What did she mean by this? Who exactly is Jewing who here?

What did she mean by this? Who exactly is Jewing who here?

Other urls found in this thread:


shes a snakesoil merchant, like alex jones,kikebart and jewbelmedia

white american women love the bbc.

Adios White Heritage!

looks like they both sold their souls long ago

>white american women love the bbc.

False by a landslide.

t.cuck in denial

who cares. Derbshirye married, and had kids with, an asian woman. Coulter will never have kids, IDGAF who she dates. She's done a lot of good work telling people about the dangers of immigration. She's a good stepping stone towards people like Richard Spencer and Jared Taylor

It's a general statement but no other white women racemix as much as americans.
>muh sweden yes
60% cunt

>Richard Spencer and Jared Taylor

She's always been a hypocrite cunt, she was getting her manclit licked by that republican poo in loo a while ago

Fuck off.

>assuming I am a guy
>now thinking I am LARping as a girl
>Tits or GTFO

this desu

>alt lite

there are better role models

So I guess niggers like traps too?


das rite


Your tv shows and radio promote degenerate gangster culture and race mixing. You will never recover from it. In 100 years every American will have brown skin..

Even racist white women can't resist the BBC

Spencer is a homo and Jared Taylor thinks Jews are white

Typical American things.

She likes it black

lol, that's more true for you cucks than it is for us... white people still hate niggers here



>Spencer is a homo

married and has a kid

>Jared Taylor thinks Jews are white


your women are far more likely to racemix than ours, it's still viewed as shameful here


Black Mail...

No, you are wrong. Over here its the lower class white dregs of society that have relations with negroid and muslims. In America it's every white women, lower class,middle class and rich all partake in degeneracy.

Some Jews are white.


At this point, I could care less if he has a coal burning fetish. She's in her mid 50s, unmarried with no kids.

Better than Jared Taylor?

And yet she's one of your most prominent conservative voices for white America.

das rite. you should have a sniff of gavin mccucknis bum.

>Some Jews are white.
So Jews are responsible for lampshading themselves then? Remember the 6 billion.



Black Men are ripped, muscular SEX GODS who sweat pheromones like waterfalls and make white women ovulate within a 1000 miles radius of them. They possess the ultimate weapon of conquest, which can claim even entire races without a single bullet having to be fired - the BBC!

When white bois see a Black Man coming, they naturaly lower their gaze to the ground in submission, knowing full-well how completely and utterly powerless, pathetic, meek, mentaly ill wrecks they are in comparison to a Black GOD.

No matter how much you autistic cuckolds here on Sup Forums bitch and moan, natural selection already dictates that whites get weeded out of existence by more evolutionary fit Africans!

>Ann Coulter is getting her tranny boipussy JIMPACTED™ right now

Why is she so hot?

ayyyyyy kek

In what reality is Spencer a non-nationalist?

Jared "Jews are Men of the West" Taylor is old and senile.

at least she's not going to have kids with him

Lauren got blacked too lmao

Must suck to be a white boi, even the white women you bois claim are loyal are all dating black guys.


Damn my image of her has just been btfo

>hapa girl seems a likable
>brother seems to have gone through the same shit as the supreme gentleman and ready to snap

Is that Low Tier God?

You have to understand where Ann started.

See, she once was a super powerful Litch named Skeletor who battled a mighty Aryan warrior named He Man. He Man kicked Skeletors butt so hard that he came back to life and had a sex change operation so he could still shill for evil schemes without being detected.

And that anons, is why Jews hate whites and want them to mix race.

We're in the same boat. Muslims have taken your largest and most historic city already. We're a preview of what's awaiting Europe.

> In America it's every white women, lower class,middle class and rich all partake in degeneracy.

You've clearly never been to America or at least not any state other than CA & NY

Even look up interracial relationship statistics...

Irrelevant. She's Blacking white America with her nigger-loving.

Black men are usually taller, more confident, women know they have bigger dicks. And they're more masculine. No girl wants some pale feminine white boy, especially a blonde white boy. I'm gay but I have convinced many of my girlfriends that they should try a black guy, because I'm with one now and it's the best sex ever.A lot of women i know usually keep a black guy on the side. I'm gay so we do girl talk. It's 2017, and white boys are at home playing video games and not making an effort to start relationships. Black men are the definition of confidence, masculinity, and pleasure. White women won't and don't miss you.

