home-grown propaganda machine? because America has freedom and its easy to subvert a country with freedom if the people are in a state of unrest. you and others are looking for a connection and youre mad at your own country, so you follow anything you feel a connection with, like Russian propaganda. the kgb are experts and youre an idiot. mad & sad retarded douchebags on their computers are easy prey for an intel agency
Robert Bell
what a redpill
Gabriel Bell
>I think Putin is bad. Debate nao.
What degree of bad user, I know you want a fight.
This topic has become immensely boring after partaking in the shill war.
Who isn't doing the same thing that I cry about leftists doing?
South Korea might have a turnaround, but I don't buy it unless they connect the ferry to their ex-pres.
Logan Parker
wrong. putin is pro-globalist as long as the globalist are on his side, you retard. putin has no problem with rothchilds or soros, just certain policies they support affecting his people, but who wouldn't? he wants to control them, not have outside agencies affect them. putin has not fought the international bankers at all. he plays the game. he supports israels international protocol and russias government is filled with joos & cultural Marxists. look at what they did to Moscow and st pete fgt
Eli Miller
Only -ish. Russia's primary objective is regaining wealth and reversing the decline of their economy, population, culture, etc. They're fighting for survival, and don't care who they ally with, so long as they get something good out of it. They don't like US dominance, only insomuch as it has a tendency to get in their way. They're pretty agnostic about the world stage.
Iran actively hates most of the world. Hates the United States mostly for our cultural degeneracy that we have spread throughout the world. Our current mode of imperialism is exporting culture so that our businesses can move in and the globalists can make money, get a bigger slice of the pie. Of course, whenever you invent a weapon, your enemies will have it within a generation. Now, through identity politics and critical theory, other cultures can start importing their culture into the United States. Iran is one of the major proponents of this process, as their goal is theocratic domination. In this regard, Russia and Iran are enemies. Russia intensely hates the Muslim influence in Chechnya and the Asian "provinces". Don't forget that Islamic expansion made major advances into the Russian Orthodox territory, not just agaisnt the Roman Church. For many Russians, the ensuing culture is alien, and they want it out. This is a very tense subject though, as Islam survived the soviet system better, being further from Moscow and the gulag system. Lack of organization also helped immensely compared to the church. In dealing with Iran, Russia helps calm internal tensions. It can only go so far, though, because this population is a major piece of Iranian policy. When the muslim identity of these territories supercedes the 'russian' identity, Iran will be able to do the same thing to Russia that Russia has done to Georgia and Turkey.
Ian Johnson
I'll break it down very simply.
This whole entire debacle boils down to lines being obfuscated because the narrative was challenged. Because enough of the country ceased buying the lines.
Why do you think there's so much traffic here now?
It's all ripples off of other ripples, user.
Joseph Morris
traffic here now because the intel agencies, namely the FBI, drove it here by controlling and popularizing anonymous, using it for their own purposes. people like you have fallen into the propaganda. theres so much going around that no one knows what to think. as long as we all know something other than the truth, or the truth is seriously & plausibly questioned, they win
Andrew Allen
Jose Kelly
>people like you have fallen into the propaganda.
I've done no such thing.
>or the truth is seriously & plausibly questioned
If truth denies serious and plausible questions, it is not truth.
Kayden Martin
Jaxon Parker
every single thing you've said is exactly what the kgb primped you to say.
Kevin Bell
Nah, just co-opted their strategies.
Am I doing well?
Jacob Mitchell
no u
Christopher Allen
85% of putins gov is jewish. jewish oligarchs have all their money in their banks. look at what happened in Cyprus. if globalists were not in bed with Russians, why didn't any of them lose money? how did they get out so early? derp, you suck putins globalist dick & don't even know it
Cooper Parker
10/10 my sides
Anthony Miller
source, faggot
Andrew Jones
let me google that for you
Nicholas Rogers
>makes bullshit claims >doesn't back it up great job
>fails again to provide source F A G G O T A G G O T
Nolan Bailey
Dumb libcuck. When people lack solid information, when chaos abounds, people fall back on local and primal relationships--friends and neighbors. The strategy you propose would not actually work. It's true, spreading misinformation is an important strategy of warfare, but only so much as it sows distrust among the basic community bonds. So ask yourself, who is spreading dissent? Who is trying to pit neighbor against neighbor? It's not Trump or, as you like to believe, the Russians. It's the left. They have you thinking everybody is a fascist or a Russian, which is a different kind of fascist now? They have you thinking you are surrounded on all sides by people who immediately threaten your life and livelihood, and that these agents could even be people you love. They have you disassociating with friends and family who disagree with you. It is easiest to judge actions by their fruit. When we look at the symptoms, which side shows the signs of psyops and propaganda? It's the left. You only trust 'official' news. You believe anonymous sources about intent, when the law doesn't really care about intent. You rely on other 'official' people to do your fact checking for you. You are perpetually under the strain of cognitive dissonance. You are angry about things you never cared about before. You've never actually personally encountered any of these problems, or seen any first-hand reporting, but are convinced they are of monumental significance. You have never bothered to pay attention to any of these names or rules before, but now you do. And its people with a vested interest in the outcome coming to you with this information as though they cared about your safety. But if they cared, why did they not come to you before? Since when did you trust John McCain about anything? Since when did you trust anyone connected to Mitt Romeny? Since when did you turn to Al Franken as a source to legal and ethical intricacies? When did you begin to care?
Wyatt Phillips
this is the worst type of trolling. crying about a source. just engage the argument. before checking the source prepare yourself. say it were true, would you have a counter?