What does Sup Forums think of jonestown? A tragedy or [insert conspiracy theory here]?

what does Sup Forums think of jonestown? A tragedy or [insert conspiracy theory here]?

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Its fucking crazy, but nothing of value was lost.

A bunch of brainwashed retards drank cyanide laced Kool-aid.

dead niggers & hippies from San Francisco, no great loss

Liberal/socialist here. I don't even care about these fucking morons so I don't expect anyone else here would.

Looks to me like they took the red pill.


It was communism

''tragedy'' please!!

Can someone explain what happened? I was born in 99

very sad, but righteous, they didn't want their children to live in a hell, so they took them with them painlessly.

almost NOBODY today has the balls to do that, they all have some pathetic excuse.

>bunch of commie nigger cultists kill themselves

I don't know how you could find that a tradgedy.

Only conspiracy is not talking about jim jones and his political connections

Hardly a tragedy, more like the greatest mass-Darwin Award in history.

Darwinism at work.

Well it is a possibility that most people just thought it was another drill, once people started dropping not everyone went willingly.

There are some unusual connections between jim jones and the CIA. There were a lot of operatives in Guyana surrounding the events. Are we meant to believe that during the heyday of mind control experiments that one maniac preacher managed to perfect the method of controlling masses of people? Not to mention his connections with the Process Church, which is a spin off of LaVeyan Satanism when it boils down. Interesting enough Jim Jones donated a large chunk of money to fund Nancy Pelosis initial run in politics.

Or just communism. That too. Communism operated by a bunch of drugged up white people tooling around in the heads of room temp IQ destitute blacks from the inner city. Fun times.

What about the people in the woods who got shot to pieces?

Jim Jones took 900 of his church/cult followers from the US to live in a remote jungle camp in South America. Then when people wanted to leave and the US started investigating, he and his inner circle made the whole group commit suicide by drinking poisoned koolaid.

He had dumbass Christians calling him daddy.

>shits creepy yo

Anudah Shoah...

Kim Jones starts church. Makes some good money. Espouses egalitarianism. Has contact with Soviets in the height of the cold war. Fucks most of the men and women in his inner circle. Church gets all apocalypse wacko, moves to guyana, Jones claims CIA is tracking them and wants them all dead. Suicide drills. Real suicide. Killed a senator and some reporters.


>A bunch of brainwashed retards drank cyanide laced Kool-aid.
Leafs don't know about muh Flavor-Aid.

No, it was the purple drank pill. I unironically think this was a good thing that happened though, you'd have to be a real rural and suburban retard to have been taken in by that cuck and convinced to drink poison after he lost his shit and shot governmental agents. The weak of mind should also perish.


This photo is beautiful

It's my way, my way or the koolaid

Alex Jones town u gotta drink the filtered water and apologize for pizzagate.

If you didn't know people actually brought and sent their kids to this place.

This and Heaven's Gate are perfect examples of the dangers of cults and following questionable leaders in general. It's scary because gullible people could end up in the same situations.

Does nobody also remember the fact that a congressman was killed too? come on Sup Forums

saved, great post

Hey I said senator. The book "Raven" bio of Jim Jones is an excellent read. Written by one of the reporters shot on the runway with the Congressbro.

Anyone ever listened to that final tape recording? That's some bone chilling shit.

>No link

Fucking newfags REEEEE

also heavensgate.com is still running

looking at it now knowing what has happened is pretty eerie.

Jim Jones did nothing wrong.

Oh fine. I'll spoonfeed you, Sven.



Jim Jones and followers where trying to uncover the truth about some conspiracy theories (aliens, flat earth, etc). tldr is, they got kicked out of USA for being crazy and moved south.
Apparently, some time later were found dead (OPs pic) by a local police helicopter, who was tipped off after the neighboring town reported their disappearance.
Story goes, some people survived and supposedly escaped with their newest research material - what is now known as "pancreas denial theory" - and have been voicing their findings on numerous media.
Still conflicting opinions on who killed the other members and why...