Miscegenation aside, what on Earth could she see in that man? He looks like a burlap sack that's been left in the back of the shed after several days in the rain.

Do you know how I got these scars?


All celebrities are kikes and trash, STOP giving money to kike industries stop glorifying filthy subhuman actors and kikes

Who the fuck keeps pushing these compromised assholes

Picture dates from 2006
Confdence level = low


Race war retards won't do anything stupid aggressive retards won't do anything and will never have any say over a large population, what can happen are communities embargo all Hollywood and kike shit, make them subsidize their propaganda not profit off it, also you can get entertainment from life and kids not kike vision

What do you mean by compromised? I`ve listened to a few things from Jared and he seems sensible. I find the alt-right is somewhat of a shitfest too in terms of direction.

white boys got animosity against black guys cause our dicks are bigger than theirs. these are the guys that are jealous because they dont possess BBC. they dont possess that god gene thats involved in these black men out here. keep getting jealous. keep getting jealous while your wife asks for cuckolds. while your girlfriend asks for cuckolds. and wish that they can get fucked by these african warriors with these huge BBCs that can pipe em down to the point where they can feel each and every last spectacle of their pussy gettin vibrated and thrusted until the orgasm just spews out. keep saying nigger. keep saying black. you cuckolds. you LOVE it. you LOVE this shit. ill be that monkey. ill be that monkey with the BBC. enjoy it. have your woman take this dick. shes imagining a huge black cock. why do you think your women buy huge dildos? because you dont possess the BBC gene! thats why youre upset. no BBC = anger. youre upset. youre mad at these african cocks. these rhino dicks. thats why you guys like saying nigger so much. i get it.

>Race war retards

Diversity creates conflict.

do you really think she's capable of producing children anymore or did you miss biology 101

Good but aggressive people painting themselves as evil aggressors are retards

I can smell fake news from another planet.

I haven't given a dime to kikes in ages.

nigga looks like an overfried sausage

Google it. You'll see that the source is an old Jew named Norman Lear. Probably isn't even true.

Well yes, its been proven to not have any positive effect. More often than not it will just make the "minorities" seem like victims.

that is one ugly coon

Whos the lone star cowboy in the back there

Patrick Bateman.

>"Let me tell you about the people of a country that has 50 states which none of them i've actually been to."
Never change Sup Forums

He looks diseased

The majority of people of every race in america don't race mix. And when they do its most of the time with white men. Stop projecting your weird fetish on a nation you've never been to and a people you've never met.
>"le das only marriage"
Look at fuck apps like tinder. I'm not wrong.

>Over here its the lower class white dregs of society that have relations with negroid and muslims
Top fucking kek, m8!

If you're gonna racemix it should be a good blend.

Considering he's black as night with serious Dindu features and she is rail skinny and white as drywall, they could have some kids that compensate for each others deficiencies.

Just sayin...

The rot starts from the head.

Also that Swedish royalty descending from BR.

>If you're gonna racemix it should be a good blend.
>good blend

What the fuck are you on about? People aren`t cocktails.

Also it doesn`t work that way, Ameridumb.

She used to fuck Bill Maher. Arguably, it's a step up.

Total lie.


Most of them already do, the US is pretty far south by European standards, still white though.

No surprise, white women love BBC


Dutch nobility pale women getting knocked up by an african slave. Typical


One day you will forget what happened here, but won't be able to get the taste of my dick out of your mouth

The shills are learning...

Larry Elders is cool for a black dude though.

Here, have a (you).

Ann Coulter is too old to have children and thus irrelevant in the sexual marketplace, but still, mudsharking sets a bad example for young Hwhite women.

>Hol' up

>Soooo you be say'n


>Black men are the definition of confidence

Overcompensating behavior for low self-esteem is not confidence.

Its the Boondocks episode
[embed] youtube.com/watch?v=1seThIG34R8 [/embed]

say it again, shill

Walker holds extremely conservative political views and once famously proclaimed that he didn't vote for Barack Obama in the 2008 presidential election and wouldn't be voting for him in the 2012 election, either.
>snakeoil huh?

Why are all our girls coalburners???