Sheboon attacks white man and his car with a hammer after becoming enraged by "fancy white people" at a gas station.

"attacks man, Porsche with hammer: cops

Print Email Jeff Goldman | NJ Advance Media for By Jeff Goldman | NJ Advance Media for
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on April 04, 2017 at 8:56 AM, updated April 04, 2017 at 11:46 AM

A Newark woman enraged by "fancy white people" is being sought for allegedly attacking a man with a hammer and smashing his Porsche and boat at a gas station in what Virginia police described as a racially-motivated attack Saturday."

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He must've relaxed.

I may have been born poor white trash, but fancy was my name


fancy privilege checked

why is it a "bias attack" and not a hate crime?

as a white man in the hood, this is no joke

>Virginia police


Let's hope he is a lefty.

They're like wild dogs, you never know what will set one of these nigger animals off

so why didn't he just shoot her? that's what americans do, right?

or a cuckservative. any anti-racist, basically.

>Not being able to fend off a woman with a hammer

Dude must be a kike or a wimpy liberal or both.

Fuck that faggot and his ill-gotten material wealth. I'm glad he got his shit smashed.

>bias attack

>his ill-gotten material wealth
fuck off millennial neet

>>Not being able to fend off a woman with a hammer

I would have double-tapped her.

Even standard sheboons have retard-strength without weapons

sheboons are a deadly force, user. do not underestimate those jungle monkeys.

>Liberal LARPing as a stormfag

Growing up a poor spic in jersey has bred in me a deep hate for black people. Try to talk to them? They just use what you say to make fun of you. Try to hang out with them, they'll throw you under a bus for brownie points with their friends. Invite them over to hang out, they'll just steal your pokemon cards, yugioh cards and video games. I've spoken to many spanish and they too, hate black people. There's even a 2nd gen mulatto at work, that hates black people, ironically enough. Fuck black people, you cannot reason with them.

Black people are a few chimp out away from getting the rope. You can only with stand so much of their bullshit.

>white man with fancy car in Newark
Asked for it. New Jerseyan here.

I know it's wrong, but I enjoy watching Baby Boomers that have been so comfortable for so many years have diversity bite them in their overpaid asses. I wonder if he tried standing up straight and giving her a firm handshake?

Have you not seen what chimpanzees can do to people

This one even had a hammer

Not guys who wear cuck glasses, drive porches, and have summer homes in Florida. They use their money to insulate themselves from the negro, which is normally successful.

Oh, how the turn tables.

you know if the white man did defend himself it would of instantly changed the narrative to "white nazi trump supporter attacks innocent church-going black lady"

you're an idiot, pal.

They were at a gas station along I-95 in Virginia. The negress just happens to be from Newark.

The fool probably got out of his car to pump his own gas.

what is not relaxing?

Oh. I'm still not surprised


good thing the niggers in MA are more or less civilized

what a culture shock. go to new jersey and get NIGGED

on the plus side, one less SJW masshole

>sheeboon tries to ape you with a hammer
>kick her down like a door
>get charged for killing her unborn child

not in new jersey they cant
niggers are a protected species

He's still a man and she's a woman.

If a woman attacked me with a hammer I would pry it from her fingers and be all, "Excuse me? What were you attempting to do?"

If I couldn't do that, well, I would just fuck her up.

This dude is a huge pussy. Likely a kike, I see a big ass pointy nose in his picture. Vising Florida? Come on, total kike. Fucking Jerry Seinfeld shit.

That red circle sure was helpful, wouldn't have seen him knock out that guy otherwise.

The guy uses a porsche suv to pull a boat so maybe there is a chamce she dindu nutn

>that one gif of a fat mammy throwing a folding table and then catching chairs thrown at her one handed

Me neither. Newark nigs are some of the worst. I grew up in Maplewood, and in the early 90s we nearly put up a wall along our border with Newark to keep them out. Unfortunately, it caused some statewide outrage, so the plan was scrapped.

>being fancy
>not carrying a gun
>being fancy AND not carrying a gun
I seriously hope you dudes don't do this
just sayin'

When people talk about privilege, what do they mean? Are they mad that a working family, built up their credit, worked hard and saved money without needlessly spending it, then provided for their children so that they could be more successful in life?

Is that the privilege the "white" people receive that others are made about?

Whoa we got a certified badass over here. Thank God for your advice.

She got him from behind probably as women tend to do. Unless he really is a major puss and ran away from a woman with a hammer she can barely lift

hold up lemme print off a badass certificate for this guy


>uses porsche to tow boat

ida hit him too

>By Jeff Goldman

Don't keep him waiting, his time is valuable!

>Shooting in a gas station

Fucking retards

Ayy Lmao. White cucks need this.

he probably voted hillary and is blaming white racist for making her angry.

when nogs beatup trump supporters they do in large groups. since he got taken out by a woman and a single nog he's a liberal

>watching too many movies

Fucking retard

Where's the outrage about this being a hate crime against whites?

He has wounds on his face.

Dude got bitched.

I really find it hard to sympathize with this motherfucker.

Probably a huge kike who fucks people out of money.

it's here, this is about as far as it goes.
Unless he was a women, tranny, or gay this wont get that much attention

this is the one you use on your anus. it's not tissues. those are what you blow your nose with.

now go optimize my database

Let's try and get this story onto the mainstream

Only like, 3 outlets have covered this

Probably the biggest reason I fail to sympathize with this guy is that he failed to protect his wife. He let her get spat on by the woman.

