Brit/pol/ - Shit Flinging Gibaltar Monkeys edition

Today’s Articles

>EU ULTIMATUM: Brussels tells Poland & Hungary to 'accept more migrants or LEAVE the bloc'

>May to raise 'hard issues' with Saudi Arabia, stand up for UK interests

>Jeremy Corbyn says Tories 'running down country'

> No signed 'future' Brexit deal within two years, says Theresa May

> Brexit’s Biggest Loser May Actually Be Poland

> London Must Lose ‘Euro Business’ After Brexit, EU’s Weber Says

> Brexit committee warns of impact of no deal being reached

> The surprising snack the Queen NEVER travels without

>Anglo-Portuguese Alliance

Other urls found in this thread:


First for our boys in blue

If you lads want to see some justice I'm going to be streaming road wars in about 5 minutes

go to cytu be /r/ britfeelwatchesroadwars


>No thread theme

Post /ourguy/s greatest moments.

First for Time on Our Hands

Just watched this for the first time after a week long binge of OFAH.
I'm not gonna watch the final trilogy because I know this ending will be ruined for me.
In my mind this is how the show finished.

But he managed to copy in the Anglo-Portugese link from two threads ago.

I like the time he got us all lunch from Greggs.

First for Anglo-Japanese union

Fucking hell. Even while I was making an addon for Sup Forums and had to test post I still managed to actually say something of value.

I liked it best when he got home and come on Sup Forums to tell us all he'd been racist down at Greggs.



what would happen if i applied to be the prime ministers boy toy

do u think she already has one haha

Hey, just an American popping in to say hi.

that was a great night

She has one indeed, it's me.

Everything afterwards never happened... that's how I try to spin it anyway


Excuse me.

Why are so many happenings related to Greggs lads? Is there something in the pies?

>check the 3 closest churches to me



>Redeemed Christian Church of God

Literally the most nigger denomination

>United Reformed Church

The Leftytards of the Christian world:


Ahh, bless him. I see he FINALLY managed to find a seat

I-is it m-me you're l-looking for?


They exude an air of racism to all who walk inside

Start your own church.

>not going to mosque

Thought you'd appreciate this. A Slav tried to cause bantz between the UK and Ireland but thread ended up in mutual appreciation and talks of reunification.


Pastries for Paedos



Bloody spiffing chap.

Nigger churches are hilarious. Round my way they have pop up churches with 'God's General' or 'The Apostle Shaniqua' and after a couple of months the most reverend healing apostles do a runner with the collections. Suckers.

Jeremy Corbyn seems like such an insufferable twat.



word, awful bloke to go for a drink with. generally an unlikable twat

>Literally the most nigger denomination
m8 you havent seen anything yet

it is kinda sad only blacks and poles are religious now

>bible-bashing teen currently talking to Nige - "Christianity is DEAD"
Which one of you is it?

>this will never happen

There's a beautiful C of E one a bit further away than these 3. But it has a female vicar...

And a Catholic one a bit further than that, which is probably the least cucky one out the lot. Wouldn't be surprised if it was 99% Poles and Irish though judging by my town. Ghastly thought.

>chopping off parts of your body


>cultural marxism mentioned again

tunnocks teacakes desu

Falklands and Gibraltar should be given back to Argentina and Morocco desu.

I know right, pretty amazing.

Kek'd and check'

Aye, especially when he wears a cabbie hat. Makes him verrrry punchable.

That 'El Bethel Congregational Chapel of Christ the King of Heaven Ministries of God' bullshit isn't proper religion though.


And you should be given back to the Islamic State. Fucking French rotter.

As a Londoner I can confirm all the Christian churches are full of nogs

Yes you are correct. Gibraltar is clearly argentine clay. Corsica should go back to it's rightful guyanese owners as well though to be fair.

How long before there's an iraq-esque peace march in London saying no to war in Gibraltar?



Right after Spain hands back Ceuta and Melilla

Giving Gibraltar to Morocco would be pretty funny desu. Bit harsh on the Gibraltarians though.


Nah even the Londoners are up for it.

Yeah they should give ceuta and melilla back to brazil you are correct.


Good choice. The other episodes are pretty good, but leaving it there is sensible.

It is dead. What atheists haven't realized is that Islam will replace it.

>Least cucky



Atheists are too cowardly to attack Shitslam, Christianity is an easy target, Christians won't cut your head off if you insult them. Muslims will if you even breath, facing the wrong direction to mecca.

>No man or woman can escape the responsibility which the knowledge given in this pamphlet forces upon them. The tasks cannot be left to future generations, because every generation will be more Judaized then the one before it. The great Jew-wise reformer, William Cobbett thus addressed the nobility of his day (about 1827) in his letter to the Nobility of England: "You feel * * * that you are not the men your grandfathers were; but your have come into your present state by slow degrees, and therefore you cannot tell, even to yourselves, not only how the change has come about, but you cannot tell what sort of change it really is. However * * * when you reflect that your grandfathers would as soon have thought of dining with a chimney sweep than dining with a Jew or with any huckstering reptile who has amassed money by watching the turn of the market; that those grandfathers would have thought it no dishonor at all to sit at table with farmers, or even with laborers, that they would have shunned the usurious tribe of loan jobbers, and other notorious changers of money as they would have shunned the whirlwind or the pestilence.
Essential Reading


You're not wrong, but judging by the callers plenty of people have finally twigged that we still need Christian shite as a barricade to the pakis

Learn to read, thanks

Who /EuropeanFederalist/ here?


>And a Catholic one a bit further than that, which is probably the least cucky one out the lot.

>Implying that Catholicism is less cucky than allowing a woman to read the bible to people


Digits confirm.

You have to learn to read link.

>Sikhs are bas-

Based yids

Though that's only because they're thinking of the shekels.

You keep posting this, so I made a proper flag for you.

>forgetting flag

its more of a bavarian thing as they saw pan-germanism as prussian expansionism

Now ask those religions about their views on faggots

>Implying that Catholicism is less cucky than allowing a woman to read the bible to people

Not implying. Outright saying it

The idea of female religious leaders is as much of a joke as the idea of male nuns

Damn why did Nige cut him off?

Did you watch the special episode that was filmed purely to be screened to kids in schools to educate them on oil rigs?

>Buddhist are proportionally the second largest group of UKIP supporters.


>Confused memelords

>when someone uses you oc


Most Jews voted Brexit.

All Jewish publications were anti-Brexit.



>male nuns
AKA 'monks'


Songs for you to learn and sing to yourself as the cucks are quick to remind us all St. George was Assyrian.

To them, I say, "Bollocks to you all" and sing even louder.

>I vow to thee, my country:

>Land of Hope and Glory:

>Rule, Britannia! (Not English alone, but still):

>God save the Queen:

Enough pixels there m8?

>Implying the Pope isn't one of the most cucked men on the planet
>Implying Catholics don't worship Mary instead of Jesus

Nice source there, dipshit

>he thinks monks are the same as nuns

Yea, keep quiet, idiot.

Evangelism is fucking nigger-yankee cancer for it's own reasons. Ahmed hates queers too.

There's only song we need to know on this special day; the intro song to Eastenders.

Because the Archbishop of Faggotry is so much better! Openly homosexual and female vicars? Fine by him! More the merrier!

>Implying Catholics don't worship Mary instead of Jesus

Educate yourself

A reminder that lyrics were added to the theme tune a few years after the show started and it was released as a single.

Thinking about taking a Norwegian class lads.

About time I learned a second language.

Even if the Pope was based or right-wing, it's an illegitimate office. Well, the office is legitimate, but the claim of Papal supremacy is illegitimate.

So you've lost the argument at this point, right?

If 'stenders was realistic it would be entirely in bengali and the theme tune would be played on a sitar.

>Christian shite


Don't start your (((pagan))) drivel cunt