He's a failure as a man. No doubt his material wealth is due from family connections and Jewish nepotism. He's probably a kike because Florida is full of old retired Jews. He was probably visiting his family there.

Dare I say it, I'm on the black woman's side.

blacks have made their intentions clear. repeatedly. have told everyone else openly and to their faces times and times again.

you're a retarded fucking idiot if you trust them or trust that they won't harm you in their presence.

the only thing you can really do is avoid them. and if you don't avoid them you're clearly asking for it.

only way to mainstream this is spinning the news in defense of the attacker

See, in the 90's, when I lived in St. Louis and would travel to the east side of the city where the cops won't even go, niggers would constantly either be begging for beer $ or attempt rob people. I know TV tells nigs that they are all geniuses and super tuff guys but it's all an act and all 4 times in the 90's, EVERY time I or a friend would fire a warning shot into the air the niggers scatter no matter how bullet proof MTV tells them they all are. So a lot of us WILL fight back, especially us Irish-Americans where fighting is like breathing to us anyway. I wish someone with the brain power would secretly make an anti-nigger bioweapon and maybe sell it on the darknet.

This is what gets to me. Libshits think that when whites are gone or a minority that the races that are minorities now will all live in happy funland but it turns out spics and blacks hate each other more than whites hate any of them

This war is lost anyway

someone tweet this to trump
>letting yourself get beaten with a hammer because you're too afraid of magic fireballs

>be me
>be on campus in the middle of a big city late at night
>chimpanzee approaches me
>'gimme yo backpack' as he pulls a knife
>take backpack slowly off my shoulders but as it leaves my shoulders i begin to swing it with full force at the sub-human's head
>backpack full of textbooks makes contact, monkey hits the ground hard
>pull out my pocket knife with a 1.5 inch blade and in a moment of rage and fear, plunge it into his stomach
>get off of nigger, kick him in the head a few good times
>walk off
>no idea whatever happened to 'him'
Around blacks...never relax.

probably depends on the boomer, when i was a kid i saw my uncle beat the crap out of somebody for not apologizing for scratching his car.

cayenne's are pretty good SUVs, it is a toureg/q7.

>anti nigger bioweapon
So a cannon that launches fried chicken to distract them?
That shouldnt be too hard.
If fried chicken isnt around, try some malt liquor or maybe a grape soda fountain

what happened??

t. fag who has never shot a gun...
It's not Hollywood and it doesn't shoot napalm

>owns a Porsche and a boat
>doesn't ccw an AK pistol under his coat for just this sort of opportunity
Why even slave your life away becoming rich to not actually be free?

can we start rounding up these boons yet?

Race war when?

>the hammer broke

>black attacks white person, it's a bias attack.
>white attacks black person, it's a hate crime.
What the ever loving fuck is going on in our country?

This. You never relax... not even when they are on your turf.

unless this was 20 years ago, most campuses have camras and you would of done jail time for hate crime, im calling bull shit

Gas is surprisingly non-flammable. Despite what you see in movies, unless you're firing incendiary rounds, you're very unlikely to start a gasoline fire with bullets.

His name was Bob.

you can't commit hate against whites you fucking white male.


I used to flick my cigarettes into a cup of gas, it never lit, even when it hits the side and embers fly off into it.

It was like throwing it into water.

From the comments and another video; the guy with the ak was a registered gun owner and was firing in self defense. Police let him go without charges. Other dude be ded.

>Anti Nigger Weapon

What do you think Tesla's end game was?

I was going to make fun of you for
> I would pry it from her fingers and be all, "Excuse me? What were you attempting to do?"

> Vising Florida? Come on, total kike. Fucking Jerry Seinfeld shit.

Was pretty kek

I treat any and all black people within 30 meters of me as potential threats. My caution level turns red and situational awareness shoots up.

Black Lives Matter tells me this is because I'm racist, but I'm only trying to preserve myself and I base this upon the fact that blacks are inherently more prone to random attacks on whites than any other race. This is a verifiable fact based on countless statistics; it's empiricism, not opinion.

I hate living in a society where being careful is being racist.

it's like getting teamkilled in world of tanks for being a stet pedder.

A Boon with a hammer has been dispatched to your location.


No fucking way

>implying women can't sometimes get a luck blow

Also you underestimate the power some women have, and it doesn't take much for a hammer to hurt.

> When people talk about privilege, what do they mean?
That you are not an un planned product of rape that no one cares about but everyone has to deal with because of the demented sense of mainfest destiny drip fed into unrefromable shit holes that keep the middle class busy.

Why don't African Americans have the sense of honor and social duty that keep numbers down in places like Japan. You know when they jump in front of bullet trains, on a spiritual level, it is more of a sacrafice to the gods overlooking a concientious society. They are demanding a higher state of being.

>owning a Porsche and a boat
>not carrying a firearm


The Boons are comin'

Most of US don't carry guns.
I never have, it's a hassle
Liberals are afraid of them.

>May Issue State

My guess is most Jersey fags are unarmed.


It's just logical to be cautious around wild animals

>Nothing Personnel, ma'am

>be american
>get attacked by woman with weapon
>defend yourself
>go to jail
>many such cases

White liberals being victims everyday HAHAHAHAHAHA